Natalia, Lanny Sunarjo, Masrifan Djamil
Program of Dental and Oral Therapist, Semarang Health Polytechnic, Semarang, Indonesia
nlia6684@gmail.com, upm@poltekkes-smg.ac.id, ifan.mas@gmail.com
Keywords: Behaviour,
OHIS, Pregnant Women, Caries, Augmented Reality. |
ABSTRACT Pregnant women are one of the groups that are susceptible to dental
and oral diseases. This is because during pregnancy there is an increase in
the amount of the hormones estrogen and progesterone
so that the acidity in the mouth increases which can increase the risk of
caries. This condition causes babies to be born with low weight (LBW) and
premature due to lack of nutrition. Thus, to reduce the magnitude of the
incidence of caries in pregnant women, a learning media is needed. The
technology in education that is currently developing is augmented reality. To
produce an augmented reality application model of E-Pregnant as an
appropriate and effective educational media in improving the behaviour of pregnant women towards the prevention of
dental caries and decreasing the OHIS score. The type of research used is
Research and Development and the research design used is Quasy
experiment Pretest-Posttest group design. Variables in this study: Knowledge,
attitudes, actions and OHIS scores were carried out for 21 days by opening
the application 3 times a week and uploading photos 2 times a day. The
research subjects were in 2 groups: 24 interventions using an e-pregnant
caries application and 24 controls using a pocketbook. The Augmented Reality
E-Pregnant Caries model is feasible as a medium for dental caries prevention
education with 90% expert validation results. The results of the unpaired
test stated that the effective application of increasing knowledge
(Δ3.58), attitude (Δ15.63), action (Δ5.75), and also reduced
the OHIS score (Δ0.60) compared to the control group. The Augmented
Reality E-Pregnant Caries model is proven to be feasible as a caries
prevention education media and its application is effective as an effort to
improve caries prevention behaviour and reduce OHIS
scores in pregnant women compared to the control group. |
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Pregnant women are one of the groups that are susceptible to dental and
oral diseases. During pregnancy, there are changes in the oral cavity. However,
many pregnant women underestimate the importance of maintaining healthy teeth
and mouth (Pinanty et al., 2020).
This happens because during pregnancy there is an increase in the amount
of the hormones estrogen and progesterone accompanied
by the habit of pregnant women who are lazy to maintain oral hygiene. teeth,
dental caries and tooth mobility (Sajjan et al., 2015).
According to Riskesdas East Java 2018, dental
and oral problems in Bojonegoro were high (Dan & Di, 2020). Based on data obtained from the Ngumpakdalem
Health Center, Dander District, Bojonegoro
Regency, pregnant women who had their teeth checked at the dental clinic in
2018 were 340 pregnant women and found 297 pregnant women with dental caries.
After being grouped by age because the appropriate age for pregnancy is 20-30
years, it was found that 297 pregnant women and 181 women experienced dental
caries (60.94%) and the remaining 116 experienced other dental and oral
problems (39.05%) (Dan & Di, 2020).
Dental caries is a disease caused by bacteria destroying the hard tissues
of the teeth. Dental caries is chronic and takes a long time to develop, so
most sufferers experience the disease for life (Fatmasari et al., 2019). If left untreated, the disease will result in pain (pain), tooth loss
and infection.
Health development is directed at increasing the knowledge and quality
of the community in maintaining health from an early age. Counselling about the
importance of maintaining dental and oral health is a way of utilizing current
technology to share knowledge to always maintain dental and oral health. In
addition, today's technology is access to information that is so fast and can
be accessed by all circles of society (Bebe et al., 2018).
Information technology is developing so fast that it affects various
existing media. The development of information and communication technology
currently involves the multimedia field because it is effective in conveying
information. The technology in the multimedia field that is currently
developing is augmented reality (Hidayat, 2014).
Augmented Reality which is abbreviated as AR is an application that
combines the real world with the virtual world in two-dimensional and
three-dimensional forms that project in a real environment at the same time.
Augmented reality can provide a variety of important information and users can use
their senses in its application so that users can better understand easily
learn and train.
Researchers will design and test an Android-based application by implementing the AR E-Pregnant Caries application at the Padangsari Health Center. This application contains information on the prevention of dental caries which is intended to make it easier for pregnant women to receive and understand the information contained clearly and can be done independently (Hakim, 2018).
The type of research used is
Research and Development and the research design used is Quasy experiment
Pretest-Posttest group design. Variables in this study: Knowledge, attitudes,
actions and OHIS scores. The study was conducted for 21 days by opening the
application 3 times a week and uploading photos 2 times a day. The research
subjects were in 2 groups: 24 interventions using an e-pregnant caries
application and 24 controls using a pocketbook. Each sample will fill out a
questionnaire sheet containing the sample's data and then the researcher will
conduct an OHIS examination after filling out the questionnaire.
The implementation
of the test "Utilization of Android-Based Augmented Reality as an
Educational Media to Improve Behavior About Caries in Pregnant Women" will
analyze data which is divided into univariate and bivariate data analysis.
Univariate analysis
The model trial in
this study was conducted on 48 pregnant women at the Padangsari
Health Center consisting of 24 pregnant women as the control group and 24
pregnant women as the intervention group. The general description of the
respondents is presented in the following table:
Table 1
Frequency Distribution of Intervention and Control Respondents Characteristics
Variable |
Group |
Group |
P - volue |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Education |
3 |
12,5 |
10 |
41,7 |
O,868* |
10 |
41,7 |
6 |
25,0 |
D3 |
4 |
16,7 |
3 |
12,5 |
S1 |
6 |
25,0 |
5 |
20,5 |
S2 |
1 |
4,2 |
Total |
24 |
100 |
24 |
99,7 |
Age |
Trimester 1 |
3 |
12,5 |
7 |
29,2 |
0,272* |
Trimester 2 |
10 |
41,7 |
7 |
29,2 |
Trimestr 3 |
11 |
45,8 |
10 |
41,7 |
Total |
24 |
100 |
24 |
100 |
Table 1 shows that the results of the
homogeneity test on the education level data obtained a p-value of 0.868
(p>0.05), and then the data is homogeneous. The results of the homogeneity
test at gestational age obtained a p-value of 0.272 (p>0.05), and then the
data was homogeneous.
Bivariate analysis
was used to test the differences between the two variables, in the early stages
of model testing, it was done by testing for normality first and then testing
the effectiveness of paired and unpaired variables.
A normality test
is a test carried out to determine whether the data collected on each variable
is normally distributed or not. This test uses the Shapiro-Wilk method because
the number of samples in this study is less than 50 samples.
Table 2
Normality of Data in the Intervention and Control Group
Variable |
P – volue* Intervention |
Control |
PreTest Knowledge |
0,017 |
0,031 |
Post Test Knowledge |
0,001 |
0,003 |
PreTest Atittude |
0,007 |
0,406 |
Post Test Atittude |
0,001 |
0,054 |
PreTest Atittude |
0,001 |
0,038 |
Post Test Atittude |
0,001 |
0,018 |
PreTest OHIS |
0,233 |
0,257 |
PreTest OHIS |
0,208 |
0,061 |
The results of the
data normality test in Table 1.2 show that pre-post knowledge, pre-post
attitudes, pre-post actions and pre-post OHIS were normally distributed because
p<0.05, while the pre-post control attitude values were not normally
distributed because p >0.05. The existence of data that is not normally
distributed, then the test carried out is a non-parametric test, namely by
using the Wilcoxon test for paired tests and Mann-Whiteney
tests for unpaired tests.
E-Pregnant Caries
Model Effectiveness Test
Table 3
Testing the Effectiveness of Knowledge of Pregnant Women in the Intervention
and Control Group
Table 3 Wilcoxon
test to test the knowledge the results are meaningful. The effectiveness test
of paired data on the knowledge of pregnant women showed that the p-value of
the intervention group was 0.001 (p<0.05), meaning that the augmented
reality of E-Pregnant Caries was effective in increasing the knowledge of
pregnant women. The p-value of knowledge in the control group was 0.001
(p<0.05), meaning that the pocketbook used in the control group was also
effective in increasing the knowledge of pregnant women. The increase in
knowledge in the intervention group between before and after treatment occurred
by 30%. Different things happened in the control group where knowledge
increased only by 17%.
The results of the
unpaired data effectiveness test for the pre-test of the intervention knowledge
variable with a p-value of 0.470 (p>0.05), and a post-test with a p-value of
0.001 (p<0.05), which means the use of the augmented reality model E
-Pregnant Caries is effective in increasing the knowledge of pregnant women.
Judging from the change in the mean value in the intervention group it became
15.42 while in the control group, it became 13.58.
The results of the
effectiveness of the unpaired data test the value of change (Δ) pre-post test with a p-value of 0.007 (p<0.05), which means
there is a significant change in increasing knowledge in the control and
intervention groups with a difference value (Δ) in the intervention group
of 3.58 and 2.04 in the control group.
The knowledge of
pregnant women in this study increased significantly after being treated with
AR E-Pregnant Caries. It can be concluded that AR E-Pregnant Caries increases
the knowledge of pregnant women in the Padangsari
Health Center area.
Table 4
Tests of the Effectiveness of Pregnant Women's Attitudes in the Intervention
and Control Group
Table 4 The
Wilcoxon test shows that the results of the paired data effectiveness test for
the attitude variable of pregnant women with the p-value of the intervention
group are 0.001 (p<0.05), meaning that the augmented reality model of
E-Pregnant Caries is effective in improving the attitudes of pregnant women.
The p-value of the control group's attitude was 0.001 (p<0.05), meaning that
the educational pocketbook used in the control group was also effective in improving
the attitudes of pregnant women. The increase in attitude in the intervention
group between before and after treatment occurred by 43%. Different things
happened in the control group where attitudes increased only by 29%.
The results of the
test of the effectiveness of unpaired data on the attitude variable pre-test
with a p-value of 0.426 (p>0.05) and post-test with a p-value of 0.013
(p<0.05) which means that the use of the augmented reality model of
E-Pregnant Caries is effective in improving maternal attitudes. pregnant.
Judging from the change in the mean value in the intervention group it became
51.38 while in the control group, it became 48.8.
The results of the
unpaired data effectiveness test the value of change (Δ) pre-post test with a p-value of 0.016 (p<0.05) which means
there is a significant change in attitude improvement in the control and
intervention groups with a difference value (Δ) in the intervention group
of 15.63 and the control group of 10.88.
The attitude of
pregnant women in this study increased significantly after being treated with
AR E-Pregnant Caries. It can be concluded that AR E-Pregnant Caries improves
the attitude of pregnant women in the Padangsari
Health Center area.
Table 5
Testing the Effectiveness of Pregnant Women's Actions in the Intervention and
Control Group
Table 5 The
Wilcoxon test shows the results of the paired data effectiveness test for
pregnant women's action variables with the p-value of the intervention group
being 0.001 (p0 <05) meaning that the augmented reality model of E-Pregnant
Caries is effective in increasing the actions of pregnant women. Increased
action in the intervention group between before and after treatment occurred by
53%. Different things happened in the control group where the action increased
only by 41%.
The results of the
unpaired data effectiveness test for the pre-action variable with a p-value of
0.001 (p<0.05) and post-test with a p-value of 0.001 (p<0.05), which
means that the use of the augmented reality model of E-Pregnant Caries is
effective in improving the behaviour of pregnant
women. Judging from the change in the mean value in the intervention group to
16.58 while in the control group to 9.50, which means that the use of
pocketbooks in the control group is also effective in increasing the actions of
pregnant women.
The results of the
effectiveness test of unpaired data in the value of change (Δ) in the
pre-post test showed a significant change in the actions of pregnant women in
the control and intervention groups with a difference value (Δ) in the
intervention group of 2.70 and the control group of 1.78.
The actions of
pregnant women who were the subjects of this study increased significantly
after being treated with AR E-Pregnant Caries. It can be concluded that AR
E-Pregnant Caries increases the action seen from the act of brushing the teeth
of pregnant women in the Padangsari Health Center
Table 6
Tests of the Effectiveness of OHIS for Pregnant Women in the Intervention and
Control Group
Table 6 The
Wilcoxon test shows the results of the paired data effectiveness test of the
OHIS score variable in pregnant women with the p-value of the intervention
group being 0.001 (p0 <05) meaning that the augmented reality E-Pregnant
Caries model is effective in reducing the OHIS score of pregnant women. The
p-value of the OHIS score in the control group was 0.001 (p<0.05), meaning
that the educational pocketbook used in the control group was also effective in
reducing the OHIS score in pregnant women. There was a decrease in the OHIS
score in the intervention group between before and after treatment by 22%.
Different things happened in the control group where OHIS decreased by only
The results of the
unpaired data effectiveness test on the OHIS score variable pre-test with a
p-value of 0.007 (p<0.05) and a post-test p-value of 0.025 (p<0.05),
which means the use of the augmented reality model of E-Pregnant Caries
effective in reducing OHIS scores in pregnant women. Judging from the change in
the mean value in the intervention group it became 2.108 while in the control
group, it became 1.537.
The results of the effectiveness test of
unpaired data in the value of change (Δ) pre-post test
there was a significant change of 0.001 (p<0.05) in the decrease in OHIS
scores in the control and intervention groups with a difference value (Δ)
in the intervention group of 0.60 and in the control group of 0.048.
The OHIS of pregnant women in this study
improved significantly after being treated with AR E-Pregnant Caries. It can be
concluded that AR E-Pregnant Caries reduces the OHIS score of pregnant women in
the Padangsari Health Center area.
The results of
gathering information obtained the conclusion that pregnant women still need
guidance such as education on how to brush their teeth properly and how to
maintain healthy teeth and mouth during pregnancy. During pregnancy, there are
changes in maintaining dental and oral hygiene for the worse. These changes are
usually caused by feelings of nausea, vomiting, feelings of fear when brushing
your teeth due to bleeding of the gums. During pregnancy, it is hoped that
pregnant women can prevent and treat oral and dental health as early as
possible, namely by knowing how to brush their teeth properly and correctly.(Santoso
& Sutomo, 2017)
Maintaining the
oral and dental health of pregnant women depends on their behaviour
because the level of knowledge, attitudes, and actions are predisposing factors
in behaviour. In shaping behaviour,
efforts are needed which are supported by fun, useful and interesting learning
media or counselling which involve pregnant women in dental and oral hygiene,
and dental caries is not directly caused by pregnancy but due to poor dental
and oral hygiene and lack of knowledge about maintenance of dental and oral
& Nuraen, 2020) To realize this, an easy-to-use media is
needed, namely augmented reality E-Pregnant Caries.(Ismau et
al., 2019)
The design of the
model is the result of translating the analysis into a package form and
creating a system and modifying a model, namely augmented reality which is
currently developing in an increasingly sophisticated era, namely technology
used to increase understanding in presenting material to be conveyed to the
target. The development method in this design is in the form of an augmented
reality application E-Pregnant Caries. (Nurrochman
et al., 2019)
The media is
tested on several feasibility assessment indicators from the media and material
aspects. The validation results from several experts indicate that the
E-Pregnant Caries augmented reality model is appropriate for use as an
educational medium for caries prevention in pregnant women (Mutia et
al., 2023). This is considered important in developing
an educational model to assess the feasibility of the theory, concepts developed
and the feasibility of the model itself so that the resulting model can be
useful for its users.(Marwiyah
& Dahlia, 2008)
Based on the
characteristics of pregnant women during pregnancy there are problems of
nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dizziness, and laziness that can cause these
pregnant women to pay less attention to the health of their teeth and mouth it
can harm pregnant women and the development of their fetus. Based on this
problem, it is necessary to provide counselling to pregnant women about oral
health in preventing dental caries
The application of the E-Pregnant Caries
augmented reality model in this intervention group can be used as a promotive
and preventive medium that can be used by pregnant women during pregnancy as a
provision in increasing knowledge, attitudes and actions in preventing caries
during pregnancy. Pregnant women receive dental and oral health education that
has an attractive appearance and easy-to-understand material so that they can
take preventive measures for dental and oral diseases independently and
The model test in this study was conducted on
48 pregnant women, namely the intervention of 24 pregnant women and 24 pregnant
women as a control. Based on the results of the paired test analysis, it was
shown that both the intervention group and the control group had significant
differences in the knowledge scores before and after being given treatment. The
results of testing the effectiveness of data on paired variables using the
Wilcoxon test found that the p-value in the intervention group experienced an
increase in knowledge with a value (p <0.05), which means that the augmented
reality E-Pregnant Caries model applied to the intervention group was effective
in increasing knowledge in preventing the occurrence caries in pregnant women.
As well as in the
control group which was given treatment in the form of pocketbooks also
increased but experienced a slight increase in knowledge compared to the
intervention group whose value was known (p <0.05). The success of the
E-Pregnant Caries augmented reality model can also be seen from the results of
the unpaired effectiveness test using the Mann-Whitney knowledge pre-post test in the intervention group with a value (p
<0.05) which proves that the E-Pregnant augmented reality model Caries is
more effective in increasing caries knowledge in pregnant women compared to
using a pocket book about caries which is applied to the control group.
The increase in
attitude occurred in the intervention group because the E-Pregnant Caries
augmented reality model has interactive 3D animated video material as well as
material about dental caries and its prevention which is packaged as
attractively as possible so that users, especially pregnant women, do not get
bored reading the material contained in the developed model.
One of the behavioural components is that the actions of the
respondents have a significant relationship to the condition of oral health and
this also occurs in pregnant women who are experiencing changes both physiologically
and psychologically. Utilization of the media is considered more effective than
just communicating directly without using the media and there is no reciprocal
relationship from the presenter to the respondent and vice versa. The use of
educational media is more effective in changing a person's behaviour
when compared to just two-way communication (Ramadhan et
al., 2017).
The results of the
research regarding the relationship between knowledge and the degree of dental
and oral hygiene showed that for OHIS the bad category mostly came from the
level of bad knowledge, namely before being given education about caries and
the impact of dental and oral hygiene in pregnancy, and for OHIS the good
category mostly came from respondents with knowledge good, namely after being
given education about dental caries and the impact of poor dental health in
pregnancy (Mukhbitin,
The existence of
this condition shows that there is a relationship between knowledge and the degree
of dental and oral hygiene (OHIS) for pregnant women at the Padangsari
Health Center. This is a problem that needs to be addressed considering that
dental and oral hygiene is a very determining factor in the process of
maintaining dental and oral hygiene. This is also in line with research
conducted by Appolonia Leu Obi et al, in 2017
regarding the DMF-T and OHIS indexes for pregnant women, where the worse the
oral hygiene level of pregnant women, the worse the status of the gingiva.(Ismau et
al., 2019)
Based on the results of this study, it can be
concluded that the augmented reality model of E-Pregnant Caries is feasible and
effective to improve caries prevention behaviour in pregnant women, as
evidenced by: The augmented reality model of E-Pregnant is feasible and
effective as an educational medium for improving the behaviour of pregnant
women in preventing dental caries, as evidenced by expert tests, which is 90%
with a very feasible category. The augmented reality E-Pregnant model is
feasible and effective as an educational medium for knowledge, attitudes and
actions as well as decreasing the OHIS score of pregnant women in the
prevention of dental caries.
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Copyright holder: Natalia, Lanny Sunarjo, Masrifan Djamil (2023) |
First publication right: Jurnal Health Sains |
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