Razak1, Nurasi Lidya E Marpaung2*, Mayang Sari3,
Ester Novella Duwit4, Febriza Dwi Ranti5
Faculty of Medicine, University of Papua, Indonesia1234
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Papua, Indonesia5
Keywords: Memory; Dementia; Black Fruit Seed
Extract . |
ABSTRAK Black fruit seed extract (Haplolobus
monticola) contains flavonoid, alkaloid, and terpenoid compounds. Flavonoids
are beneficial to the cognitive function of the human brain. Terpenoid
derivatives can be used as potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of
dementia. Alkaloids have shown good affinity with the cholinergic enzyme
AChE. To find out the effect of black fruit seed extract on the memory of
Wistar white mouse induced AlCl3. AlCl3 was used to
induce experimental animal models of dementia. Experimental design using
Complete Randomized Design and is comparative. The subject of the study used
was Wistar White Mouse. The subjects of the study were randomly divided into
4 groups including K1 (aquadest 21 days continued Na-CMC 1% 10 days), K2
(AlCl3 21 days followed by Na-CMC 1% 10 days), K3 (AlCl induction
3 21 days continued Donepezil), and K4 (AlCl 3 21 days followed by
10 days). Memory evaluation using Morris water maze test data results were
analyzed with a t-test to see differences before treatment and after. Then
the One-way Anova test was to see the differences in the results of each
group and continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The
mean value of the morris water maze after therapy administration in the K3
and K4 groups showed significant cognitive improvement. There was no
meaningful difference between K3 and K4 against the decrease in the average
value of the morris water maze test. Black fruit seed extract can improve
memory in a Wistar white mouse that has been induced by AlCl3 and
is comparable to donepezil. |
Info Artikel |
masuk 02 January 2023, Direvisi 09 January 2023, Diterima 16 January 2023 |
is the store of knowledge gained so that it can be recalled. Memory forms the
basis of how individuals adapt to their environment. Memory can experience
disorders such as dementia, among others, due to dementia (Sherwood,
according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a symptom that can be
chronic or progressive resulting in a decline in cognitive function that is not
part of the normal aging process. It affects memory or memory of thought,
orientation, comprehension, learning ability, language, and judgment. Based on
data from WHO in 2018, Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death among all
diseases and one of the leading causes of disability and dependence in the
elderly worldwide. About 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, more
than 60% of whom live in low- and middle-income countries. Dementia is
particularly vulnerable in the elderly and the proportion of the elderly in the
population is increasing in almost every country, dementia is projected to
increase to 78 million by 2030 and 139 million by 2050. In 2019, the cost of
treating dementia consumed more than 89 billion per hour with an estimated 5
hours per day per person with dementia. According to (Rao
et al., 2006) Indonesia
is estimated to have around 1.2 million people with dementia in 2016, which
will increase to 2 million in 2030 and 4 million people by 2050. Various
studies on the use of herbs have been widely tested to maintain and improve
memory function. Research on black pepper extract can be able to improve memory
in experimental animals induced by AlCl3 (Iqbal,
Iqbal, Mahboob, M Farhat, & Ahmed, 2016). Black fruit (Haplolobus monticola)
which is native to Wondama West Papua. This fruit is a type of local plant that
is intensively used as an additional food source (Ungirwalu,
Awang, Maryudi, & Priyono, 2016). In
ethyl acetate extract, seeds from black fruit contain flavonoid compounds,
alkaloids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids (Toja,
Suprayitno, & Yanuhar, 2020). Flavonoids are beneficial for the
physiological health and cognitive function of the human brain such as improved
memory, and accelerated psychomotor processes (Saputra
& Sitepu, 2016). Terpenoid derivatives show high
activity and can be used as potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of
dementia (Dembitsky,
Dzhemileva, Gloriozova, & D’yakonov, 2020). Based on Insilco docking interactions
and binding affinity studies, alkaloids have shown good binding affinity with
AChE cholinergic enzymes that have a mechanism of cooperation with AChEi (Dembitsky
et al., 2020). Black fruit seeds have been studied
to be used as an antibacterial and there is still little research related to
the use of seeds from black fruit for health.
Experimental design using Complete Randomized Design (RAL) and is
comparative. The research was carried out at the Wet Laboratory of the Faculty
of Medicine, University of Papua from June to August 2022. The evaporation
process is carried out at the STIKES Sorong Pharmaceutical Integrated
Laboratory. This research has received ethical approval from the Health
Research Ethics Committee of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health
of Sorong. The research Permit Number is DM.03.05/6/030/2022.
The black fruit seed extract is carried out using the
method of maceration or soaking using ethyl acetate solvent. Before the
extraction process, the seeds are separated from the pulp and then cleaned with
water after which they are dried using an oven at a temperature of 40°C. then
puree until they become powder. Then soaked 200gr of powder in 800 ml of
solvent for 2 days. Then it is filtered using filter paper. The filtrate is
then evaporated using a Rotary evaporator at a temperature of 40 °C (Toja et al., 2020). Then proceed with a water bath to obtain a solid extract was carried
out at a temperature of 60 °C and continued with phytochemical tests.
The subject of the study used was
a Wistar White Mouse 16 male and adult aged 4-6 months with a weight of 200-350
grams. The subjects of the study were randomly divided into 4 groups including
group 1 (aquadest 21 days followed by Na-CMC 1% 10 days), Group 2 (AlCl induction
3 21 days followed by Na-CMC 1% 10 days), Group 3 (AlCl induction 3 21 days
continued Donepezil), and Group 4 (AlCl induction 3 21 days followed by 10
days). The subjects of the study were acclimatized for 14 days before being
given treatment. Given standard feed as well as drinking ad libitum. Room air
humidity is 40% with a temperature of 18-26 °C and lighting is set every 12
hours (Agustina & Kuliah, 2017). Wistar white mouse memory or memory evaluated with Morris Water Maze
Test (MWMT) (Lissner, Wartchow, Toniazzo, Gonçalves, &
Rodrigues, 2021). The equipment used in the Morris Water Maze Test test is a pool with a
round shape (158cm x 60cm) filled with water and a platform that is 2 cm
carried by water. The Morris Water Maze Test is assessed by recording the time
(seconds) spent by the animal trying to reach the platform positioned in the
pool. The evaluation was carried out 3 times before the treatment was given,
after 21 days of the first treatment, and after 10 days of the second
treatment. Before the memory evaluation was carried out, the subjects were
given training for 5 consecutive days by dividing the pool into 4 quadrants and
then placing the platform in one of the quadrants then the research subjects
were input in the pool in the first quadrant then left for 60 seconds to find
the platform and left for 15 seconds above the platform. It then starts in the
same way in quadrant 2 to quadrant 4 (Syed, Ikram, Yaqinuddin, & Ahmed, 2015). Mice that do not reach the platform for 60 seconds are directed to get
to the platform. After training, subjects induced AlCl3 175mg/kg bb orally for
21 days (Liu et al., 2020). Aluminum chloride (AlCl3) is extensively used for dementia
stimulation in many animal models (Shunan, Yu, Guan, & Zhou, 2021). (After induction for 21 days, an evaluation of memory was carried out
using the morris water maze test, the results of the evaluation data were
analyzed using paired t-tests to analyze whether there was a decrease in rat
memory before and after being given AlCl3. After that groups 2,3, and 4 were
treated orally for 10 days each: (1) group 2: Na-CMC 1% (Negative Control); (2)
group 3: Donepezil preparation 10 mg (Positive Control); (4) group 4: extract
black fruit seeds based on research (Liu et al., 2020). the dose is given 400mg/Kgbb. After memory evaluation, the results of
these data are then carried out in pairs t-tests to analyze whether there is an
improvement in rat memory before and after being given therapy. Furthermore,
the result data were also analyzed with the One-way Anova test and continued
with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test.
solid extract of black fruit seeds was obtained as much as 16gr obtained from
the extraction process of 630gr of black fruit seeds dried using an oven. From
the results of phytochemical tests, positive samples were obtained containing
several contents including flavonoids, phenolics, terpenoids, and alkaloids.
Table 1. Phytochemicals Result Picture
Phytochemicals |
Result |
Picture |
Phenolic |
The Solution is a Greenish-Black (Putra, 2019) |
Flavonoid |
Orange Red Color Solution (Hidajati & Triwahyuono, 2019) |
Alkaloid |
Reagen Meyer:
White Precipitate Wagner:
Brown Dragendorff: Red Color
Solution (Hidajati
& Triwahyuono, 2019) |
Terpenoid |
Brown (Hidajati & Triwahyuono, 2019) |
results of the study obtained the average time (second) of the Morris Water
Maze Test before induction of AlCl 3, of 5.00 in group 2; 5.50 in group 3; and
4.75 in group 4, after being given AlCl 3 for 21 days average score time
(second) Morris Water Maze Test of 9.00 in group 2; 3:50 p.m. in group 3; 9.75
in group 4 (Table 2). This shows an increase in a score which means that the
average duration of travel time is getting longer after being given AlCl3
in all three groups.
2. Average Morris Water Maze Test (MWMT)
MWMT (sec) |
Group |
N |
Pre-exposure |
Post AlCl3 21days Induced |
K1 |
4 |
7.50 |
7.25 |
K2 |
4 |
5.00 |
9.00 |
K3 |
4 |
5.50 |
15.50 |
K4 |
4 |
4.75 |
9.75 |
a paired t-test was carried out to determine whether there was a difference in
scores before and after the induction of AlCl3. The results of the paired
T-test were obtained at p=0.016 in group 2; p=0.018 in group 3; p=0.034 in
group 4. These results showed a significant difference between before and after
the administration of AlCl3. It can be concluded that groups 2,3, and 4 have
induction of AlCl 3 for 21 days, followed by treatment in the form of extra
black fruit seeds 400 mg/kg bb for group 4, group 3 was given donepezil
preparations of 10 mg, while groups 2 and 1 were given Na-CMC 1%. 10 days
later, a memory evaluation was carried out using the Morris Water Maze Test.
The lowest average MWMT value was obtained in group 4, which was 5; followed by
group 2 which was 7.75, and group 1 by 8. The longest duration was obtained in group
2 of 17.5 (See Figure 1).
1. Average of MWMT
Then a
paired t-test was carried out to determine whether there was a difference in
the average MWMT value after giving AlCl3 and after giving treatment. The
results of the T-test in each group were obtained p = 0.761 in group 1; p =
0.012 in group 2; p= 0.046 in group 3; p= 0.023 in group 4. The results showed
that there were significant differences before and after the administration of
therapy (extract and donepezil). It can be concluded that group 2 experienced a
decrease in memory which was indicated by a significant increase in the average
value of MWMT, and groups 3 and 4 experienced memory improvements which were
shown by a significant decrease in the average value of MWMT after administration
of therapy. An ANOVA test was carried out to determine whether there was a
difference in the average MWMT value between treatment groups. The ANOVA test
results were obtained significantly with a p-value = 0.002. Furthermore, an LSD
test was carried out to find out which treatment groups had significantly
different results. The LSD test results showed significant differences between
group 1, group 3, and group 4 with group 2. If you compare group 3 and group 4
with group 1 there is no significant difference. Then group 3 compared to group
4 found no significant difference. So, from the results of LSD, it can be
concluded that the extract of black fruit seeds and donepezil influences
improving memory and the results of improving the extracted memory of black
fruit seeds are comparable to donepezil.
Table 3.
LSD test of MWMT
Group |
Group |
P value |
K 2 |
.003 |
K1 |
K 3 |
.779 |
K 4 |
.273 |
K 2 |
K 3 |
.002 |
K4 |
.000 |
K3 |
K4 |
.406 |
Aluminum is
a powerful neurotoxin involved in the development of various cognitive
disorders. Chronic aluminum exposure
induces oxidative stress and prolongs cognition disorders (Liu et al., 2020). It has been
reported that Aluminium chloride (AlCI3) produces a marked decrease
in cognition based on memory evaluation using the Morris Water Maze Test (Syed et al., 2015) (Liu et al., 2020). Increased oxidative
stress caused by increased accumulation of free radicals can cause damage
to cellular lipid proteins and DNA, resulting
in nerve cell damage. Nerve
cell damage results
in a decrease in acetylcholine (ACh) neurotransmitter levels, as
evidenced by previous studies that exposure to AlCl3 can lower Ach levels (Liu et al., 2020). ACh is an important neurotransmitter in
the memory process (Sherwood, 2015). Exposure to aluminum can also result in microglia
producing inflammatory mediators (NO, TNF-α, IL-1β) (Liu et al., 2020). Activated
microglia will activate a series of cascade pathways, namely mitogen- activated
protein kinases (MAPKs) pathways and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling (Yan et al., 2017). Activation of
the IκB kinase/NFκB signaling pathway leads to the development of
various pathological conditions in humans, such as
neurodegenerative, inflammatory disorders, autoimmune diseases, and cancer (Sharma, Kumar, & Singh, 2019). Other studies have shown that memory
impairment in the administration of AlCI3
not only increases
oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines
but can also reduce BDNF (Brain- derived
nerve factor) levels (Shaji, Sivakumar, Rao, & Paul, 2018). Exposure to AlCl3 lowers intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP levels causes TORC1 nuclear translocation, disrupts the interaction between
SIRT1, TORC1, and CREB, and eventually affects. BDNF gene transcription can affect memory (Yan et al., 2017). So that the possible
memory decline that occurs in
groups 2, 3, and 4 is caused by an increase in oxidative stress, pro-
inflammatory cytokines, a decrease
in BDNF, and a decreThe extract of black fruit seeds
contains flavonoids, terpenoids, phenolics, and alkaloids. flavonoids work to
reduce inflammation by regulating the performance of microglia and modulating
the MAPK pathway and NF-kB signaling pathway. Based on research in rats induced
by AlCl3, alkaloids can reduce oxidative stress and neurotoxin which shows
potential as antioxidants. Terpenoids can suppress NF-kB, reducing ROS
(reactive oxygen species). The memory process is very dependent on BDNF, which
in previous studies found a meaningful relationship to increasing BDNF levels
and improving memory in animals in neurodegeneration models (Adu & Mabandla, 2019). So that the possibility of improving
memory in the group given an extract of black fruit seeds because they contain
compounds that can trigger BDNF expression. BDNF plays a role in central
nervous system neurons to support the presence of neurons, help the growth and
differentiation of new neurons, increase synaptogenesis, play a role in
neurogenesis, and can protect Neural Stem Cells (NSC) and Neural Precursor
Cells (NPC) (Pansri et al., 2021). Quercetin is
the most abundant flavonoid found in almost all plants able to increase BDNF
expression in the hippocampus of rats (Rahvar,
Owji, & Mashayekhi, 2018). Flavonoids are also polyphenol
compounds that cause CREB phosphorylation in the hippocampus, followed by an
increase in the BDNF protein (Sharma et al., 2019).
The use of
Donepezil in this study was able to improve memory. Donepezil is an AChEi class
drug that can treat the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. According to the
Dementia Australia organization, Cholinesterase inhibitor drugs stop or inhibit
enzymes to break down acetylcholine when it passes from one cell to another.
Cholinesterase inhibitors produce higher concentrations of acetylcholine, which
causes improved communication between nerve cells to improve or stabilize the
symptoms of dementia. It has been studied that extracts from blueberries
containing flavonoids and phenols can increase Ach levels to improve memory in
dementia model mice. The extract of black fruit seeds contains polyphenol
compounds in the form of flavonoids and phenolics. Polyphenols may inhibit the
enzyme acetylcholinesterase. So, it is likely to cause an increase in
communication between nerve cells to improve or stabilize the symptoms of
dementia so that there is a memory improvement.
Figure 2. The mechanism of ALCL3
results in a decrease in memory and the mechanism of action of phytochemical compounds of black fruit extract.
Fruit Black Fruit (Haplolobus monticola) Wondama seed extract has the potential
to improve memory and learning function, especially in people with dementia.
However, this research is limited to the identification of specific compounds
from phytochemical compound derivatives, analysis of ACh levels, and also BDNF
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Copyright holder: Abdul Razak, Nurasi Lidya E Marpaung, Mayang
Sari, Ester Novella Duwit, Febriza Dwi Ranti
(2023) |
First publication right: Jurnal Health Sains |
This article is licensed under: |