Efektivitas Tim Penggerak Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga dengan Modul Video dalam Menurunkan Kejadian Hipertensi


  • Nurwahidah Nurwahidah Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mataram
  • Syaiful Syaiful Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mataram, Indonesia
  • A Haris Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mataram, Indonesia
  • Fitrah Fitrah Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mataram, Indonesia
  • Nurul Jannah Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mataram, Indonesia




Pengetahuan, Sikap, Modul, Vidio, Hipertensi


Background: Hypertension is a disorder of the blood vessels that results in oxygen supply and obstruction of nutrients reaching the tissues, causing the heart to work harder to meet the needs. If this condition lasts a long time and persists, symptoms called high blood pressure occur, which are most common in the elderly. So it is necessary to do early prevention by increasing knowledge and attitudes using media and video modules with the involvement of TP PKK.  Method: The research method used was a quasi experiment, namely pre-test and post-test with the control group. Wilcoxone test. This study was to analyze the effectiveness of TP PKK involvement with video and module methods on the knowledge and attitudes of respondents in reducing the incidence of hypertension.  Discussion result: Based on the results of the study, there was a significant increase in knowledge of 0.0001 in measuring knowledge using video. With an average value of 91.50 and an SD value of 6.016. In the control group it was found to be significant at 0.001. With an average value of 78.77 and an SD value of 9.317. Attitude measurement in the video group obtained significant results of 0.0001. With an average value of 36.50 and an SD value of 3.267. Conclusion: Then the attitude of the module group obtained significant results of 0.002. With an average value of 32.13 and an SD value of 5.270. From these results it shows that providing TP PKK involvement with the video method and modules is effective for increasing knowledge and attitudes, but providing with video media is faster to increase knowledge and attitudes in reducing the incidence of hypertension.Background: Hypertension is a disorder of the blood vessels that results in oxygen supply and obstruction of nutrients reaching the tissues, causing the heart to work harder to meet the needs. If this condition lasts a long time and persists, symptoms called high blood pressure occur, which are most common in the elderly. So it is necessary to do early prevention by increasing knowledge and attitudes using media and video modules with the involvement of TP PKK.  Method: The research method used was a quasi experiment, namely pre-test and post-test with the control group. Wilcoxone test. This study was to analyze the effectiveness of TP PKK involvement with video and module methods on the knowledge and attitudes of respondents in reducing the incidence of hypertension.  Discussion result: Based on the results of the study, there was a significant increase in knowledge of 0.0001 in measuring knowledge using video. With an average value of 91.50 and an SD value of 6.016. In the control group it was found to be significant at 0.001. With an average value of 78.77 and an SD value of 9.317. Attitude measurement in the video group obtained significant results of 0.0001. With an average value of 36.50 and an SD value of 3.267. Conclusion: Then the attitude of the module group obtained significant results of 0.002. With an average value of 32.13 and an SD value of 5.270. From these results it shows that providing TP PKK involvement with the video method and modules is effective for increasing knowledge and attitudes, but providing with video media is faster to increase knowledge and attitudes in reducing the incidence of hypertension.


