Nofriana Inna Manulangga, David B. W. Pandie, Frans Salesman,

Anderias Umbu Roga, Muntasir

Nusa Cendana University, Public Health Study Program.

MPH Program, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia



Edward III Policy Implementation; Migrant Workers; STI HIV AIDS.






Using Edward III's policy theory, this study aims to analyze Communication (X1), Resources (X2), Bureaucracy (X3), and Disposition (X4) affect the performance of public policy implementation in the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from NTT impact on the transmission of sexually transmitted infections HIV AIDS in NTT (Y). Conducted in Kupang City by taking PPTKIS Citra Bina Tenaga Kerja (CBTM) as a recruiting, training and sending agent. Respondents were 93 from 122 populations who departed in 2016-2017 and returned in 2019-2020. The research sample is purposive and snowball sampling. The results show that implementation performance (Y) could have gone better. Statistical analysis used SPSS 26: 1) X1 has a parameter coefficient (original Sample 0.280) against (Y), where the effect was positive and significant (t = 2.946>t-table 1.662); 2) X2 has a parameter coefficient (original sample -0.153) against (Y), where the effect was positive and significant (t = -1.629<t-table 1.662 ); 3) X3 has a parameter coefficient (original sample 0.052) against (Y), where the effect was positive and significant (t = 1.001 <t-table 1.662); 4) X4 has the lowest parameter coefficient (original sample 0.116) (Y), where the effect was positive and significant (t = 2.267>t-table 1.662). The most substantial variable influencing policy implementation is communication.

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Artikel masuk 23 January 2023, Direvisi 30 January 2023, Diterima 06 February 2023



Human resources are one of the components of the organization in addition to machines, money, materials, methods, and markets. According to Notoatmodjo (2003), an organization must be supported by talented human resources because human resources play a crucial role in running a business or activity. Organizations need human resources, namely workers with high job performance. The quality of a high or good workforce can be used as one of the fundamental factors to measure the success of an organization in achieving its goals (Andari, 2012).

According to the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Hanif Dhakiri, through print media (, the quality of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) is still not good overall. This is due to the lack of good education and training, so the ability of the workforce to work still needs to grow. Furthermore, it is said that 55% of the total Indonesian Migrant Workers are abroad, of which around 3.7 million people have inferior performance.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia recorded no less than 3,091,284 Indonesian citizens abroad, of which 58.9% worked as domestic workers. These figures are estimated to be two to three times higher, as most Indonesian citizens do not report to the Immigration Service (Yunardi, 2021). Of the 20,000 cases faced by Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad, most cases were related to working conditions in the receiving country, such as unpaid wages, forced labour, irregular working hours, sexual training and physical violence (Wahab, 2021).

The danger of human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has entered the red zone or emergency stage. The crime and threat of human trafficking have become a real issue in NTT, and it is pretty disturbing to the public and has become a hot topic of conversation on social media. Until now, NTT is still relatively high compared to other provinces in Indonesia as the province of origin for victims of the crime of human trafficking. From January to August 2017, 137 cases of human trafficking plagued the province of NTT. Meanwhile, the previous year, this condition was acute because there were many NTT citizens aged 14 years and over who were used as female Workers (TKW) abroad, especially in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and other countries whose identities were victims. Faked by the agency or perpetrator.

Lack of knowledge and family due to limited information is alleged to be their leading cause, plus the economic crush and high lure. Data from the Institute of Resource Governance and Social Change (IRGSC), from January to December 2015, 941 people became victims. It is suspected that there were seven networks of companies and individuals involved. In 2015 there were 1,667 TKW from NTT who became victims of human trafficking. Meanwhile, in 2016, from January to July, there were around 726 TKW who had problems or indicated the practice of human trafficking (Wahyudi, Mangku, & Yuliartini, 2020). The East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police noted that 1,667 prospective female workers (TKW) from NTT were illegally sent outside the region. It is planned that many human trafficking networks will send the prospective TKW to Medan and Malaysia.



This research is survey research designed as an explanatory research design. The study aimed to explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables through hypothesis testing (Irawan, 2019). This type of research was chosen because it aims to describe the conditions of placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from NTT in Kupang City from the aspects of: Communication, Resources, Bureaucratic Structure and Disposition that appear, as well as the reasons behind the relationship between variables, either partially or simultaneously which is assessed through indicators, parameters and the process (table 1) on the performance of the implementation of the Public Policy on the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from NTT against the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (HIV) and AIDS. The method used is to collect data through a survey of TKI from NTT, which was dispatched by one of the PPTKIS in Kupang City and was chosen randomly, namely PPTKIS Citra Bina Tenaga Mandiri.

The population in this study is all TKI/TKW who formally departed from Kupang City abroad by PPTKIS CBIM in 2016-2017 and again in 2017-2019. As many as 93 people were sampled from 122 people in the population



A.      Overview of a research object

Private Implementor Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement, abbreviated as PPTKIS or Overseas Work Training Center (OWTC), is a legal entity that has obtained written permission from the Government to provide services for the placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad. One of the privately owned PPTKIS or OWTC in Kupang City is PT Citra Bina Tenaga Mandiri (CBTM), located at Manage street, 71 Oebobo Kayu Putih, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara. Founded in 2002, then received a license renewal number, 203, in 2012. The extension permit was suspended In 2020 by the Government due to two things, are; (1) a moratorium on the placement of migrant workers outside the province by the Governor based on decree number 357/KEP/HK/2018 and 358/KEP/HK/2018, concerning Termination of Departure of Prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers/Indonesian Migrant Workers from East Nusa Tenggara Province to others province or and Overseas, (2) Decree of the Minister of Manpower Number 151 of 2020 after the World Health Organization (WHO) stipulates Covid -19 became a global pandemic.

B.       Respondent profile

Respondents were migrant workers whom PPTKIS Citra Bina Insan Mandiri had legally dispatched to the destination country, then worked at least two years ago and returned to Indonesia because the work contract had been completed and was not extended or the migrant worker received work leave or furlough.

The quality of migrant workers is measured based on the age and education level of the respondents. The results of the analysis of the distribution of respondents based on age are shown in table 2. The data in Table 4.1 shows that the research respondents are > 20 years old, namely as many as 48 respondents (51%), aged 18-20 years, as many as 38 respondents (41%) and <18 years as many as 7 (8%). Age significantly affects the maturity of thinking in making decisions and eligibility according to the age limit based on applicable regulations. As for gender, there were 27 respondents (29%), female 66 respondents (71%). The sexes of women and men have differences in the location of work and the type of work and protection provided. Women work as informal household workers or household assistants, while men work as informal workers on plantations.

The level of education is one of the most important things for a workforce. Education is a means of learning which will instil a favourable attitude of understanding and determine the ability to receive, analyze and practice what is learned. Those with higher education are those who are relatively quick to adopt. On the contrary, those with low education are somewhat difficult to implement quickly (Nuryanto, 2020)

Table 2.

Profile of Age, Gender, and Education Level of Indonesian Migrant Workers




Number of people

Per cent (%)

Age (years)

> 20

















Formal education

Not completed in  

Primary School



Finished Elementary




Graduated High 




Finished high school






Informal education

(migrant worker training)



< 3 months



3–6 months



< 6 months



Source: Primary data processed

C.      The results of the perception analysis of respondents' answers to ( Y) use the theory of Edward III.

Testing the performance of the implementation of public policies in the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad, from NTT using Edward III's theory in Suparno (2017) is a government policy regarding a series of processes for recruiting prospective migrant workers, coaching or training, placement and departure as well as protection in the destination country until returning to the country of origin, which has an impact on the incidence of STI HIV AIDS transmission, where one of the links is human trafficking for the benefit of sexual exploitation. This study aims to prove and analyze the effectiveness of public policies directly in the field.

Several factors measuring the effectiveness of public policies that need to be studied using Edward III's theory are how to communicate, the availability of resources, the arrangement and placement of the bureaucratic structure and the disposition in the process of placing and protecting migrant workers as stated in Law Number 39 of 2004 concerning Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers in Abroad. For a policy to be effective, the primary recipients of the policy are migrant workers. At the same time, the technical service and PPTKIS are the channelling agents as facilitators of policy actors or implementers (Lucasnussy, 2020).

The results of the analysis of the distribution of answers (Y) using Edward III's Theory are shown in table 9, which data shows that respondents' answers about the placement and protection of migrant workers have an average score of all aspects of 2.9 and based on the Likert scale is included in the "less effective" category, this indicates that there are policies, namely inconsistencies or deviations in the implementation of policies for the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in preventing the incidence and transmission of STIs. HIV AIDS.

D.      Resource variable (X2) in the performance of public policy implementation in the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from NTT against transmission of STIs HIV AIDS

The results of the confirmatory factor analysis (confirmatory factor analysis) show that there is no significant difference between (X2) and (Y) because the path coefficient value has a negative effect of -0.153. The t-statistic value -1.659 < t-table 1.662 (Table 9), so that the hypothesis (X2) has a negative and insignificant effect on (Y) is unacceptable. Thus it can be said that the achievement of the effectiveness of public policy here is not too influenced by the availability of human resources, material resources, financial resources and information resources in a series of processes for placing and protecting Indonesian migrant workers that have an impact on the transmission of STIs and HIV AIDS.

Based on the study's results, it was found that (X2) had an average value of 3.09 which was included in the reasonably good category according to the Likert scale. The condition for running an organization is ownership of resources. Edward III (1980) suggests that these resources can be measured from adequacy, which implies suitability and clarity.

The results of the researcher's research on the indicators of the availability of human resources, in this case, the officers in terms of quality, quantity, and attitude are considered quite excellent or moderate according to the Likert scale with an average of 3.32, where officers are placed differently based on their responsibilities and duties, responsible for the task, able to solve problems in their respective fields, and always available officers who will provide information to the workers. The central resource in policy implementation is staff or employees (street-level bureaucrats) (Kiling & Kiling-Bunga, 2019).

Failures often occur in policy implementation and are caused by inadequate and incompetent staff/employees in their respective fields. There needs to be more than adding the number of staff and implementers to solve the problem of policy implementation. However, it requires an adequate number of staff with the necessary skills and abilities (competent and capable) to implement the policy (Agustino, 2006).

Officers also have good authority in making decisions about their duties and responsibilities according to SOPs that are mutually agreed upon and determined by the leadership. Authority is the authority or legitimacy of implementers in carrying out politically determined policies. When the authority does not exist, the power of the implementers in the eyes of the public is not legitimized so that it can thwart the implementation of public policies. Nevertheless, in other contexts, when formal authority is available, there often needs to be an error in seeing the authority's effectiveness. On the one hand, the effectiveness of authority is required in the implementation of policies; but on the other hand, effectiveness will decrease when the implementers' abuse authority for their own or group's interests (Winarno, 2007).

The indicator of the availability of material resources is considered good according to the Likert scale with an average of 3.49, where the infrastructure facilities in the form of buildings, classes, and rooms are considered very good. In contrast, the facilities in the form of tools are considered good. Low scores on the material resource indicator are only on points of sports and entertainment facilities to eliminate boredom. Facility; Physical facilities are an essential factor in policy implementation. Implementors may have sufficient, capable and competent staff, but with supporting facilities (facilities and infrastructure), the implementation of the policy will succeed (Winarno, 2007).

The indicator of the availability of financial resources is considered poor according to the Likert scale with an average of 2.26, where there are no supporting funds that can be used to meet particular needs that are needed by a migrant worker personally, nor are there special funds that can be borrowed for these needs. PPTKIS, even though they have a government permit, they do not get additional financial support from the Government. All migrant worker needs in the placement and protection process are PPTKIS's funds.

Resources are positioned as inputs in the organization as a system with economic and technological characteristics. Economically, resources are related to the direct costs or sacrifices incurred by the organization to reflect the value or potential use in their transformation into outputs. While technologically, resources are related to the transformation capability of the organization" (Tachjan, 2006). Nevertheless, in authority to use tactical funds, officers are given the authority according to the SOPs set by the leadership. Although financial migrant workers did not receive additional funds, all needs such as food and drink, personal hygiene, which was 3.32 on average, and the availability of medicines if sick, which was 3.15 on average during the process of placing and protecting migrant workers, were met by PPTKIS. Well, with an average of 3.32.

Finally, on the indicator of the availability of information resources such as libraries as a reference source related to the placement and protection of the migrant worker, officers' compliance is sufficient in implementing policies according to the Likert scale with an average score of 2.71, but information providers are well available so that all information can be obtained by migrant worker quite easily.

The results of interviews with PPTKIS CBTM officers said that all the needs of a migrant worker during training at the training centre were met by PPTKIS according to government standards, where food and drink needs were well provided. Providing food and drink also involves migrant workers as a place to learn or practice skills. Personal hygiene needs such as bath soap, laundry soap, underwear, sanitary napkins, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and face towels are also provided. Medicines are well provided, and licensed nurses are also provided to check the condition of migrant workers. If a migrant worker's illness requires a doctor, the PPTKIS nurse will take the migrant worker to the nearest Health Public Service or PPTKIS personal doctor. Funds such as pocket money or pocket money are not given because they will be used for purposes that endanger the migrant worker themselves, such as fleeing for damaging purposes and spending on cigarettes or liquor. Funds to be borrowed by a migrant worker in the event of special events in the family migrant worker, such as illness or death of a close person, are provided by PPTKIS.

E.       Bureaucratic structure variable (X3) in the performance of public policy implementation in the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from NTT against STI HIV AIDS transmission

The results of confirmatory factor analysis (confirmatory factor analysis) show that there is no significant difference between (X3) to (Y) because the path coefficient value has a negative effect of 0.052. The t-statistic value is 1.001 < t-table 1.662 (table 9), so hypothesis (X3) has a positive effect but is not significant to (Y) is unacceptable. Thus it can be said that the achievement of the effectiveness of public policy here is not too influenced by the variables of the bureaucratic structure, namely the availability of SOPs and the fragmentation in the process of placing and protecting migrant workers, which have an impact on the transmission of STIs and HIV AIDS. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the variable (X3) had an average value of 2.97 and was included in the moderate or moderate category according to the Likert scale.

The SOP indicator is reasonable according to the Likert scale, with an average of 3.1. The SOP already exists in PPTKIS and is run exceptionally well by the existing organizational structure. The availability of staff resources is considered good. They meet the bureaucratic structure, can follow the organizational management standards in PPTKIS, and works together quite nicely. Bureaucracy is a unit that, as a whole, is the executor of activities. The implementation of complex policies requires the cooperation of many parties. When the bureaucratic structure is not conducive to implementing a policy, this will lead to ineffectiveness and hinder the implementation of the policy.

Winarno said, "standard operational procedure (SOP) is the development of internal demands for the certainty of time, resources and the need for uniformity in a complex and broad work organization" (Winarno, 2007). The actual size of this SOP or work procedure is commonly used to deal with general conditions in various public and private sectors. By using SOPs, implementers can optimize the available time and function to uniform officials' actions in a complex and widespread organization, leading to great flexibility and excellent uniformity in applying regulations.

The division and distribution of responsibility tasks at PPTKIS are considered quite reasonable according to the Likert scale with an average of 2.8, where there has been a reasonably good division of tasks within the organization, the division of tasks in the organizational structure prevents the accumulation of tasks in one area so that it is difficult to determine priorities, prevent too many staff with the same task, maximize the efficiency of time and human resources and reduce the neglect of standard policies and SOPs by bureaucratic structures. The second nature of the bureaucratic structure demands that Edward III in (Winarno, 2007) explains that "fragmentation is the distribution of responsibility for a policy to several different agencies that require coordination". In general, the greater the coordination required to implement a policy, the less likely the program or policy will be successful.

The results of interviews with PPTKIS CBTM officers found that the PPTKIS bureaucratic structure was quite good. There are officers in several fields that fulfil the workflow. Weaknesses in the organizational structure are due to the need for more officers' commitment to following the flow of available SOPs. Not available SOPs for some tasks that require SOPs hinder coordination, accumulation, doubling, and neglect of work agendas due to weaknesses in the division of tasks or work agendas needing to be better fragmented.

F.       Disposition variable (X4) in the performance of public policy implementation in the placement and protection of migrant workers from origin against the transmission of STIs, HIV AIDS

The results of the confirmatory factor analysis (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) show a significant effect between (X4) to (Y) because the path coefficient value has a positive effect of 0.116 and the t-statistic value is 2. 267 > t-table 1.662 (table 9), so the fourth hypothesis which states (X4) has a positive effect and significant to (Y) is acceptable. Thus, the policy's success will be good if there is a systematic and well-distributed policy disposition.

The total average value of the results of the analysis of respondents' answers to questions about the constituent indicators is at a value of 3.11. It is concluded that the implementation policy disposition is included in the moderate category. Based on the percentage of respondents' answers in table 12, it shows that as many as 3 8 respondents (4 0. 9 %) are of moderate value, 32 respondents (3 4. 4 %) are good, 20 respondents (21.5 %) are evil, and one respondent (1.1%) is rated very poorly.

The indicator of the appointment of the Bureaucracy was found that the determination of the Bureaucracy was considered entirely satisfactory, with an average score of 3.51 according to the Likert scale, where the officers assigned to PPTKIS had certificates and mastered their work well. Nevertheless, the ability to solve problems in the organization and the problems of a migrant worker is low due to the disconnection when the migrant worker has been placed in the destination country.

From the interviews with PPTKIS CBTM officers, it was found that officers acknowledged that the responsibility for protecting migrant workers by PPTKIS CBTM was only carried out during coaching and placement or delivery to the destination country. Furthermore, while in the destination country, the migrant worker is supervised by the agent receiving the migrant worker who has an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the PPTKIS CBTM. PPTKIS CBTM does not know the standard and SOP of the receiving agent. the basis for signing the MOU is based on an official permit from the Government of the receiving agent country. Based on the official permit, PPTKIS CBTM believes that the receiving agent will place and protect migrant workers under the applicable laws and regulations in that country. The Indonesian Government carries out the protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in destination countries through BP2TKIS, the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration of the Province of NTT, as contained in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2013 concerning Procedures for Implementing the Placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad by the Government. PPTKIS, before dispatching migrant workers, must report them to the Government to obtain an Overseas Manpower Card (KTKLN) from the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province Ministry of Manpower, a passport from Provincial Immigration and Final Departure Briefing (PAP). Furthermore, through BP3TKI in Kupang, the Government will report the migrant worker to BP2TKIS in Jakarta, then from BP2TKI to the Indonesian Ambassador in the migrant worker's destination country for further protection.

The weakness of this series of flows is that there is too much Bureaucracy involved, and the direct supervision of the sending PPTKIS is cut off who know migrant workers well.

Based on information from migrant workers, it is stated that there is a possibility of migrant workers running away from the workplace and becoming illegal. This is due to the dissatisfaction of migrant worker users with their performance. According to the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Hanif Dhakiri, through print media (, the quality of Indonesian Migrant Workers is still not good overall. This is due to the lack of good education and training, so the workforce's ability to work still needs to grow. Furthermore, it is said ­that 55% of the total Indonesian workforce abroad, of which around 3.7 million people have inferior performance. The workers work without thinking about the quality of their work. This statement gives a perspective of the workforce as an organization that prioritizes quality, not quantity.

Several things, including one cause the poor working ability of the workforce,)lack of time discipline, 2)low workability, 3)lack of responsibility for work, 4) incentive problems, and 5) poor level of education. Still low. The data shows that 75% of the Indonesian workforce overseas are elementary and junior high school graduates who need education and training to achieve the expected quality of work. This is reinforced by interviews with BP3TKI officers of NTT Province, who stated that there were illegal migrant workers not from PPTKIS CBTM who were returned by immigration because they did not have passports, residence permits were not valid because their visas were past the time limit or expired. Complications from the presence of migrant workers who run away from the workplace so that they become illegal migrant workers and do not have an official residence permit because the validity period has expired. It is difficult for migrant workers to return to Indonesia because they do not have documents. The cost is sufficient to process the documents, even to pay for their living. As a result, the door for human trafficking parties or perpetrators to approach migrant workers and manipulate migrant workers is open. In line with a 2013 report, an estimated 100,000 women and children from Indonesia are trafficked annually for sexual exploitation, domestic work, forced marriage and child labour (Yunardi, 2021). The actual number is much higher considering the number of migrant workers who, for generations, have ­avoided fulfilling the requirements for placement and permits to work abroad issued by the Government, which are often carried out at the instigation of traffickers. Furthermore, IOM noted that from March 2005 to December 2014, the number of human trafficking in Indonesia reached 6,651 people. Of that number, 82 % are women who work at home and abroad as ­informal workers and 18 % of men, the majority of whom experience exploitation when ­working as crew members (ABK) (Putri & Arifin, 2019).

Migrant workers are also not a few sent home in dire circumstances due to sexual exploitation, involvement with parties who commit human trafficking, illness due to violence by employers, and even death. Not to mention, there have been reports from families who experienced a loss of contact or lost communication with families who became Indonesian migrant workers for quite a long time. Many of these troubled migrant workers were requested by BP3TKI to be entrusted to the PPTKIS CBTM. Meanwhile, from the results of research on migrant workers, it was found that problems would be found more by the migrant worker when they were in their country of work than during their time at the training place with an average score of 2.40, the existence of a broken relationship caused the information received by officers from migrant worker to be hampered so that the assistance or problem solving provided is also weak, where the average is 2.51. Even though migrant workers face many problems, it can be concluded that there is indifference by officers in evaluating the work standards or management used, including SOPs.

In line with Edward III (Winarno, 2007) stated, "the tendency or disposition is one of the factors that have important consequences for effective policy implementation" if the implementers have a positive tendency or attitude or there is support for policy implementation, there is an excellent possibility policy implementation will be carried out under the initial policy. On the other hand, if the implementers have a negative attitude or refuse to implement the policy because of a conflict of interest, the policy will face serious obstacles.

The forms of refusal can take various forms, as stated by Edward III regarding the "ignorance zone" where policy implementers, through their discretion (discretion), in a subtle way impede policy implementation by ignoring, delaying and other inhibitory actions.

The opinion of Van Metter and Van Horn (Lasidah, Noor, & Rozikin, 2021): "the attitude of acceptance or rejection of policy implementing agents dramatically affects the success or failure of public policy implementation. This is likely because the policies implemented are not the result of the formulation of certain groups who are well acquainted with the problems and issues. They feel that public policies are usually top-down, which makes it very possible for decision-makers not to know or even to be able to touch the needs, desires or problems that must be resolved.

The salary obtained by the officers is also suspected to be not good, so it was found that during the series of placement and protection of the migrant worker, it is possible that officers asked for money from a migrant worker, both in the recruitment, training, placement and repatriation processes to their country of origin, with an average value of 2, 53 according to the Likert scale is low or not reasonable. Furthermore, the wages received by migrant workers are not under the work contract, with an average value of 2.57 included in the low category according to the Likert scale. The possibility of the dishonesty of officers is caused by weak integrity and commitment from top to low bureaucratic levels, causing easy loopholes in manipulating policies by policy implementers.

Based on interviews with officers and a review of the PPTKIS CBTM document, it was found that the placement of officers in the organizational structure was outside the field of expertise and educational background. However, the placement of the Bureaucracy was based on loyalty, length of work and work experience. The leadership of the PPTKIS CBTM admitted that the reason for placing this Bureaucracy was related to the emotional connection, in this case, the principle of trust and the leadership's assessment of the interactions carried out within a particular time.

The factors that concern Edward III (Lasidah et al., 2021) regarding disposition in policy implementation consist of bureaucratic appointments. The disposition or attitude of the implementers will cause natural obstacles to policy implementation if the existing personnel do not implement the policies desired by higher officials; therefore, the appointment and selection of policy-implementing personnel must be people who are dedicated to the policy has been established, more specifically in the public interest.

The results of interviews with PPTKIS officers and document review also found that staff incentives had followed the East Nusa Tenggara Province Minimum Wage for Workers, length of service and placement of work fields. Payroll is not transparent or only known by the leadership and salary treasurer, where the average monthly income or take-home pay ranges from ± Rp. 1,500,000 to Rp. 4,000,000,-. There is an annual bonus in the amount of basic salary, and there is no additional bonus for work performance but a salary deduction if policy neglect is found, PPTKIS employees are registered with health insurance (Jamkesmas) and labour insurance (Jamsostek), which PPTKIS pays.

Incentives are one of the suggested techniques to overcome the attitude problem of policy implementers by manipulating incentives. People move based on personal interests, so manipulative incentives by policymakers influence the actions of policy actors, by adding certain benefits or costs may be a driving factor that makes actors carry out orders well. This is done as an effort to fulfil personal interests or organization.

It can be seen that several points affect the disposition, namely 1) the appointment and placement of the proper bureaucratic or organizational structure and competence as evidenced by the certificates they have and are also supported by experience in the field or main tasks and functions; 2) leadership and problem-solving skills ; 3) monthly income or salary accordingly; 4) with integrity and positive commitment; and 5) have high honesty.

G.      Variable (Y) Public policy on the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from NTT against HIV/AIDS STI transmission

The results of respondents' answers according to the classification of score levels for each question regarding the public policy variables for the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from East Nusa Tenggara against transmission of STIs, HIV AIDS are listed in Appendix 8. The total average value of the results of the analysis of respondents' answers to questions about the indicators that make up the program effectiveness variable is 2.36. It is concluded that the policy on the placement and protection of Indonesian migrant workers from East Nusa Tenggara against transmission of STI HIV AIDS is in the "medium" category (Darlis, Gobel, & Yusriani, 2019).

Assessment of the achievement of policies for the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers from East Nusa Tenggara against transmission of STIs and HIV AIDS due to inconsistencies in communication, resources, bureaucratic structures and dispositions in the series of placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers against STI transmission prevention efforts HIV AIDS. In placing migrant workers, policymakers and actors should pay attention to the impact of policies on target groups. If there is a neglect of document requirements, flow and system, and treatment based on policies in the target group, the quality or quality results that can be accounted for in the policy implementation is highly doubtful.

The respondent age factor found that there were still respondents who were dispatched under the category of not being old enough, namely seven people or 8% (table 4). Although this figure is small compared to the category of full age, this figure still shows that there are deviations or distortions in the placement and protection policies of Indonesian migrant workers. Those under the age category are very vulnerable to the possibility of being manipulated by criminals, such as being sexually harassed and even trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation. In the early three months of 2018, there were many cases of trafficking and exploitation targeting minors. In many cases, commercial sexual exploitation of children dominated reporting in early 2018. Furthermore, from 2005 to 2017, there were 8,876 trafficking victims, with 15 % of that number or as many as 1,155 victims targeting children (Badu, n.d.).

KPA data in 2018 showed as many as 203 migrant workers infected with HIV AIDS, even when compared to commercial seXoffenders, the vulnerability of victims of sexual exploitation due to human trafficking is higher due to their confined or restricted conditions, arbitrary treatment of sexual users and without the use of sexual safety equipment. (condoms) are exacerbated by access to health services that are impossible to obtain (Widiantoro, Aneta, & Aneta, 2021).

Low economic factors are other supporting factors that influence the possibility of being manipulated by criminals. The economic crash and the "lure" of high salaries also affect policy recipients or migrant workers. The poor condition of community, namely the economic condition of the province of NTT is very poor where the income per person per week is 17 dollars to 25 dollars (Satria, 2021).

Several other factors contributed to the poor implementation of policies on the placement and protection of migrant workers against the transmission of STI and HIV AIDS. Based on the results of observations and studies by researchers in the field and secondary data from PPTKIS officers, it was found that 1) promotion or health education about STI HIV AIDS for the migrant worker before departure significantly less; 2); efforts to prevent or prevent the incidence and transmission of STI HIV AIDS are less than optimal 3) treatment efforts for the infected migrant worker are minimal; and 4) rehabilitation efforts to prevent complications and further transmission are not well controlled. So that some respondents said that as a result of their knowledge about the transmission of STIs, HIV AIDS is very minimal, and protection is remarkably lacking from the perpetrators of the placement and protection policies of Indonesian Migrant Workers, most of whom have had free sex, experienced sexual harassment or sexual exploitation during a series of placement and protection processes.



There is no bureaucracy and incentives that have been maximally determined due to inconsistent dispositions in implementing policies on the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers against STIs and HIV AIDS.

Must apply inconsistencies or deviations from policy implementation, so that TKI from NTT are concluded to be at risk of being exposed to perpetrators of human trafficking, at risk of free sex behavior and at risk of experiencing sexual violence.



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Copyright holder:

Nofriana Inna Manulangga, David B. W. Pandie, Frans Salesman,

Anderias Umbu Roga, Muntasir (2023)


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Jurnal Health Sains


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