Hubungan Antara Pendapatan dengan Swamedikasi Antibiotik Amoxicillin tanpa Resep Dokter di Desa Cikadut Kabupaten Bandung


  • Alvianti Nuraini Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Al-Ghifari Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Faris Mochamad Naufal Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Al-Ghifari Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia



antibiotik amoxicillin, pendapatan, swamedikasi


Antibiotics are drugs that are widely used in infections caused by bacteria. Many studies have found that there is an inappropriate use of antibiotics around 40-62% for diseases that do not require antibiotics to cure. In research on the quality of use antibiotics in various parts of the hospital found 30% up to 80% is not based on indications (Hadi, 2009). Antibiotics that are often used in the community are amoxicillin antibiotics. If this type of amoxicillin antibiotic is consumed not in accordance with the rules of use or without recommendations from the community (doctors), the risk of resistance will continue to increase. The negative impact is not only on the economy and socially. will also take part in it. The Indonesian population has been doing self-medication (self-medication) for a long time. Based on research, 58.78% of the population uses drugs without a doctor's prescription. Due to the high rate of self-medication, this study aims to determine the relationship between income and self-medication of antibiotics, especially Amoxicillin in Cikadut Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung. This study uses descriptive quantitative research and sampling using non-random sampling technique, namely the type of convenience sampling and purposive sampling involving 100 respondents. The variable studied is the level of community income. The results showed that in Cikadut Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency, there was no influence between income level and the use of amoxicillin antibiotics without a doctor's prescription (self-medication).


