Perilaku Altruisme Perawat Rawat Inap RS Ananda Bekasi


  • Mahmuddin Mahmuddin Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Rokiyah Kusumapradja Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Idrus Jus’at Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia



konflik keluarga, pekerjaan, burnout, stres kerja, perilaku caring, altruisme


This study aimed to analyze the effect of family-work conflict, burnout and job stress on caring behavior inpatient nurses who are married. The benefits of research to reduce family-work conflict, burnout, job stress and improve nurse caring behaviors of women who are married inpatient Ananda Hospital in Bekasi. Quantitative research methods using multiple linear regression analysis model, data collection techniques using a questionnaire to test data analysis using SPSS 25. The results show that there is a relationship-work family conflict and work stress in a positive and significant. There is a relationship-work family conflict and burnout positively and significantly. There is a relationship family-work conflict and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. There is a relationship of work stress and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. There is a relationship burnout and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. There is the influence of family-work conflict and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. There is the influence of burnout and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. There is an effect of work stress and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. Simultaneously, family-work conflict, burnout and job stress positive and significant impact on the behavior of the nurses caring. There is the influence of burnout and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. There is an effect of work stress and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. Simultaneously, family-work conflict, burnout and job stress positive and significant impact on the behavior of the nurses caring. There is the influence of burnout and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. There is an effect of work stress and nurses caring behavior in a negative and significant. Simultaneously, family-work conflict, burnout and job stress positive and significant impact on the behavior of the nurses caring


