Effectiveness of Emesis Self-Assessment Education E-Book on Handling Emesis Gravidarum in Pregnant Women


  • Sri Handayani Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 1, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Isroni Astuti Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 1, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Vini Yuliani Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 1, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Mugiati Mugiati Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 1, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Jusuf Kristianto Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 1, Jakarta, Indonesia




Emesis Gravidarum, E-book, self-assessment emesis


Pregnancy is a condition that causes physical and psychosocial changes in a woman due to the growth and development of her reproductive organs and fetus. Many factors influence pregnancy from the inside as well as from the outside that can cause problems, especially for the first time pregnant. According to Anwar, doctors at Bunda Jakarta Hospital around 50-70% of pregnant women experience and it is said that it is normal to experience it at 8-12 weeks of pregnancy and gradually decrease until it finally stops at 16 weeks of pregnancy. However, not a few pregnant women who still experience nausea-vomiting until the third trimester of complaints of nausea-vomiting are said to be severe if they always vomit every time they drink or eat. Emesis gravidarum will turn into hyperemesis gravidarum if it is not handled properly and causes disruption of daily activities and can even endanger the lives of pregnant women. In an all-digital era like today, we can take advantage of digital / electronic media (E-book) to provide information by reading books more efficiently anytime and anywhere, E-books can also be useful as a more efficient and effective information media. From the results of the study, there was a difference in the average emesis gravidarum score in the case group with a score of 5.33 with a standard deviation of 1.67, and the control group with a score of 7.70 with a standard deviation of 1.34. Emesis Self-Assessment educational e-book can effectively reduce emesis score by 2.32 after being controlled with educational variables and gestational age.


