Sarah Ainar Rahman, Supriyantoro, Rina Anindita

Program Magister Administrasi Rumah Sakit, Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta,

Jakarta, Indonesia



Leadership Style; Emotion Intelligence; Motivation; Nurses Loyalty.





Employees are human resources, the most important assets to provide excellence to drive the dynamics of an organization or company. Loyal employees can be a valuable asset for the organization because they can help get as much profit as possible. This study aimed to analyze the influence of leadership and Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty with Motivation as an intervening variable on nurses at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital. This research is quantitative, and data collection was carried out using a questionnaire instrument. The number of samples determined is 120 employees. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling. The analytical method using the partial least squares approach - structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS) with the SMART PLS program was used for data analysis. The results of this study are supported by research showing that Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty. This shows that employees' higher work motivation will increase employee loyalty to the organization. The results of this study are also supported. The results showed that leadership style had a positive and significant effect on employee motivation and loyalty, Emotion intelligence had a positive and significant effect on employee motivation and loyalty, and work motivation had a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital.

Info Artikel

Artikel masuk 01 March 2023, Direvisi 14 March 2023, Diterima 24 March 2023



Emotion intelligence is a person's ability to self-regulate and can provide self-motivation. Emotional intelligence has a significant role in doing work and is a characteristic of people with great performance or human qualities (Azeem & Akhtar, 2014). Provide research results that several psychological factors influence a person's Motivation. Emotional intelligence is one of the psychological factors that can affect one's work motivation. Human resources are the most important asset to provide excellence as a driving force for the dynamics of an organization or company. Organizations or even individuals in organizations are increasingly required to improve their performance. One of the factors that affect a person's performance is the factor of work loyalty. The higher a person's work loyalty in carrying out his work, the better his performance will BE. Employee loyalty to the organization can be recognized as an important topic for human resource management issues in companies. Companies compete by using the skills and talents of their employees (H. H. Nguyen et al., 2020). Employee loyalty can be understood as an employee's affective commitment. Affective commitment means the employee's desire to continue the working relationship because of satisfaction with his interests and because this employee has a sense of loyalty and ownership (Omar et al., 2010). Loyal employees can be a valuable asset for the organization because they can help get as much profit as possible. Loyal employees will look after customers correctly and understand what they want (Michlitsch, 2000). Employee loyalty refers to employees who have deep feelings for the company, are willing to grow together with the company, have a sense of responsibility and mission in their work, contribute their intelligence and wisdom to achieve company goals, and fulfill their role in helping the company to achieve its strategic goals (Chen et al., 2022).

Work motivation has an important role for employees and can be one of the supporters of the creation of employee loyalty. High work motivation possessed by employees will make employees happy in carrying out their work and create a desire to work optimally (Changgriawan, 2017). With the delivery of the right Motivation, nurses will be encouraged to do the maximum possible service when carrying out their work, and they will be able to believe that the hospital's success in achieving its goals is a goal that is in line with their own goals. Showing that Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty, this shows that the higher work motivation possessed by employees will increase employee loyalty to the organization.

This is supported by research conducted on 103 employees in the City of Jember. The results showed that Emotion intelligence had a positive and significant effect on Motivation and performance. This means that a better level of Emotion intelligence in employees will encourage high Motivation at work.

In addition to Emotion intelligence and Motivation, leadership plays a significant role in employee loyalty. Several researchers have described that leadership influences individuals to fulfill their obligations and interests. Other researchers have also defined leadership as influencing subordinates to achieve organizational goals, emphasizing relationships between individuals. Based on leadership theory, a leader needs employees to perform the tasks necessary for an organization to achieve the desired goals. In this context, the purpose of leadership is to ensure that the path to achieving these goals is clearly understood by employees, overcome potential barriers in the system, and encourage employees to achieve the goals set (N. T. Nguyen & Hooi, 2020). This is supported by several previous studies, research, and research conducted in Vietnam, and the results show that leadership and job satisfaction significantly affect employee loyalty (Goleman, 2000).

Based on hospital performance data for the measurement year for the 2021 period, the average total performance is only 73.3% and has not met the management target, which is above 85%. Four (4) units with a performance level of 70%, namely Al Wardah Room, Musdalifah Room, Emergency Installation, and Outpatient Installation.

Based on the identification results, the low achievement in several work units may be due to non-compliance in reporting related to patient safety incidents, efforts to prevent the risk of falling not working, the timing of drug administration not according to procedures, and patient education activities not going well. The ER patient acceptance did not meet the standards in the emergency department, and the emergency response time did not go well. In the outpatient unit, fast-track waiting in front of the poly has not met the SOP, and the planning for increasing visits has not been achieved. Identification results, the low achievement in this unit may be due to, among other things, the lack of planning and promotion targets for the segment or target market so that the promotion targets are not directed. There are no regular activities that can improve relationships. With third parties (Insurance & Companies), there is no maximum effort in measuring patient satisfaction.

Based on the results of interviews with hospital HRD, the problem with current employees, in addition to the low achievement in the work unit, is employee loyalty to the organization, which continues to decline. This is reflected in the turnover rate for the last five years, from 2017 to 2021.

The data above shows that the turnover rate at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital for the last five years has increased 5x compared to the turnover rate, which is from 2% to 10.6% in 2021. Based on the results of interviews conducted by HRD on employees who apply for leave or resign, some of the reasons why employees move are lack of Motivation due to career path barriers, the relationship gap between senior and junior employees, the results of interviews with leadership employees are considered to lack inspiration or encouragement to their team, lack of opportunities to innovate, self-development training to be able to work and interact well.

The low work performance and high turnover rate have become a concern for the management of South Sumatra Type C Hospital to try to increase employee loyalty to impact hospital performance. Employee loyalty is not easy to build quickly but can be formed over time. Based on interviews with several resigned conducted by HRD, it was concluded that leadership style and Emotion intelligence have a significant role in employee motivation, affecting employee loyalty to the organization.



This research was conducted to determine the effect of Leadership, Emotional Intelligence on Employee Loyalty, with Motivation as an Intervening Variable. This research is a non-experimental quantitative. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire instrument. The analytical method used is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) partial least squares approach with the Smart-PLS program for data analysis. The number of samples determined is 120 employees. Sempel collection point At South Sumatra Type C Hospital. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. Item measurement uses a Likert scale of point 1 (strongly disagree) to point 5 (strongly agree). Employee loyalty uses six dimensions: obedience to regulations, responsibility to the company/organization, willingness to work together, sense of belonging, interpersonal relationships, and love of work. Motivation uses Mashlow, which consists of 4 dimensions, namely physiological needs, safety needs, The need to love and be loved (belongingness and love needs), the need for self-esteem (self-esteem needs), and the need for self-actualization (self-actualization needs).




Profile of respondents

In this study, as many as 120 nurses at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital have responded and are used for further analysis. The following is the respondent's profile data based on gender, age, education, and length of work which can be seen in Table 3


Table 1. Demographic Profile of Respondents













<25 years



25-34 years



35-44 years



45-50 years



>50 years





High School






Bachelor (S1/S2/S3)



Working Time

< 1 th



> 1-3 th



> 3-5th



> 5 th




Source: Research Data Processing (2022)


Based on gender, as many as 98 women, or 81.67%, while men only 22 people, or 18.33%. Based on age, nurses aged <25 were 6.67%, aged 25 to 34 was 47.5%, aged 35 to 44 was 35.83%, 45 to 50 was 9.17%, and more than 50 years as much as three people or 0.83%. Based on education, SMK/SMA were two people or 1.67%, Diploma was 57 people or 47.50%, and Bachelor was 61 people or 50.83%. Based on years of service, nurses with tenure <1 year were 10.83%, 1 to 3 years were 9.17%, 3 to 5 years were 15%, and > five years was 65%.


Analysis - structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS)

Determinant Coefficient (R-Square)

The value of R -square or coefficient of determination explains how much the independent can influence the dependent. The Rsquare ranges from 0 to 1 (0 R2 1). The higher the R-square, the greater the influence of the independent variable on the dependent. As a rule of thumb, the value of strong> 0.75 ()R2, >0.50 (moderateR2and >0.25 (weak), but if the Rsquare is above 0.9, then the model can be considered overfit.


Table 2. R-Square Value


R Square Adjusted



Employee Loyalty






Source: Research Data Processing (2022)


Based on the data presented in table 4. above, it can be seen that the R-Square for the employee loyalty variable is 0.690. The acquisition value explains that the influence of Motivation, Emotion intelligence, and leadership style can explain the percentage of employee loyalty. The remaining 69% (100%-69%) and 31% are influenced by other variables that are not in the model. R-Square for variable Motivation of 0.606, the acquisition value explains that the large percentage of Motivation can be explained by the variable of Emotion intelligence and leadership style by 60.6%, the rest (100% -60.6%) 39.4% is influenced by other variables that are not in the model.


Hypothesis Testing

The main part of this study's analysis of the inner or structural model is to look at the path coefficient to determine the direction of influence between variables in the research model. It is said that there is a positive and significant effect if the Tstatistic > T-table (1.645) at a significance level of 5% (alpha = 0.05), otherwise if Tstatistic < T-table (1.645), then there is no significant effect between the two variables (Ringle et al., 2015; Sarstedt et al., 2017). Table 5 below shows the results of PLS-SEM data processing for determining the results of hypothesis testing.


Figure 1. Hypothesis Test Results


Table 3. Hypothesis Test Results


Standardized Coefficient








































The Influence of Leadership Style on Motivation

Table 3 shows that the t count for the Leadership Style variable is 6.855 at a significance level of 0.000 with a regression coefficient value (Path Coefficient) of +0.595. Because the path coefficient is positive, the t statistic is > 1.645, and the value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the Leadership Style variable has a positive and significant effect on Motivation. Thus hypothesis H1 "There is a positive and significant influence between leadership style on employee motivation at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported.


Effect of Emotion Intelligence on Motivation

Table 3 shows that the t count for the Emotion Intelligence variable is 2.784 at a significance level of 0.003 with a regression coefficient value (Path Coefficient) of +0.264. Because the path coefficient is positive, the t statistic is >1.645, and the p-value is 0.003 <0.05, it can be concluded that the Emotion intelligence variable has a positive and significant effect on Motivation. Thus hypothesis H2, "There is a positive and significant influence between Emotion intelligence on employee motivation at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported.


The Effect of Motivation on Employee Loyalty

Table 3 shows that the t count for the Motivation variable is 5.194 at a significance level of 0.000 with a regression coefficient value (Path Coefficient) of +0.524. Because the path coefficient is positive and the t statistic is >1.645, and the p-value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty. Thus hypothesis H3 "There is a positive and significant influence between motivation on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported.


The Influence of Leadership Style on Employee Loyalty

Table 3 shows that the t-count for the Leadership Style variable is 1.802 at a significance level of 0.036 with a regression coefficient value (Path Coefficient) of +0.252. Because the path coefficient is positive and the t statistic is >1.645, and the p-value is 0.036 <0.05, it can be concluded that the leadership style variable positively and significantly affects employee loyalty. Thus hypothesis H4 "There is a positive and significant influence between Leadership Style on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported.


Effect of Emotion Intelligence on Employee Loyalty

Table 3 shows that the t count for the Emotion Intelligence variable is 1.717 at a significance level of 0.043 with a regression coefficient value (Path Coefficient) of +0.146. Because the path coefficient is positive, the t statistic is > 1.645, and the p-value is 0.043 <0.05, it can be concluded that the Emotion intelligence variable positively and significantly affects employee loyalty. Thus hypothesis H5 "There is a positive and significant influence between Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported.

The Effect of Motivation as an Intervening Variable on the Relationship Between Leadership Style and Employee Loyalty


Figure 2. Path Analysis Hypothesis


§  Direct effect 0.252

§  Indirect Effect 0.312

§  Total effect = Direct effect + Indirect Effect = 0.252 + 0.312 = 0.564

§  Value of variance accounted for (VAF) = Direct effect / Total Effect = (0.254 / 0.564) = 0.45 or 45%


Figure 2 above shows that the p-value for the influence of motivational variables on the relationship between leadership style and loyalty (indirect effect) is 0.000 with a regression coefficient value (Path Coefficient) of +0.312. Because the path coefficient is positive and the p-value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the motivation variable significantly affects the relationship between leadership style and loyalty. The VAF value is 0.45 or 45%. Because the VAF value is > 20%, it can be concluded that Motivation is an intervening variable. Thus hypothesis H6 "There is a positive and significant influence between leadership style on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital through Motivation" is supported.


The Effect of Motivation as an Intervening on the Relationship Between Emotion Intelligence and Employee Loyalty


Figure 3. Path Analysis Hypothesis


§  Direct effect 0.146

§  Indirect Effect = 0.138 

§  Total effect = Direct effect + Indirect Effect = 0.146 + 0.138 = 0.284 

§  Value of variance accounted for (VAF) = Direct effect / Total Effect = (0.146 / 0.284) = 0.51 or 51%


Table 3 above shows that the p-value for the influence of motivational variables on the relationship between Emotion intelligence and loyalty (indirect effect) is 0.002 with a regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.138. Because the path coefficient is positive and the p-value is 0.002 <0.05, it can be concluded that the motivation variable significantly affects the relationship between Emotion intelligence and loyalty. The VAF value is 0.51 or 51%. Because the VAF value is > 20%, it can be concluded that Motivation is an intervening variable. Thus hypothesis H7 "There is a positive and significant influence between Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital through motivation," is supported.



The Influence of Leadership Style on Motivation

Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the value of the leadership style variable is 0.000 <0.05 with a regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.595. It can be concluded that the Leadership Style variable has a positive and significant effect on Motivation. Thus hypothesis H1 "There is a positive and significant influence between leadership style on employee motivation at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported. This means that a better leadership style will increase employee motivation at work. Employee work motivation is the main tool in completing their duties and responsibilities through support from the leadership because the core goal of the leader is to increase employee motivation to produce high performance through improvement, development, and setting individual goals of employees that are in line with organizational goals. Suggested that a good leader is a visionary, coach, and mentor as well as a motivator. In motivating employees, transformational leaders are needed who can bring good changes, know the needs of their subordinates and can instill and strengthen aspects of the organizational culture developed by the company to foster an organizational commitment to employees. Motivate and cultivate good work values. The results of this study are supported by previous research conducted on several companies in Makassar City. The results showed that leadership style positively and significantly affected Motivation and performance.


The Effect of Emotion Intelligence on Motivation

Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that for the Emotion Intelligence variable, the p-value is 0.003 <0.05 with the regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.264, it can be concluded that the Emotion Intelligence variable has a positive and significant effect on Motivation. Thus hypothesis H2, "There is a positive and significant influence between Emotion intelligence on employee motivation at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported. This shows that Emotion intelligence contributes positively to increasing employee motivation. States that the ability to monitor and control one's feelings and those of others and use these feelings to guide thoughts and actions to be more motivated at work (Azeem & Akhtar, 2014). This means that Emotion intelligence can make a person a human full of responsibility, productive, and optimistic in dealing with and solving problems. Provide research results that several factors that influence a person's Motivation are psychological. Emotional intelligence is one of the psychological factors that can affect one's work motivation. The results of this study are supported by research conducted by Sudarsih et al., 2018, research conducted on 103 employees in the City of Jember. The results showed that Emotion intelligence had a positive and significant effect on Motivation and performance. This means that a better level of Emotion intelligence in employees will encourage high Motivation at work (Phan et al., 2020).


The Effect of Motivation on Employee Loyalty

Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the p-value for the Motivation variable is 0.000 <0.05 with the regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.524. It can be concluded that the Motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty. Thus hypothesis H3 "There is a positive and significant influence between motivation on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported. This shows that better Motivation of employees will impact increasing loyalty, and if Motivation decreases, it will decrease the level of loyalty. With the right delivery or motivational support, employees will be encouraged to do the best possible service while working. They will be able to believe that the hospital's success in achieving its goals is a goal that is in line with their own goals. So that employee motivation has an important role in increasing employee loyalty. Who says that the performance of nurses is influenced by work motivation, where this work motivation is a stimulation for nurses to do their jobs well? If the nurse has a strong drive, nurse will be motivated to work better. "Motivation is a process that describes an individual's intensity, direction and persistence to achieve his goals". Thus it can be concluded that Motivation is the driving force of a person to carry out certain activities to achieve existing goals. Work motivation is the driving force or encouragement in a person to want to behave, work diligently, and follow the tasks and obligations given.

The results of this study are supported by research showing that Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty. This shows that employees' higher work motivation will increase employee loyalty to the organization. The results of this study are also supported.


The Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Loyalty 

Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the p-value of the Leadership Style variable is 0.036 <0.05 with a regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.252. It can be concluded that the Leadership Style variable has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty. Thus hypothesis H4 "There is a positive and significant influence between Leadership Style on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported. This shows that leadership that can provide positive feedback when work is done well and give special recognition when productivity is high will provide support to increase employee loyalty to the company. Leadership style is a process in which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. This leadership style has integrity, defines clear goals, encourages clear steps for communication, and is expressive. A leader can motivate a worker well to have high morale and loyalty to his work (Pratiwi et al., 2020).

Several previous studies support the results of this study, and research conducted in Vietnam. The results show that leadership and job satisfaction significantly affect employee loyalty. The results of the partial test (t-test) show that the variables of leadership and Emotion intelligence positively influence employee loyalty, PT. Medan Royal Service. The results of other studies also support that leadership affects employee loyalty.


The Effect of Emotion Intelligence on Employee Loyalty

Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the p-value for the Emotion Intelligence variable is 0.043 <0.05 with a regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.146. It can be concluded that the Emotion Intelligence variable has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty. Thus hypothesis H5 "There is a positive and significant influence between Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital," is supported. This shows that Emotion intelligence has a significant role in loyalty. Employees must be able to control emotions, regulate emotions, or identify the emotions of others. Because Emotionally intelligent people want to be able to identify their emotions and motivate themselves. Employees with good Emotion intelligence can think clearly and do not prioritize emotions only (Suryawardana et al., 2021). Show the influence of Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty (t-count of 5.434; r = 0.563; p = 0.000). These results indicate that there is partially a significant influence between Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty. Therefore, employees who have good Emotion intelligence will produce good loyalty, and the lower level of Emotion intelligence of employees in an organization will result in less than optimal loyalty. In addition, a study reported that emotional intelligence significantly positively affected employee loyalty. Also supported by research conducted that Emotion intelligence has a positive effect on employee loyalty.


The Influence of Leadership Style on Employee Loyalty Through Motivation

Based on the analysis results, it is known that the p-value for the influence of motivational variables on the relationship between leadership style and loyalty (indirect effect) is 0.000 with a regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.312. Because the path coefficient is positive and the p-value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the motivation variable significantly affects the relationship between leadership style and loyalty. The VAF value is 0.45 or 45%. Because the VAF value is > 20%, it can be concluded that Motivation is an intervening variable. Thus hypothesis H6 "There is a positive and significant influence between leadership style on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital through Motivation," is supported. The relationship between leadership style and work motivation is very close where a leader's leadership style affects the work motivation of his subordinates. Therefore leadership style is needed in an organization. States that a leader's leadership style can create harmonious integrity and encourage work passion for achieving maximum goals (Hair & JJ, n.d.). It can be said that employee loyalty and one's Motivation to work depend on the leader's ability through his leadership style. Moreover, it is also proven in this study that leadership style positively affects employee loyalty through Motivation, which means that the leadership style in leading his subordinates can encourage employees to work better and be loyal. It can be said that the influence of high leadership style in influencing employee loyalty through work motivation. It means that the leadership style carried out by the leader is appropriate because it can encourage employees to work well. Employee loyalty and employee motivation are highly dependent on a leader's ability, through his leadership style, to influence employees to act following the expectations of employees of the organization. The results of research from the research conducted prove that the results of the research contained from the results of R2 there is a large influence of the leadership style variable on employee loyalty through Motivation of 0.883 and a significance of 0.0000.267. Thus the total influence of leadership style on loyalty through extrinsic Motivation is 0.267. This study's results are relevant as leadership style significantly affects employee loyalty through Motivation with an r value (correlation coefficient) of 0.543% meaning 54.3%, and other factors influence the remaining 45.7%.


The Effect of Emotion Intelligence on Employee Loyalty Through Motivation

Based on the analysis results, it is known that the p-value for the influence of motivational variables on the relationship between Emotion intelligence and loyalty (indirect effect) is 0.002 with a regression coefficient (Path Coefficient) of +0.138. Because the path coefficient is positive and the p-value is 0.002 <0.05, it can be concluded that the motivation variable significantly affects the relationship between Emotion intelligence and loyalty. The VAF value is 0.51 or 51%. Because the VAF value is > 20%, it can be concluded that Motivation is an intervening variable. Thus hypothesis H7 "There is a positive and significant influence between Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital through motivation," is supported. So it can be said that Emotion intelligence has a direct positive effect on individual decision-making. States that to achieve success in the world of work, it is not only cognitive intelligence that is needed but also Emotion intelligence (H. H. Nguyen et al., 2020). In particular, company leaders need high EQ because in an organizational environment, interacting with many people inside and outside the work environment plays an important role in shaping the morale and discipline of the workers. Also, self-motivation is the foundation of success and the realization of high performance in all fields (Suryawardana et al., 2021). Employees with high Emotion intelligence scores will produce better performance which can be seen from the quality and quantity provided by the employee to the company. Therefore, to optimize employee loyalty, efforts should be made to increase work motivation. It can be said that employees with high Emotion intelligence tend to have high-quality employee performance, and those with low Emotion intelligence tend to have low employee performance abilities. Show that Motivation affects loyalty. This means the desire to live happily, have something, get an award, working environment conditions, and good supervisors will provide enthusiasm for work that affects employee loyalty to the company. Employees also show positive things seen from the spirit of work shown by their employees. This study's results support previous research that showed that Emotion intelligence affects employee loyalty through Motivation as an intervening variable (Beloor et al., 2017).


Research Findings

This study aimed to look at the effect of leadership style, Emotion intelligence, and Motivation on loyalty. The results showed that leadership style, Emotion intelligence, and Motivation positively and significantly affected employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital. Among the three variables of Emotion intelligence, they have the smallest effect on loyalty (Tsang, 2014). Work motivation has the most dominant effect on employee loyalty at the South Sumatra Type C Hospital. Furthermore, the motivation variable is proven to intervene in the influence between leadership style and Emotion intelligence on employee loyalty.

This shows that better Motivation of employees will have an impact on increasing loyalty; if the Motivation decreases, it will decrease the level of loyalty. The findings of this study are also supported by theory and several previous studies. With good Motivation, nurses will be encouraged to do the maximum possible service while carrying out their work, and they can believe that the hospital's success in achieving its goals is a goal that is in line with their own goals (Anjam & Ali, 2016).



Based on the analysis conducted on 120 samples of nurses at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra regarding the influence of Leadership Style, Emotional Intelligence, and Motivation on Loyalty, the conclusions that can be put forward in this study are as follows: 1). Emotional intelligence, leadership style, and Motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on nurse loyalty at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So that it can be predicted that if emotional intelligence, leadership style, and Motivation simultaneously can be continuously improved, then nurse loyalty can be continuously improved. 2). Leadership style positively and significantly affects Motivation at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So that it can be predicted that if the leadership style continues to be improved, then Motivation can continue to be increased. 3). Emotional intelligence positively and significantly affects Motivation at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So that emotional intelligence can be predicted, and Motivation can be continuously improved. 4). Motivation positively and significantly affects nurse loyalty at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So that it can be predicted that if Motivation continues to be increased, then nurse loyalty can continue to be increased. 5). Leadership style positively and significantly affects nurse loyalty at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So that it can be predicted that if the leadership style continues to be improved, then nurse loyalty can continue to be improved. 6). Emotional intelligence positively and significantly affects nurse loyalty at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So that it can be predicted that if emotional intelligence continues to be improved, then nurse loyalty can continue to be improved. 7). Leadership style directly positively and significantly affects nurse loyalty through Motivation at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So it can be predicted that the higher the Motivation, the greater the effect of leadership style on nurse loyalty. 8). Emotional intelligence positively and significantly affects nurse loyalty through Motivation at Type C Hospital in South Sumatra. So it can be predicted that the higher the Motivation, the greater the effect of emotional intelligence on nurse loyalty.




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Copyright holder:

Sarah Ainar Rahman, Supriyantoro, Rina Anindita (2023)


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Jurnal Health Sains


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