Mas Andika Cakra Purnama, CSP
Wekadigunawan, Hasyim
Master of Hospital Administration, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Leadership; Communication; Control System;
Nurse Performance. |
ABSTRACT The performance of
nurses is an important aspect in hospitals because it is an indicator of the
quality of health services. Nurses as human resources in carrying out health
services in hospitals are an important resource and are needed to achieve
optimal performance. Improving the performance of nurses will increase the
effectiveness and productivity of the hospital. Therefore, to achieve good
performance, leadership and communication styles are also needed. The purpose
of this study was to determine the leadership style and communication with
the control system as an effort to assess the performance of nurses. This
research is a cross-sectional research design. Data collection was carried
out at the Inpatient Unit of RS X Tangerang in June-July 2020 with a total
sample of 77 people as research samples. The results there was no influence
between the leadership style on the nurse's performance; the leadership style
on the control system; communication on the nurse's performance; between the
leadership style and communication on the nurse's performance with the system
control as mediation. However, there was an influence between communication
on the control system and the control system on the nurse's performance. |
Info Artikel |
Artikel masuk 06 February 2023, Direvisi
13 February 2023, Diterima 20 February 2023 |
Employee performance
has an important role in the quality (quality) of the hospital. Research shows that good service performance will
affect the quality of service in hospitals.
This is influenced by
many factors, including leadership, communication and control systems. If the
influencing factors have a good value, it will be able to provide a good value
also on improving employee performance, which in turn will be able to improve
the quality of service, and vice versa. This applies to any institution, both
privately owned and owned by the government, thus encouraging the hospital to
conduct a review of various aspects of existing services, in order to determine
strategic steps to improve the performance of hospital employees/employees.
Human resources are assets owned by an organization including hospitals
that need to be managed effectively in order to provide added value. To manage
human resources into organizational assets such as hospitals, effective
leadership is needed as well as to improve quality, one of which needs to
increase 'leadership' or leadership (Dewi et al.,
Leadership as an
indicator of the quality of human resources is a factor that will determine the
success of an organization such as a hospital. Likewise, in providing services
to the community so that services provided to people in need are obtained
quickly and satisfactorily without neglecting the accuracy, thoroughness and
assurance of government policy security, the quality of leadership plays a very
decisive role (Siagian,
2005). Effective
leadership requires the right combination of taskoriented behavior and
relationship-oriented behavior, and considers the maturity level of
subordinates (Hersey &
Blanchard, 1982). Leadership
is described as individual behavior when leading a group activity towards a
common goal (Al-Sawai, 2013).
The communication
system is a very important component for the sustainability and success of an
organization. In order to achieve organizational goals, all members of the
organization must cooperate with each other (Neves, 2012). Of course, this
collaboration can work well, if in the interaction, every member of the
organization can be directly involved in the implementation of the
communication system (Bass, 1998). An organization
consists of communication units in hierarchical relationships between one
another and function in an environment (Pace, 2006).
The organizational
control system is a series of management activities in the form of supervision,
direction and performance appraisal based on employee behavior, meaning that
employees are supervised, directed and assessed for their activities, not the
output they produce (Baldauf et al., 2001). The organizational
control system also plays an important role in improving employee performance. Shows
that performance is strongly influenced by the organization's management
control system. This control system aims to align employee behavior with
organizational goals to be achieved(Widaryanto, 2005), (Noorein Inamdar, 2007). From the research conducted, there
are several problems that need to be solved related to the low performance of
hospital employees (Lestari et
al., 2020).
An initial interview
with the director of RS X stated that there were several problems facing RS X.
In several service units, General Hospital X still carries out leadership with
an old style and less democratic. This is due to the low educational background
of the head of the room in leading his work unit. The attitude and behavior of
the hospital leadership also affects the performance of its employees. Leaders
are not good at sharing the goals or mission of Hospital X. From the board of
directors of Hospital X, there is also a lack of firm action in disciplining
its employees. Problems with poor communication and weak control systems are
also a source of problems at General Hospital X.
Because of this, in
this study the researchers wanted to know and analyze the influence of
leadership and communication on the performance of nurses and the control
system as an intervening variable at General Hospital X, Tangerang, Banten (Wijaya &
Suwandana, 2022). More specifically,
the researcher wants to know whether the leadership of the head of the room,
communication from the head of the room to nurses, as well as the control
system on the performance of nurses at General Hospital X (Mugiono et
al., 2020).
and Discussion
Univariate Test
Table 1. Matrix Analysis Three Box Method
No |
Variable |
Average Indeks |
1 |
Leadership |
64,0 |
2 |
Communication |
64,7 |
3 |
Control System |
63,6 |
4 |
Nurse Performance |
66,6 |
Source: Matrix Analysis Three Box Method (2023)
The table 1 above presents respondents' responses to the
influence of variables on leadership style, communication, control systems, and
nurse performance. The application of leadership style is considered very good
by employees. Furthermore, communication is also running optimally applied
based on the results of respondents. The control system that runs in the
hospital is also very good. The nurse's performance is assessed as quality and
has the highest average value compared to the other three variables.
Normality test
Normality test shows that the results of
the data provide a skew value between the range of 0.503 to -0.407, it can be
concluded that the data is normal.
Covarians Test
The determinant value of the covariance
matrix is 6.164 and is far from zero, meaning that there is no
multicollinearity and singularity.
Simultaneous Test
The measurement model test is to test the
relationship between indicators and variables. The combination of structural
and measurement model testing allows researchers to test measurement error as
an integral part of AMOS-path analysis and perform factor analysis along with
hypothesis testing. In the measurement model test, the Chi-square result is
0.261, this indicates that the first hypothesis (H1) is rejected.
The Coefficient Of Determination Test
Table 2. Test the coefficient of
Estimate |
Control System |
,427 |
Nurse Performance |
,714 |
Source: Test the coefficient of
determination (2023)
estimate value for the control system variable is 42.7% and the nurse
performance variable estimate is 71.4%. In this study, the control system
variable was not significantly influenced by leadership and communication
styles. From the results of the analysis of determination, it is concluded that
the influence of leadership style, communication, and control systems on nurse
performance is 71.4%, while the remaining 29.6% is influenced by other factors
outside of this study.
Partial Test
Table 3. Partial Test
Estimate |
S.E. |
C.R. |
P |
Label |
Leadership |
à |
Control System |
,011 |
,150 |
,072 |
,942 |
Par_1 |
Communication |
à |
Control System |
,687 |
,091 |
7,517 |
*** |
Par_2 |
Control System |
à |
Nurse Performance |
,784 |
,078 |
10,090 |
*** |
Par_3 |
Communication |
à |
Nurse Performance |
,042 |
,082 |
,508 |
,611 |
Par_4 |
Leadership |
à |
Nurse Performance |
-,030 |
,101 |
-,292 |
,770 |
Par_5 |
Source: Partial
Test (2023)
Hypothesis 1 estimates the effect of
leadership style on nurse performance 0.030 & has a CR of 0.101 and p-value
0.770> 0.05 then the hypothesis is rejected, meaning that there is no
positive and significant influence between leadership style on nurse performance.
Hypothesis 2 estimates the influence of leadership style on the control system
0.011 & has a CR of 0.072 and p-value 0.942> 0.05 then the hypothesis is
rejected, meaning that there is no positive and significant effect between
leadership style on the control system. Hypothesis 3 estimates the effect of
communication on nurse performance 0.042 & has a CR of 0.082 and p-value 0.611>
0.05 then the hypothesis is rejected, meaning that there is no positive and
significant effect between communication on nurse performance. Hypothesis 4
estimates the effect of communication on the control system 0.687 & has a
CR of 7.517 and p-value 0.00 <0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted, meaning
that there is a positive and significant effect between communication on the
control system. Hypothesis 5 estimates the effect of the control system on the
nurse's performance 0.784 & has a CR of 0.078 and a p-value of 0.00
<0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted, meaning that there is a positive and
significant effect between the control system on the nurse's performance.
Direct Mediation Test
Table 4. Direct Mediation Test
Communication |
Leadership |
Control System |
Control System |
,654 |
,006 |
,000 |
Nurse Performance |
,041 |
-,018 |
,818 |
Source: Direct
Mediation Test (2023)
Based on the table above, it is known that
the direct effect of the communication variable on the control system is 0.654,
the direct effect of the leadership style variable on the control system is
0.006, the direct effect of communication on the nurse's performance is 0.041,
the direct influence of the leadership style on the nurse's performance is
-0.018, the effect of the control system on the nurse's performance is 0.818 (Pangaribuan &
Supriyanto, 2021). The measurement results show that the
biggest direct effect is the effect of communication on the control system.
Indirect Mediation Test
Table 5. Indirect Mediation Test
Communication |
Leadership |
Control System |
Control System |
,000 |
,000 |
,000 |
Nurse Performance |
,534 |
,005 |
,000 |
Source: Indirect Mediation Test (2023)
Based on the table above, it is known that
the indirect effect of communication on the performance of nurses with the
control system as a mediation is 0.534, the indirect effect of leadership style
on the performance of nurses with the control system as a mediation is 0.005.
The measurement results show that the biggest indirect effect is the effect of
communication on the nurse's performance. The structural model of the direct
and indirect influence path analysis in this study is presented as follows:
Figure 2. Constelation Research
Based on the path analysis presented, it
can be calculated the indirect effect of leadership style on nurse performance
with the control system as a mediation, namely 0.01 x 0.78 = 0.0078. So it was
concluded that the comparison of the direct influence of the leadership style
variable on the nurse's performance and the indirect effect of the leadership
style variable on the nurse's performance with the control system as a
mediation was 0.0078 > -0.03. This means that there is
mediation/intervening, where the control system is able to make the leadership
style meaningful to the nurse's performance. The nurse's performance cannot be
directly influenced by the leadership style.
Furthermore, the indirect effect of
communication on the performance of nurses with the control system as a
mediation is 0.69 x 0.78 = 0.5382. The comparison of the direct effect of
communication variables on nurse performance and the indirect effect given by
communication on nurse performance with the control system as a mediation is
0.5382 > 0.04. This means that there is mediation/intervening, where the
control system is able to make communication meaningful to the nurse's
performance. The nurse's performance cannot be directly affected by communication (Khairani et al., 2018).
From this research, several conclusions can be
drawn including: There is no influence between leadership and nurse performance
at General Hospital X, Tangerang, Banten. There is no influence between
leadership and control system at General Hospital X, Tangerang, Banten. There
is no influence between communication and nurse performance at General Hospital
X, Tangerang, Banten. There is a positive and significant influence between
communication and control systems at General Hospital X, Tangerang, Banten.
There is a positive and significant influence between the control system on the
performance of nurses at General Hospital X, Tangerang, Banten. There is no
influence between leadership style and communication on the performance of nurses
with a control system as a mediation at General Hospital X, Tangerang, Banten.
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holder: Yunita Fitri Widiyawati, Hosizah Markam,
Rina Mutiara (2023) |
First publication right: Jurnal Health Sains |
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