Fahmi Azhari Basya, Arrozi, Muhammad
Administration Programe, Esa Unggul University Jakarta,
West Jakarta Indonesia
Keywords: INACBGS Rates; Activity Based Costing;
Hospital Rates; Normal Delivery; Caesarean Section. |
ABSTRAK The era of the National Health
Insurance (JKN) made hospitals have to make efficiency in their services, one
of which is childbirth. Payment of BPJS Kesehatan through INACBGS is deemed
insufficient to cover the hospital's profit margin. Moreover, the INACBGS
rates is currently a rates product issued in 2016. It makes hospitals have to
make efficient service rates so that they can develop their service quality
and sustain them. Dinda Hospital is a class C private hospital with a
business focus and BPJS Kesehatan patient care and has excellence in maternal
care. The unit cost calculation technique using the Activity Based Costing
(ABC) technique can provide an overview of rates efficiency. The purpose of
this study was to compare the differences of 3 hospital rates, INACBGS rates,
and ABC rates for normal delivery and caesarean section. Research is
comparative analytic with cross sectional design. The clinical pathway is
used to calculate ABC rates. The sample used was 30 samples of BPJS class 1
patients from each action (normal delivery and caesarean section) and the
three rates were compared, namely hospital rates, INACBGS rates, and ABC
rates using t-test dependent. Showed a significant difference in rates (p
<0.005) between the INACBGS rate and the hospital rate for normal delivery
(mean INACBGS 2,227,700, mean rate rs 5,491,462) and Caesarean (mean INACBGS
6,965,200, mean rate of rs. 6,557,208). there was a significant difference (p
<0.005) between the hospital rate and the ABC rate for normal delivery
(mean ABC rate 2,206,588). |
Info Artikel |
masuk 28 February , Direvisi 12 March 2023, Diterima 20 March 2023 |
The era of National Health Insurance
(JKN) in Indonesia made public access to health services easier. The increasing
number and growth of hospitals that collaborate with the Health Social Security
Administration (BPJS) indicates this. Access to health services for pregnant
women, especially hospitals, has also increased since the implementation of
this JKN (Baer,
The highest JKN service for maternal and
child health is for childbirth financing. The average expenditure for
childbirth is 74% of maternal and child health services. JKN spending on
hospital deliveries increased by 31.5% from Rp 2.48 trillion in 2014, to Rp
3.26 trillion in 2015. This is in line with data in private hospitals that work
with BPJS Kesehatan, where there is a significant increase in human resources
for maternal and child services, the average addition of obstetrician increased
from 3.7 in 2013 to 4.7 in 2016 (Baer,
Hospitals need to adjust the efficiency
of the costs generated from JKN services, especially delivery services for
pregnant women. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has regulated the
pattern of claim payments to advanced health facilities by implementing
Indonesian Case Based Groups (INACBGs). INACBGs rates have been stipulated in
the Minister of Health Regulation Number 52 of 2016 concerning the Standard for
Advanced Level Health Service Rates in the Implementation of Health Insurance (Hagopian
et al., 2009)
This rate is the amount of claim payment
by BPJS Kesehatan to advanced level health facilities for service packages
based on disease diagnosis grouping according to hospital regional, hospital
class and treatment class. Normal delivery is one of the diagnoses where the
payment rate is regulated in INACBGs with code O-6-13, while caesarean section
(SC) is included in the diagnosis where the payment rate is regulated with code
O-6-10 (Ministry of Health, 2016).
In the JKN era, hospitals that served
JKN patients were required to be able to make efficiency in terms of services
so that the real cost of a service could be lower than the rate in INACBGs.
This is for the hospital can take advantage of the services provided to
patients, so that the hospital can continue to develop the quality of its
Research conducted conducted at RSUD
Konodale stated that the disparity in INACBGs rates and real hospital rates was
very large, from the results of research in October-December 2017, it was found
that the disparity was IDR 110,530,344.00. In addition, it was also stated that
the unit cost rates were found to be lower than INACBGs for class 1 and VIP
services. In addition, it is stated that the rates at the hospital are higher than
the existing INACBGs rates.
This is also in line with the research
conducted which examined the rates for Caesarean without complications at XY
Hospital in Kudus Regency, from the results of the study it was found that
there was a difference between the real costs incurred by the hospital and the
standard INACBGs rates (Widjayanto
& Suryawati, 2017). INACBGs rates cannot cover hospital
expenses in providing Caesarean services without complications (Widjayanto
& Suryawati, 2017)
The concept of the Activity Based
Costing (ABC) system is generally applied to increase the effectiveness and
efficiency in the use of costs in various organizations, which is reflected in
the creation of a cost system that refers to activities. For health
organizations, this concept is very good to support the social mission they
carry, because this concept will create efficiency and effectiveness in terms
of cost consumption which will ultimately benefit the poor through lowering the
overall tariff for health services (Anjara
et al., 2019).
From research conducted by Damayanti in
2017, unit cost calculations using the ABC method obtained lower results
compared to the unit cost at Bhayangkara Hospital Yogyakarta. The results of
calculating the unit cost of Caesarian services through the ABC method were
also found to be lower than the applicable INACBGs rates (Damayanti, 2017).
The INACBGS rates currently used also
still use the rates issued in 2016 through the Minister of Health Regulation
Number 52 of 2016 concerning Standard Rates for Advanced Level Health Services
in the Implementation of Health Insurance. This rate is deemed irrelevant for
use in hospitals due to several inflationary factors per year, increased
capital prices such as medicines and employee salaries.
Dinda Tangerang Hospital is a class C
private hospital that serves BPJS Kesehatan patients. BPJS Kesehatan patients
in this hospital account for 90% of the total patients. The advantages of Dinda
Tangerang Hospital are in maternal and child health services, one of which is childbirth
services. This hospital has been fully accredited by the Hospital Accreditation
Commission (KARS).
The act of giving birth to both normal
delivery and caesarean section is one of the big revenue sources for this
hospital. Because of this, in this study the researcher wanted to know how the
3 rates were compared, namely the Hospital Rate, the INACBGS Tariff and the
ABC-based unit cost rate for normal labor and caesarean section. Furthermore,
the researcher wants to find out whether there is a significant difference
between the three rates with the hope that this research can be good literacy
for hospitals, BPJS Kesehatan, and stakeholders in determining future policy
directions (Organization,
This type of research is a
comparative analytical observation using a cross sectional study design
according to the perspective of the hospital. The data collection method was
carried out retrospectively, namely tracing the patient's medical record
documents, claiming BPJS Health payments, medical expenses for Caesarean and
Normal delivery patients, hospital clinical pathways, and calculation of
hospital rates.
Population and Sample
The sampling technique was
purposive sampling where the researcher took a sample of patients with the
inclusion criteria of BPJS Kesehatan participants, performed sectio and normal
delivery without complications, and treatment was in accordance with the
clinical pathway in the hospital. While the exclusion criteria included
patients who did not fit the clinical pathway, were treated in intensive care,
and there were complications of the action. The study population was taken from
patients with Normal delivery and Caesarean action with BPJS Kesehatan
guarantor in the months of service from January to March 2020.
The sample of this research is
BPJS Kesehatan class 1 service because it is the patient with the largest
population in the hospital and the most beneficial for the hospital where the
study is located. The total population was 43 patients for normal delivery and
75 patients for caesarean section. The sample taken from each action was 30
patients, this is based on the opinion for a comparative study, the recommended
sample size is 30 research subjects (Adler et al., 2016).
Research Variable
The variables in this study
were normal delivery rates for normal delivery, INACBGS rates for normal
delivery, ABC rates for normal delivery, rates for Caesarean Hospital, INACBGS
rates for caesaria section, and rates for ABC section caesaria.
From this research variables,
the researcher wants to know whether there are significant differences between
the three levels, so that the relationship between the research variables in
the research constellation framework is as follows:
Calculation of Activity Based Costing (ABC) Rates, Hospital Rates, and
The ABC rate calculation uses clinical pathways for normal labor and
caesarean section as a guide for calculating resources and activities. ABC
activity-based costing systems are designed on the premise that the resulting
product or service requires activity. Activities in the form of resource
consumption (Anjara
et al., 2019).
Researchers created a matrix for calculating ABC rates by mapping the
activities and resources used on clinical pathways. Furthermore, from each
activity the weight of financing is measured based on the weight of the
financing available in the hospital in the finance and rates sections. (tables
1 and 2)
Resources are an economic element that is used to support the
performance of activities. Salary expenses and inventory, for example, are
resources used to support activities. Activity is a collection of actions
carried out in an organization / hospital that is useful in the ABC method (Baker,
Table 1 matrix of the proportion of activities based on the cost driver
for normal labor
Pendaftaran |
Tindakan Partus
Normal |
Perawatan Pasca
Persalinan |
administrasi |
total |
aktivitas;kamar bersalin |
Ruang perawatan
nifas |
Pemeriksaan utama |
Pemeriksaan penunjang |
Asuhan persalinan |
Pemberian obat-obatan |
akomondasi |
Resusitasi bayi |
akomondasi |
Pem. penunjang |
visite |
Asuhan keperawatan |
Pemberian obat |
Penggunaan sumber daya |
1. Biaya Langsung |
Sp. Obsgyn |
90 |
10 |
Sp. Anak |
Bahan medis habis pakai |
5 |
5 |
50 |
5 |
20 |
5 |
10 |
Gizi |
40 |
60 |
Dokter Umum |
100 |
2. Biaya Overhead Langsung |
Bidan |
10 |
60 |
10 |
20 |
Apoteker |
60 |
40 |
Analis |
60 |
40 |
Perawat |
60 |
25 |
15 |
Sewa alat VK |
70 |
30 |
Akomodasi Ranap Nifas |
100 |
3. Biaya Overhead Tidak Langsung |
Laboratorium |
60 |
Farmasi |
70 |
Rekam Medis |
5 |
20 |
5 |
30 |
5 |
10 |
5 |
5 |
10 |
5 |
Kasir |
5 |
100 |
Keuangan |
100 |
5 |
10 |
5 |
25 |
3 |
3 |
10 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
20 |
5 |
Telepon/Air/Listrik |
3 |
10 |
3 |
15 |
3 |
20 |
10 |
20 |
2 |
2 |
10 |
2 |
Sarana Prasarana |
3 |
10 |
3 |
15 |
3 |
20 |
10 |
20 |
2 |
2 |
10 |
2 |
Biaya Pemeliharaan |
3 |
10 |
3 |
15 |
3 |
20 |
10 |
20 |
2 |
2 |
10 |
2 |
Laundry |
50 |
20 |
30 |
80 |
20 |
Table 2 matrix of the proportion of activities based on the cost driver
in the caesarean section.
From the activity proportion matrix above, the researcher then calculates the cost of each resource by making an ABC calculation calculator so that the value or amount of unit cost for each patient is obtained as in Tables 3 and 4
Table 3 the calculation results of the ABC calculator for normal labor
Table 4 calculation results of the ABC caesaria section calculator
From the calculation of the above calculators, the researcher obtained the results of calculating ABC rates for 30 research samples, then the 3 rates were compared according to normal delivery and caesarean section as in tables 5 and 6.
Table 5: Comparison of sample rates for normal delivery of labor
No |
Hospital Rates |
ABC Rates |
1 |
2,227,700 |
5,743,557 |
2,249,974 |
2 |
2,227,700 |
5,555,014 |
2,217,525 |
3 |
2,227,700 |
5,261,451 |
2,167,003 |
4 |
2,227,700 |
7,090,897 |
2,481,851 |
5 |
2,227,700 |
5,245,234 |
2,164,212 |
6 |
2,227,700 |
5,168,459 |
2,150,999 |
7 |
2,227,700 |
5,570,189 |
2,220,137 |
8 |
2,227,700 |
5,602,764 |
2,225,743 |
9 |
2,227,700 |
6,175,282 |
2,324,274 |
10 |
2,227,700 |
6,076,110 |
2,307,206 |
11 |
2,227,700 |
5,394,766 |
2,189,947 |
12 |
2,227,700 |
5,139,450 |
2,146,007 |
13 |
2,227,700 |
5,203,274 |
2,156,991 |
14 |
2,227,700 |
5,941,591 |
2,284,055 |
15 |
2,227,700 |
5,207,148 |
2,157,658 |
16 |
2,227,700 |
5,390,503 |
2,189,213 |
17 |
2,227,700 |
4,821,715 |
2,091,325 |
18 |
2,227,700 |
4,448,070 |
2,027,020 |
19 |
2,227,700 |
4,948,060 |
2,113,069 |
20 |
2,227,700 |
6,683,806 |
2,411,791 |
21 |
2,227,700 |
5,192,661 |
2,155,165 |
22 |
2,227,700 |
4,883,489 |
2,101,956 |
23 |
2,227,700 |
6,087,453 |
2,309,158 |
24 |
2,227,700 |
5,664,383 |
2,236,348 |
25 |
2,227,700 |
5,507,812 |
2,209,402 |
26 |
2,227,700 |
4,318,295 |
2,004,686 |
27 |
2,227,700 |
5,540,482 |
2,215,025 |
28 |
2,227,700 |
4,877,870 |
2,100,989 |
29 |
2,227,700 |
6,339,583 |
2,352,550 |
30 |
2,227,700 |
5,664,504 |
2,236,369 |
Table 6 samples of comparative rates for caesarean section action.
No |
Hospital Rate |
ABC Rate |
1 |
6,965,200 |
6,490,258 |
4,447,496 |
2 |
6,965,200 |
6,242,252 |
4,303,615 |
3 |
6,965,200 |
6,386,894 |
4,253,195 |
4 |
6,965,200 |
6,641,323 |
4,282,601 |
5 |
6,965,200 |
6,016,995 |
4,334,326 |
6 |
6,965,200 |
6,633,978 |
4,207,400 |
7 |
6,965,200 |
6,454,596 |
4,332,833 |
8 |
6,965,200 |
6,931,211 |
4,296,365 |
9 |
6,965,200 |
6,171,323 |
4,393,261 |
10 |
6,965,200 |
6,915,706 |
4,238,775 |
11 |
6,965,200 |
6,638,602 |
4,390,108 |
12 |
6,965,200 |
6,044,159 |
4,333,773 |
13 |
6,965,200 |
6,729,106 |
4,212,923 |
14 |
6,965,200 |
5,884,506 |
4,352,173 |
15 |
6,965,200 |
6,530,734 |
4,180,465 |
16 |
6,965,200 |
6,586,099 |
4,311,844 |
17 |
6,965,200 |
6,863,437 |
4,323,099 |
18 |
6,965,200 |
6,612,337 |
4,379,482 |
19 |
6,965,200 |
6,605,723 |
4,328,433 |
20 |
6,965,200 |
6,410,060 |
4,327,089 |
21 |
6,965,200 |
6,227,421 |
4,287,311 |
22 |
6,965,200 |
6,477,362 |
4,250,180 |
23 |
6,965,200 |
6,904,646 |
4,300,993 |
24 |
6,965,200 |
6,765,164 |
4,686,333 |
25 |
6,965,200 |
6,631,642 |
4,407,492 |
26 |
6,965,200 |
7,242,488 |
4,387,860 |
27 |
6,965,200 |
7,159,297 |
4,359,503 |
28 |
6,965,200 |
6,222,717 |
4,332,358 |
29 |
6,965,200 |
7,159,297 |
4,231,780 |
30 |
6,965,200 |
6,136,914 |
4,387,100 |
From tables 5 and 6, it can be seen the comparison of the three rates for normal delivery and caesarean section. The INACBGS rate for class 1 with severity level 1 or without complications for normal labor is Rp. 2,227,700 while for Caesarean is Rp. 6,965,200. This rate is determined through a Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2016.
Hospital rates are service rates that must be paid by patients from a period of service at the hospital. The hospital rates in this study include the capital price plus the profit margin obtained by the hospital, the hospital rates themselves are regulated in the Director's Decree on Standard Service Rates in 2019 at Dinda Hospital Tangerang. The hospital rates in this study were taken from the patient's final billing data after the patient was discharge from hospital (Iskamto, 2021).
The ABC rate is the unit cost rate issued by the hospital for normal delivery and caesarean section by calculating the unit cost of the activities and resources used by the hospital (Oktorina et al., 2019). ABC rate calculation is expected to find out how efficient the costs incurred by the hospital for a particular action. This rate is calculated using the existing clinical pathway by making a calculation matrix between the activities and resources used.
Normality Test
The calculation of the normality test is carried out using the SPSS program. The normality test serves to determine whether the sample data in this study is normally distributed or not. The results of the normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov were obtained for normal labor, hospital rates, INACBGS rates, and ABC rates obtained sig> 0.05, which means that the data is normally distributed. The results of the normality test on the caesaria section action rates, namely the hospital rates, the INACBGS rates, and the ABC rates, obtained a normality test of sig> 0.05, meaning that all data were normally distributed (Sinurat et al., 2021). Then the researcher will continue to test the hypothesis with the parametric test.
Hypotesis test
This research hypothesis test was conducted by analyzing the normality test on the previous variable data, it was obtained that the normality test was normally distributed, so the researcher continued the test with the parametric test, namely the paired t-test because the variables were interrelated (O’connor, 2000).
Hypothesis 1 is accepted with a significance value of p = 0.000 (<0.05) for normal labor. Hypothesis 1 is also accepted with a significance value of p = 0.000 (<0.05) for Caesarian action, this shows that there is a significant difference in rates between hospital rates and INACBGS rates both in normal labor and CS action.
Hypothesis 2 is accepted with a significance value of p = 0.000 (<0.05) for normal labor. Hypothesis 2 is also accepted with a significance value of p = 0.000 (<0.05) for Caesaria action. This shows that there is a significant difference in tariffs on ABC rates with RS rates for both Caesarian and normal delivery.
Table 7 Hypothesis 1 testing result
Variable |
n |
Mean |
SD |
p-value |
INACBG Rates Normal delivery |
30 |
2227700.000 |
.0000 |
.000 |
Hospital Rates Normal Delivery |
30 |
5491462.400 |
609821 |
INACBGS Rates Caesarean |
30 |
6965200.000 |
.0000 |
.000 |
Hospital Rates Caesarean |
30 |
6557208.233 |
347771.0203 |
Table 8 Hypothesis 2 testing result
Variable |
N |
Mean |
SD |
p-value |
Hospital Rates Normal Delivery |
30 |
5491462.400 |
609821.1051 |
.000 |
ABC Rates Normal Delivery |
30 |
2206588.267 |
104950.2709 |
Hospital Rates Caesarean |
30 |
6557208 |
347771 |
.000 |
ABC Rates Caesarean |
30 |
4328672 |
93453 |
H1There is a difference in rates
between Type C Private Hospital rates and INA-CBGs rates for SC and Normal
From the results of the Hypothesis 1 test which was carried out using paired t-test, hypothesis 1 was accepted both in the act of SC and both normal delivery with a significance value of p = 0.000 (<0.05). This means that in this hypothesis there is a significant difference between the private hospital rate type C and the INACBGS rate. This is in line with the research conducted which states that there is a difference between the real hospital rates and the INACBGS rates for Caesarean without complications. In the case of this study, the hospital rate for Caesarean obtained a mean of Rp. 6,557,208 while the INACBGS Caesarean class 1 rate was Rp. 6,965,200, meaning that in class 1 Caesarean action there was still a positive difference of Rp. 407,992 which was obtained by the hospital. Whereas in the case of labor, the hospital rate obtained a mean of Rp. 5,491,462 compared to the INACBGS rate for class 1, which was Rp. 2,227,700, meaning that in normal labor, the negative difference was – Rp 3.263.762.
Table 9 Difference of mean INACBGS and hospital rates
Variable |
N |
Mean |
Difference in rates |
30 |
Rp 6.965.200 |
Rp 407.992 |
Tarif RS SC |
30 |
Rp 6.557.208 |
Tarif INACBGS Partus |
30 |
Rp 2.227.700 |
-Rp 3.263.762 |
Tarif RS Partus |
30 |
Rp 5.491.462 |
In this study, it was found that the Caesarean action was more profitable for the hospital because the hospital still got a margin on the Class 1 Caesarean procedure, which was IDR 407,992 compared to the normal BPJS class 1 labor, the hospital had to bear the negative difference of - IDR 3,263,762. This can be a consideration for the hospital regarding the calculation of rates and actions that benefit the hospital. In a study conducted in private hospitals serving JKN, there was a high increase in the number of cesarean section operations (Baer, 2020). This may occur because access to health services is easier and also the possibility of incentives obtained from Caesarean measures is greater than normal delivery. Another study states that the number of caesarean sections has increased in almost all private for-profit hospitals (Hoxha et al., 2017). Another study in type D hospitals in the action section, the INACBGS rate was smaller than the existing hospital rates (Organization, 2016). However, on the one hand, at Dinda Hospital Tangerang, where the researchers collected data, the number of Sectio Caearia has decreased with the establishment of a Clinical Pathway and Clinical Practice Guidelines for Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist to avoid Caesarean action without clear medical indications. The Caesarean figure that exceeds the standard (20%) at Dinda Hospital is also affected because Dinda Hospital is a referral from the First Level Health Facility (FKTP) in maternal terms, this has implications for the diagnosis status of maternal patients who come are patients who cannot be born normally in FKTP so that further action is needed, one of which is Caesarean action (Statistics et al., 2017).
The INACBGS rate is also still in accordance with where the last rate was updated in 2016. The increase in inflation, prices for medical goods, doctor and nurse services, hospital overhead costs are not comparable to the flat INACBGS rates from 2016, of course. both Caesarean and normal delivery less and less. From this study, the difference obtained by the hospital for labor was the negative difference or loss of - Rp 3,263,762 from each act of delivery, for SC there was still a positive difference of Rp 407,992 from each Caesarean action performed. From this positive difference, it is good for the development of the hospital in the future, but on the one hand, the hospital has to cross-subsidize to cover the losses from normal labor (Schmidt et al., 2019).
H2: There is a difference in the rates between the activity based costing rate and the tariff for Type C Private
Hospital for Caesarean
and normal delivery.
From the results of hypothesis testing using paired t-test, hypothesis 2 is accepted both for SC action and normal delivery with a significance value of both p = 0.000 (<0.05) meaning that in this study, the results of the significant difference between the rates of Activity Based Costing (ABC) with hospital rates for both SC and normal delivery. In the results of this study, the SC class 1 mean of the ABC tariff is Rp. 4,328,672, while the RS rate is Rp. 6,557,208, the difference is Rp. 2,228,536. In normal class 1 labor, the mean ABC rate is Rp. 2,206,588, while the mean hospital rate is Rp. 5,491,462. There is a difference of Rp. 3,284,874 for normal labor.
Tabel 10 Difference of Mean ABC rates and Hospital Rates
Variabel |
N |
Mean |
Difference in Rates |
Tarif ABC SC |
30 |
Rp 4.328.672 |
Rp 2.28.536 |
Tarif RS SC |
30 |
Rp 6.557.208 |
Tarif ABC Partus |
30 |
Rp 2.206.588 |
Rp 3.284.874 |
Tarif RS Partus |
30 |
Rp 5.491.462 |
The concept of the ABC system is generally applied to increase the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of costs in various organizations, which is reflected in the creation of a cost system that refers to activities (Anjara et al., 2019). The ABC system concept affects the cost efficiency incurred by the hospital from an action. It can be seen that there is a significant difference in the results of the study. This means that the unit cost incurred by the hospital at the ABC rate is smaller than the real cost of the hospital. This can help the hospital in terms of cost efficiency and calculation of costs incurred. From the results of the study, it can be said that the Caesarian class 1 action mean ABC tariff is Rp. 4,328,672, meaning that the unit cost rate incurred by the hospital from the class 1 Caesarian action is Rp. 4,328,672. This is enough to be able to see approximately how much margin is obtained by the hospital from the CAESAREAN procedure. When compared with the INACBGS CAESAREAN class 1 rate, the ABC rate is still below the INACBGS CAESAREAN class 1 rate, meaning that the hospital can still take a profit margin from the action. This is in line with research which states that the unit cost using ABC is lower than the average INACBGS tariff claim (Nay et al., 2016).
In normal class 1 labor, the mean ABC rate was Rp. 2,206,588, meaning that the unit cost rate incurred by the hospital for class 1 labor was Rp. 2,206,588. This can be seen from the margin that approximately the hospital gets from one BPJS class 1 delivery. This profit margin is very small for hospital operational costs where Dinda Hospital has a standard profit margin policy so that the hospital can grow and develop is 30-40%.
From this research, several conclusions
can be drawn including: 1). There is a significant difference between the
INACBGS rate and the hospital rate for normal delivery and caesarean section.
2). There is a significant difference between hospital rates and ABC rates for
normal delivery and caesarean section. 3). The application of unit cost
calculations based on ABC can be done with guidance from the clinical pathway
to map the activities and resources used. 4). ABC rates can describe the
efficiency of how much real costs incurred by the hospital from an action or
service. 5). Delivery by caesarean section method is more profitable
financially than normal delivery. 6). The current INACBGS rate is deemed
irrelevant for the payment of childbirth procedures.
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Copyright holder: Fahmi Azhari
Basya, Arrozi, Muhammad Natsir (2023) |
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