Petrus, Rofiqoh, Anisa Fadila
Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Sulawesi
Tenggara, Indonesia
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus; Smoker; Ankle Brachial
Pressure Index. |
ABSTRACT Kronic energy deficiency (kekurangan
energy kronis/KEK) is condition someone that suffer food shortage regularly
(Chronic) marked humerus (LILA) <23,5 cm with the result that appearing
health problems. Prevalence of chronic energy deficiency (KEK) in expectant
mother at year 2013 nationally is 24,2% and decrease be 17,3% at years 2018
based Riskesda data 2018. This research have urpose to know relationship nourishment system, Spacing
pregnancy, and marriageable age toward chronic energy deficiency (KEK) at
Puskesmas Tongauna Utara occupation area in years 2021. This research as
analistical observation research by approach Cross Sectional Study And have
conducted in date 29 March-03 at Puskesmas Tongauna Utara occupation area.
Sample in the research is 49 expectant mother. This research using total sampling technique is
technique taking sample same with population. Then, this research using
Pearson Correlation statistics test. The result of this research show that
expectant mother which have goodn ourishment system is 51,0%, then have not
nourishment system enough is 49,0%, expectant mother that have spacing high
risk pregnancy is 16,3% then, that have not risk to pregnancy is 83,7%. The
expectant mother have risk to marriageable age is 12,2% then, the expectant
mother have not risk to marriageable age is 87,8%. The result of try out
using spearmen correlation show that there is not relationship nourishment
system toward expectant mother KEK (P = 0,376), spacing pregnancy toward
expectant mother KEK (P = 0,4420), marriageable age toward expectant mother
KEK (P = 0,165). |
Info Artikel |
masuk 02 March 2023, Direvisi 11 March 2023, Diterima 23 March 2023 |
Chronic energy deficiency (CED) is a condition of a person who suffers from chronic food shortages which is characterized by an upper arm circumference (LILA) <23.5 cm, resulting in health problems. Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) can occur in women of childbearing age and pregnant women (Ananda et al., 2022).
The incidence of anemia in young women in the Prevalence of Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) among pregnant women in 2013 nationally was 24.2% and decreased to 17.3% (Kemenkes, 2018). According to Southeast Sulawesi Health Profile data, the prevalence of Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women in 2013 was 23.5% and the prevalence in Konawe district was 5.7% (Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas), 2018). Meanwhile, according to data from the North Tongauna Health Center, the prevalence of pregnant women in 2019 suffering from Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK)
The main cause of CED in pregnant women is that since before pregnancy the mother has experienced a lack of energy, because the needs of pregnant people are higher than mothers who are not pregnant (Dukhi, 2020). Pregnancy causes an increase in energy metabolism, therefore the need for energy and other nutrients increases during pregnancy (Fatikasari et al., 2022).
There are several causes that affect the mother's need for nutrients that are not met, namely due to insufficient food intake and infectious diseases, pregnant women who have sufficient food intake but suffer from illness will experience malnutrition and pregnant women whose food intake is insufficient then the immune system will weaken and will be susceptible to disease, low education level, mother's knowledge about malnutrition, inadequate family income, mother's age less than 20 years or more than 35 years so that it affects her nutritional needs, parity of mothers who are high or too frequent pregnancies can deplete the body's nutritional reserves, spacing that is too close causes the mother not to have the opportunity to repair her body after giving birth, working pregnant women need more energy because their energy reserves are shared between herself and the fetus (Afifah et al., 2022).
This research is an analytical
observational study with a cross sectional study approach using SPSS data to
analyze the relationship between diet, gestational age, and age at marriage
with chronic energy deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women. The study population
was all pregnant women who were in the working area of the North Tongauna
Community Health Center, Konawe Regency, namely 49 people. The sample in this
study was taken by total sampling.
The dependent variable in this
study is chronic energy deficiency (CED) in pregnant women. The independent
variables are diet, pregnancy interval, and age at marriage. The analysis in
this study was divided into 2, namely univariate and bivariate analysis.
Univariate analysis can be presented in the form of a sample distribution,
which in this study describes the characteristics of diet, gestational age, age
at marriage, and also chronic energy deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women.
Univariate Analysis
KEK in Pregnant Women
Table 1. Sample Distribution Based on KEK
in Pregnant Women
Chronic Energy Deficiency |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
13 36 |
26.5 73.5 |
Total |
49 |
100 |
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that there are 13 pregnant women with CED (26.5%), while there are 36 pregnant women without CED (73.5%).
Dietary habit
Table 2. Based on sample distribution
Dietary habit
Pola Makan |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
Good Not Enough |
25 24 |
51.0 49.0 |
Total |
49 |
100.0 |
Based on Table 2, it can be seen that the diet of pregnant women is good, namely 25 people (51.0%) and those who are lacking, namely 24 people (49.0%)
Pregnancy Distance
Table 3. Sample Distribution Based on
Pregnancy Distance
Pregnancy Distance |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
Normal Abnormal |
41 8 |
83.7 16.3 |
Total |
49 |
100.0 |
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the normal pregnancy interval for pregnant women is 41 people (83.7%) and abnormal is 8 people (16.3%).
Married Age
Table 4. Based on sample distribution Married
Age Married |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Normal Abnormal |
43 6 |
87.7 12.2 |
Total |
49 |
100.0 |
Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the age of marriage for pregnant women is normal, namely 43 people (87.7%) and not normal, namely 6 people (12.2%).
Table 5. Relationship between diet and KEK
in pregnant women
Dietary habit |
Chronic Energy Deficiency |
Total |
P Value |
Not KEK |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Good |
8 |
32.0% |
17 |
68.0% |
25 |
100.0% |
r = 0,126 p = 0,387 |
Not Enough |
5 |
20.8% |
19 |
79.2% |
24 |
100.0% |
Total |
13 |
26.5% |
36 |
73.5% |
49 |
100.0% |
Table 5 shows that most of the samples had a good diet and their prevalence of CED was higher, namely 32.0%, compared to pregnant women who had a poor diet. The correlation value obtained was 0.126 in the range "0.00 - 0.199", which means that the relationship between diet and CED in pregnant women is at a very low level and not significant (p = 0.387 > 0.05).
Table 6. Relationship between Pregnancy
Spacing and KEK in Pregnant Women
Dietary habit |
Chronic Energy Deficiency |
Total |
P Value |
Not KEK |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Good |
10 |
24.4% |
31 |
75.6% |
41 |
100.0% |
r = 0,110 p = 0,453 |
Not Enough |
3 |
37.5% |
5 |
62.5% |
8 |
100.0% |
Total |
13 |
26.5% |
36 |
73.5% |
49 |
100.0% |
Table 6 shows that most of the samples had a normal spacing of pregnancies and their prevalence of Not KEK was higher, namely 75.6% compared to pregnant women who had an abnormal spacing of pregnancies. The correlation value obtained was 0.110 in the range "0.00 - 0.199", which means that the relationship between diet and CED in pregnant women is at a very low level and not significant (p = 0.453 > 0.05).
Table 7. Relationship between Age of
Marriage and KEK in Pregnant Women
Dietary habit |
Chronic Energy Deficiency |
Total |
P Value |
Not KEK |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Good |
10 |
23.3% |
33 |
76.7% |
43 |
100.0% |
r = 0,199 p = 0,171 |
Not Enough |
3 |
50.0% |
3 |
50.0% |
6 |
100.0% |
Total |
13 |
26.5% |
36 |
73.5% |
49 |
100.0% |
Table 7 shows that most of the samples were of normal marriage age and their prevalence of Not KEK was higher, namely 76.7% compared to pregnant women who had abnormally spaced pregnancies. The correlation value obtained was 0.199 in the range "0.00 - 0.199", which means that the relationship between diet and CED in pregnant women is at a very low level and not significant (p = 0.171 > 0.05).
The Relationship between Diet and KEK in
Pregnant Women
The results of the study stated that there was no relationship between diet and KEK in pregnant women at the North Tongauna Health Center in 2021, this was proven by the results of the Correlation test, the value of r = 0.126 was in the range "0.00-0.199", which means that the relationship is very low and p value = 0.387 > 0.05. The results of this study are in accordance with which states that there is no relationship between diet and the incidence of chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women. The results of the correlation test analysis using the correlation test show a value of P = 0.629 > 0.05 (Nurvembrianti et al., 2021).
The diet must be able to include the amount or portion of food, the type of food, and the frequency of eating a person. The amount of food, namely the amount of food eaten or drunk is calculated to get a quantitative picture of the intake of certain nutrients. Types of food, namely food ingredients that are processed, prepared, and served which are divided into staple food groups, side dishes group, vegetable group, and dessert fruit group Food frequency, namely the level of frequency of consuming a certain amount of food ingredients or processed food during a certain period such as day, week, month, and year. Food frequency describes food consumption patterns qualitatively (Fauzan et al., 2021).
The relationship between pregnancy spacing and KEK in pregnant women
The results of the study stated that there was no relationship between pregnancy spacing and KEK in pregnant women at the North Tongauna Health Center in 2021, this was proven by the results of the Correlation test, the value of r = 0.110 was in the range "0.00-0.199", which means that the relationship is very low and p value = 0.453 > 0.05. Pregnant women whose pregnancies are less than two years apart have a risk of developing CED compared to pregnant women whose pregnancies are more than 2 years apart (Achmad, 2010).
Pregnancy spacing that is too close <2 years will cause low quality of the fetus or child and will also be detrimental to the mother's health the research sample was determined by purposive sampling technique (Dewi et al., 2022). Pregnancy spacing that is too close will cause the mother not to get the opportunity to repair her own body where the mother needs enough energy to recover after giving birth to her child. The mother is also still breastfeeding and must meet nutritional needs during breastfeeding, where while breastfeeding the mother needs additional calories every day to fulfill her nutrition and milk production, getting pregnant again will cause nutritional problems for the mother and the fetus or the baby she is carrying (Retnaningtyas et al., 2022).
The results of this study are in line with the results of research conducted with the title analysis of risk factors for chronic energy deficiency for pregnant women in Parepare City which shows that the results of the analysis of the variable distance between pregnancies and KEK pregnant women have no significant relationship between distance pregnancies with CED conditions for pregnant women with a value of P = 0.488 > 0.05 (Apriliani et al., 2019).
Relationship between age
of marriage and KEK in pregnant women
The results of the study stated that
there was no relationship between the age of marriage and KEK in pregnant women
at the North Tongauna Health Center in 2021, this was proven by the results of
the Correlation test, the value of r = 0.199 was in the range
"0.00-0.199", which means that the relationship is very low and p
value = 0.171 > 0.05. The results of this study are in accordance with the
results of Hafifah Wijayanti's research (2016) which states that there is no
relationship between age and CED pregnant women, this occurs because most
respondents are aged 20-35 years, which is the best age.
The reproductive age of women is
classified into two, namely age at risk and not at risk. Age is not at risk
from 20 years to 35 years while at risk is under 20 years and above 35 years.
Giving birth at a young or too old age results in low quality of the
fetus/child and will also be detrimental to the mother's health. In a mother
who is too young (less than 20 years old) food competency can occur between the
fetus and the mother herself who is still in its infancy.
According to the Indonesian Ministry of
Health, the age of mothers who are at risk of giving birth to small babies is
less than 20 years and above 35 years (Sukamto,
2022). Pregnant women who are too young are not only at risk of
CED but also affected by the health of other mothers. Because at less than 20
years of age, food (nutritional) competence can occur between the fetus and the
mother herself and is still growing and there are still hormonal changes that
occur during pregnancy. whereas at the age of more than 35 years the ability of
the mother's body to absorb the nutrients needed by the body of the mother and
fetus decreases. However, in women who are over 35 years of age, in addition to
increased maternal risk, the risk of death and birth defects is higher compared
to 20-35 years (Hakim,
2021). The risk of pregnancy at an old age is almost the same
as at a young gestational age, it's just that physical maturity is owned so
there are some risks that will be reduced, decreasing the risk of fetal defects
caused by folic acid. The risk of abnormalities in the location of the fetus is
reduced because the mother's uterus is mature. The danger threatens precisely
related to the reproductive organs over the age of 35 years which have
decreased so that it can lead to bleeding during childbirth and preeclampsia (Ekayanthi
& Suryani, 2019).
Based on the results of research
conducted on 49 pregnant women in the working area of the North Tongauna Health
Center in 2021, it can be concluded that: Pregnant women who have a good diet,
namely 51.0%, Pregnant women who have abnormal pregnancy spacing, namely 83.7%.
Pregnant women who have an abnormal marriage age, namely 87.7%. There is no
relationship between diet and Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) in pregnant
women. There is no relationship between pregnancy spacing and Chronic Energy
Deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women. There is no relationship between age of
marriage and Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women.
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