Dimas Indramanto, Hasyim, Wahyuni Dian Purwati

Magister Administrasi Rumah Sakit Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta, Indonesia



Leadership Style; Organizational Culture; Work Discipline; Job Satisfaction.






In the current novel coronavirus (nCoV-19) pandemic, it has had a very significant impact, namely a big shift in the world order of life, especially in countries that have recorded nCoV-19 cases and those countries concentrate, focus on in tackling it. Port Medical Center Hospital, in terms of staffing which often provides rotation/promotion/demotion to employees in lower/middle/upper leadership levels. The purpose of this study both simultaneously and partially is to analyze the effect of leadership style, organizational culture and work discipline together on employee satisfaction at the Port Medical Center Hospital. The research method used is quantitative research with causality explanation research. The sampling technique used a saturated sample, so the sample in this study were all employees who worked at the Port Medical Center Hospital as many as 70 nurses(zusters-bruders), midwives and supporting medical proffessionals. The data analysis method used in this study is multiple regression analysis with the help of the SPSS version 24 program. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously and partially leadership style (0,506), organizational culture (0,368) and work discipline (0,215) jointly affect job satisfaction of employees at the Port Medical Center Hospital. Management Implication for Port Medical Center Hospital from Analytic findings is to attentending the implementation of (0 zero tolerance, rewards & punishments system in var.ind1 Leadership), reassured of (service excellence, continuous improvement, Monitoring & Evaluation system in var.ind2 Organization Culture), alignment to (Creative Work & Time value in var.ind3 Disciplin) all employees. Lastly the affects of (a good Job Role in var Job Satisfaction Level).

Info Artikel

Artikel masuk 01 March 2023, Direvisi 10 March 2023, Diterima 24 March 2023



There are so many who think that the health sector is the front line in dealing with the problem of the nCoV-19 pandemic, that opinion or word is not entirely wrong. However, if we look more closely, all sectors participate, from the smallest to the larger, even the largest, starting from the family, Subdistrict, Mayor/Regent, Governor, Ministries and other government apparatus. So that the private sector and the mass media also take part in tackling and preventing this pandemic.

But what is happening now, with the large responsibility of the bearers of this Pandemic problem and as a party who is obliged to provide or provide health services with new criteria, namely Must always prepare all lines at all times by having knowledge that is more advanced than the existing ones. now that can fight the problem of the Pandemic. By organizing/managing the preparedness of all lines of Health starting from medical personnel, paramedics and other supporters/supporters as well as providing superior and advanced facilities, as well as running harmoniously and synergistically in tackling health problems, especially during the Cov-19 pandemic.

These matters become a problem among medical personnel, paramedics and medical supporters whether they can accept this responsibility, as well as the impact that occurs so that they appoint the Health party as the party to be blamed. In connection with several aspects that have generally occurred, this has created a problem for the Health Service Provider stakeholders as a whole (Health Provider stakeholders become the problem-owner/risk-owner) of this Pandemic. In addition, there are also various types of diseases other than pandemic diseases that have an explicit detrimental impact on patients and their families and also have an impact on health lines, especially health workers.

There are also other things that become a clearer baseline problem, namely, the condition of the Corporation and Government Ownership of PT RS Pelabuhan in this case the Port Medical Center Hospital, in terms of staffing which often provides rotation/promotion/demotion to lower/middle level employees. top to leadership. In addition, a deeply rooted organizational culture creates character and provides a work climate that can have an effect on employee satisfaction levels.

In this case, the stress condition of the employee's workload and the emotional maturity of the employee greatly contribute to their work discipline. These circumstances and conditions are the ones that have been giving and influencing the matter that really need to be analyzed, researched, studied and given an assessment of the employee's condition, namely "job satisfaction" for the Health line from medical personnel, medical staff and medical support as the dependent variable. In relation to the dependent variable, the author sees that there are three independent variables that influence the dependent variable, namely "The Influence of Leadership Style, Discipline and Organizational Culture." These three things become the pillars of the embedded direction. This thesis research was conducted at a Health Facility Provider Organization that has been established for a long time so that it can provide good data for this research, namely, in one of the branches of PT. The Port Hospital (Indonesia Healthcare Corporation) is at the Port Medical Center Hospital Branch.

The conditions regarding employee satisfaction that occurred at the Port Hospital (IHC Group) branch of the Port Medical Center Hospital can be explained in the results of a pre-survey conducted on 30 employees with the following results (Sugiyono, 2019).


Table 1 Pre-Survey Data Results Regarding Employee Satisfaction

No       Question                     STS     TS        N         S          SS        Amount           Mean

                        1          2          3          4          5                     

1          I feel that I am always able to complete the given task          F          1          4          14        10        1            30        3.20

            %         3%       13%     47%     33%     3%       100%  

2          I feel that I always get fair treatment from the leadership      F          3          11        9          6          1            30        2.70

            %         10%     37%     30%     20%     3%       100%  

3          I and other employees have a good relationship         F          8          12        8          2          0          30            2.13

            %         27%     40%     27%     7%       0%       100%  

Average Employee Satisfaction Variable       2.68

Source: Results of Data Processing with SPSS 24 (2022)


The results of the pre-survey data in Table 1 regarding the employee satisfaction variable that occurred in one of the branches of the Port Medical Center Hospital showed that the average value of the employee satisfaction variable was 2.68. Based on these data, it is known that the conditions related to establishing good relations with other employees are relatively low aspects with a mean value of 2.13 compared to other aspects of employee job satisfaction at Port Medical Center Hospital. This shows that the relationship between employees at the Port Medical Center Hospital has not been well established. If the condition continues, it will certainly have a negative impact on employees who become dissatisfied and uncomfortable at work. The phenomenon that occurs related to employee job satisfaction in one of the branches of the Port Medical Center Hospital above encourages researchers to carry out research related to factors affecting employee satisfaction, namely leadership style, organizational culture and discipline.



This research was conducted at the Port Medical Center Hospital. More efficient because of considerations of time, cost and effort. The implementation time of this research takes place from the first quarter of 2022. To achieve the objectives described above This research is included in the type of explanatory causality research. The independent variables in this study are leadership style, organizational culture and work discipline. While the dependent variable is the job satisfaction of nurses. The population in this study were employees who worked at the Port Hospital (IHC Group) Jakarta Area with a total population of 70 people who were nurses, midwives and medical support. The sample method used in this study is non-probability sampling). Then for the sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations. The sample criteria used in this study were nurses who worked at the Port Medical Center Hospital. Then, the sampling technique is also done by census sampling or other terms are saturated samples. So the sample used in this study was 70 respondents who were nurses, midwives & medical support at the Port Medical Center Hospital. Analysis of the data used in this study is multiple regression with the help of SPSS version 24.00 program. Before performing multiple regression analysis and hypotheses, the validity and reliability tests, descriptive statistics and classical assumptions are first tested.


Research Model

Image 1. Theories of Concept in Framework Research Constellation





Descriptive Statistics Test

Descriptive statistical testing in this study was carried out using the SPSS version 24 statistical program. The following is Table 2 which shows the results of the descriptive statistical test analysis.

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics Test Results


Descriptive Statistics







Std. Deviation


























Primary data sources processed 2022


The results of descriptive statistical tests that have been carried out with SPSS version 24, it is known that the results on the leadership style variable get a minimum value of 2.22 and a maximum of 5.00 with an average value (mean) of 4.0369 and a standard deviation of 0, 54974. Meanwhile, the organizational culture variable obtained a minimum value of 2.25 and a maximum of 5.00 with an average value (mean) of 3.9543 and a standard deviation of 0.57065. Then, the work discipline variable gets a minimum value of 2.13 and a maximum of 5.00 with an average value (mean) of 3.9177 and a standard deviation of 0.55651. And the job satisfaction variable gets a minimum value of 3.00 and a maximum of 5.00 with an average value (mean) of 4.0491 and a standard deviation of 0.51175.


Research Instrument Test

The research instrument test used is the validity test and the reliability test. The validity of a research result is largely determined by the measuring instrument used. If the measuring instrument used is invalid and/or not reliable, the results of the research conducted will not describe the real situation. To overcome this, two kinds of tests are needed, namely validity and reliability tests to test the sincerity of respondents' answers.


Table 3. Validity Test Results



r hitung

r tabel



Gaya Kepemimpinan (X1)





Budaya Organisasi (X2)





Disiplin (X3)





Kepuasan Karyawan (Y)




Source: Results of Data Processing with SPSS 24 (2022)


Based on the results of the validity test above, it can be seen that all statements on the variables of leadership style, organizational culture, work discipline, and job satisfaction have an r value greater than r table (0.231). So it is said that all variable statements in this study are declared valid.


Table 4. Reliability Test Results


Cronbach's Alpha


Leadership Style



Organizational culture



Work Discipline



Job satisfaction



 Source: Results of Data Processing with SPSS 24 (2022)


Cronbach's alpha value for each variable, namely: leadership style, organizational culture, work discipline, and job satisfaction is greater than 0.60, so it can be concluded that all variables are reliable because they meet the minimum requirements for Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient > 0.60.


Three Box Method Analysis

Data analysis can be done to present empirical findings in the form of descriptive statistical data that explains the characteristics of respondents, especially in relation to the research variables used in hypothesis testing (Ferdinand, 2006). Based on the results of the range of values that have been divided into three categories, the researchers tried to analyze each of the research variables studied and categorize each of these variables. The results of descriptive analysis based on the index value obtained the following results:


Table 5. Variable Classification Diagram Matrix









Leadership Style




I respect and trust the leadership.

I get a good example of leadership at work


Organizational culture




I always pay attention to the latest developments in science and technology in accordance with your professional discipline in carrying out tasks and directions from superiors.






I always pay attention to the latest developments in science and technology in accordance with your professional discipline when treating patients


Employee Satisfaction




I feel challenged by the task.

which are given

I am satisfied with the compensation received

Source: Research Results (2022)


It is known that the scores of all variables are included in the high category but, the accumulatif counts the leadership style has a higer affects to Job satisfaction index than Organizational Culture and Disciplin. In this case, it is explained that leadership style has a high impact on employee satisfaction. The better the leadership style applied to employees, the higher the employee job satisfaction. Then, organizational culture has a high (middle) impact on employee satisfaction. With a good organizational culture, it will create good job satisfaction. Furthermore, work discipline has a high (middle) impact on employee satisfaction. The higher the job satisfaction felt by employees, the higher the employee's work discipline. Job satisfaction has a high impact on influencing leadership style, organizational culture and work discipline.


Classic Assumption Test Results

Assumptions are required in multiple linear regression. The goal is to obtain an estimator value or the value of the coefficients and that cannot be so that they become the best values. The classical basic assumption tests used in this study include.


Normality test, Validity test & Heteroscedasticity test

Decision making in the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test is obtained from the value of Sig. kolmogrov-smirnov test, where if the value of sig. greater (>) 0.05 then the data distribution is declared normal

The basis for decision making a model has multicollinearity is (Rahmah & Mawardi, 2021). If the VIF (Variance Inflation factor) value is < 10 and the tolerance value is > 0.1, then there is no multicollinearity between the independent variables in the model. If the value of VIF (Variance Inflation factor) > 10 and the tolerance value < 0.1, then there is multicollinearity between the independent variables in the model (Wiratama Putra, 2023).

To determine the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity symptoms is through the Glacier test. In the Glacier test, a confounding error regression was performed on each independent variable that was thought to be. From the test results, a decision will be made, if the significance number is > 0.05 (Rahmah & Mawardi, 2021).


Table 6. Normality Test Results


Unstandardized Residual

Test Statistic



Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)





Collinearity Statistics






Organizational culture

Work Discipline














Leadership Style


There is no Heteroscedasticity

Organizational culture


There is no Heteroscedasticity

Work Discipline


There is no Heteroscedasticity

Source: Results of Data Processing with SPSS version 24 (2022)


The output of the normality test in the table above, the value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov is 0.059 and the significance is 0.200. The significance value is greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded that the residual data is normally distributed.


Multiple Linear Regression Test Results

The results of multiple linear regression analysis can be seen in the following table.


Table 7. Multiple Linear Regression Test Results












Leadership Style




Organizational culture




Work Discipline




Source: Results of Data Processing with SPSS version 24 (2022)


Based on the test output above, the regression equation can be made as follows:

KK = 5,068 + 0,506 GK + 0,368 BO + 0,215 DK + ε

Hypothesis test

Hypothesis Testing with t Test, F Test & Coefficient of Determination


The criteria used to see the effect of these variables are by looking at the sig value (p-value) in the Coefficient (t Test), the sig value (p-value) in the ANOVA table (F Test). If the value of sig. smaller than the alpha value (5%) then it can be said that there is an influence between the independent variables on the dependent variable partialy & simultaneously. The value of the coefficient of determination is between zero and one. The results of the coefficient of determination test obtained an R-Square value of 0.792 or 79.2%. This means that job satisfaction for employees who work at the Port Medical Center can be explained by the variables of leadership style, organizational culture and work discipline together of 79.2%. While the remaining 20.8% is influenced by variables outside of other research models.


Table 8. Results of Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing (F Test)


Sum of Squares


Mean Square











Sum of Squares


Mean Square












R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






Source: Results of Data Processing with SPSS version 24 (2022)



The Effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Work Discipline Together on Job Satisfaction

The first hypothesis shows that leadership style, organizational culture, and work discipline together have an effect on job satisfaction for employees at Port Medical Center Hospital. Judging from the results of the simultaneous hypothesis test (F test) which produces a calculated F value of 83,992 and a significant value of 0.000, it is smaller than 0.05. Thus, the first hypothesis is accepted, meaning that leadership style, organizational culture, and work discipline together affect job satisfaction of employees at Port Medical Center Hospital.

Job satisfaction is a positive attitude of an employee that involves emotions and behavior, evaluating work in relation to something important, achievement or job value. When a person reaches or completes the desired minimum, there will be job satisfaction and there is no gap between desire and reality. A positive difference occurs, if the performance is higher than expected, then job satisfaction will occur. On the other hand, if the gap is smaller than expected, there is a negative difference, which can lead to more job dissatisfaction (Pawirosumarto et al., 2017).

These results support the research which states that leadership style and organizational culture have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Suprapti (2020) shows that work discipline has an effect on employee satisfaction. Then the results of research concluded that leadership style, motivation and discipline together affect the variable job satisfaction (Mustika & Oktavianti, 2021).


The Effect of Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction

The second hypothesis shows that leadership style has a significant effect on job satisfaction for employees who work at the Port Medical Center Hospital. Judging from the results of hypothesis testing which produces a t-count value of 4.647 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, it means that the second hypothesis is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that leadership style has a significant effect on job satisfaction for employees who work at the Port Medical Center Hospital.

Supervisor/leader behavior can affect employee job satisfaction positively or negatively (Pawirosumarto et al., 2017). Communication behaviors include eye contact; facial expressions and body movements and they are very important in a superior-subordinate relationship. Non-verbal communication of supervisors/leaders is helpful for increasing social engagement with subordinates and positively influencing individual job satisfaction at work. Suggests that a company needs to improve a good leadership style to improve employee performance. A company must have a leader with high power. Enforcement of discipline and firmness by a leader is needed so that employees are able to maintain their dignity, reputation and cooperation.

The results of the research stated that leadership style has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction (Putra, 2020). This is if the leadership style is in accordance with the circumstances of employees who have diverse characters, it is possible that there will be a lot of diversity in the level of job satisfaction (Siallagan et al., 2016). A leadership style that can be accepted by all elements will get a positive response from its employees. Conversely, if the leadership style is not in accordance with the wishes of employees and the organization, then there will be an attitude of indifference and even rejection of the leadership's policies. As a result, it will reduce the level of job satisfaction.


The Influence of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction

The third hypothesis shows that organizational culture has a significant effect on job satisfaction for employees who work at the Port Medical Center Hospital. Judging from the results of hypothesis testing which produces a t-count value of 5.177 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, it means that the third hypothesis is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that organizational culture has a significant effect on job satisfaction for employees who work at the Port Medical Center Hospital.

Explained that the outcome for an individual such as satisfaction depends on the match between individual characteristics and organizational culture which means that employees can better adapt to the work environment if the characteristics of the organizational culture match their individual orientation (Al-Sada et al., 2017). Stated in his research that having a good organizational culture will create better job satisfaction (Renyut et al., 2017). Previous research conducted conclude that there is indeed an influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction (Azizah, 2017). Employees have high work aggressiveness, namely employees are always full of initiative in doing tasks, employees do not always depend on superior's instructions in carrying out tasks, every employee makes work plans and tries to finish well.

The same results were found show that organizational culture has a significant effect on job satisfaction (Habba et al., 2017). The findings of state that organizational culture has a strong relationship with job satisfaction. Syaiful (2016) found organizational culture to have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This is different from the findings organizational culture has no effect on job satisfaction (Prasetyo et al., 2020) (Putra, 2020).


The Effect of Work Discipline on Job Satisfaction

The fourth hypothesis shows that work discipline has a significant effect on job satisfaction for employees who work at the Port Medical Center Hospital. Judging from the results of hypothesis testing which produces a t-count value of 2.526 and a significant value of 0.014 <0.05, it means that the fourth hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that work discipline has a significant effect on job satisfaction for employees who work at the Port Medical Center Hospital.

A good discipline model must be followed by the behavior of the employees themselves on the grounds that discipline is to increase job satisfaction. Paramina and Sari (2017); Hadiwijaya and Hanafi (2016) state that work discipline has a direct effect on job satisfaction. This shows that the higher the work discipline, the higher the job satisfaction of employees. However, this is not in accordance with the results of research stated that work discipline almost did not affect employee job satisfaction with the results of the study showing that work discipline had no significant effect on job satisfaction.

The results of shows that there is a significant effect of work discipline on employee job satisfaction. The conclusion of this hypothesis is consistent and in line with several previous studies. There is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on employee job satisfaction. There is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on employee job satisfaction (Asbari et al., 2020). There is a significant effect of work discipline on employee satisfaction. There is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on employee satisfaction there is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on employee job satisfaction (Purwanto et al., 2019). This is different from the research findings which show that discipline has a negative and insignificant effect on employee job satisfaction variables (Mustika & Oktavianti, 2021).



Leadership style, work discipline and organizational culture together influence the job satisfaction of employees at Port Medical Center Hospital. Then it was also found that leadership style has a significant effect on job satisfaction of employees working at Port Medical Center Hospital. This shows that the better the leadership style applied to employees, the higher employee job satisfaction. Organizational culture also has a significant influence on job satisfaction among employees working at Port Medical Center Hospital. This means that an increase in organizational culture is higher means it can also increase employee job satisfaction. Finaly it was found that work discipline has a significant effect on job satisfaction of employees working at Port Medical Center Hospital. This shows that the higher the level of employee discipline, it will affect the increase in employee job satisfaction. Application of leadership style that can increase job satisfaction. In this case, it is a trusted leadership style, where the leader must continue to set an example and better apply 0 zero tolerance to his subordinates and provide managerial knowledge to his staff through various training. Improvement of work culture within the organization that can increase employee job satisfaction. A strong organizational culture in this study is demonstrated by employee involvement, consistency, adaptability and organizational vision and mission. From the results of the study, the most influential factor is that employees must think more creatively. This shows that to build a creative and innovative culture, leaders who are able to stimulate individuals who are able to build a creative and innovative culture are needed.

Work discipline is proven to be able to influence employee job satisfaction. In work discipline, there are still many employees who do not have high work discipline in their field of work. So that the regional leadership of the Port Medical Center must be able to provide motivation and a good example for nurses who carry out their duties at work. With good motivation and management of work discipline, this can result in job satisfaction for employees.




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Copyright holder:

Dimas Indramanto, Hasyim, Wahyuni Dian Purwati (2023)


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Jurnal Health Sains


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