Jurnal Health
Sains: pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398 |
Vol. 3, No.12, Desember
2022 |
Erlin Puspita, Vini Yuliani, Jusuf Kristianto
Kesehatan Jakarta I, Jurusan Kebidanan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: rasumawatinurdjaya@gmail.com, erlin@poltekkesjakarta1.ac.id, vinny.jeroline06@gmail.com, jusufkristianto@gmail.com
Accepted August 04, 2022 Revised December 12, 2022 Approved December 25, 2022 |
Optimal growth and development is the result of the interaction of
various interrelated factors, namely genetic, environmental and behavioral
factors, as well as useful stimulation or stimulation. One form of
stimulation that can be done is baby massage. Baby massage provides many
benefits if done regularly and purposefully, so this baby massage is better
done by parents who are always close to the baby. In order for parents to be
able to do baby massage correctly, education is needed. With the development of technology, Android
can be used as a medium for health education information. Various studies
have shown that the use of mobile application-based technology and the
internet has proven effective in improving people's knowledge and behavior.
This study was conducted by taking data from postpartum mothers who visited
the Anny Rahardjo Main Clinic who were given baby massage education through
an android-based application for the Intervention group and the control group
through baby massage guidelines. The research design used a
quasi-experimental group and pretest-Pottest control design. The intervention
group received treatment for a predetermined period of time. After the
treatment was completed, measurements were taken in both groups. The number
of respondents was 60 people consisting of 30 control groups and 30
intervention groups. The conclusion of the research on the use of this baby
massage android application shows positive results, with the existence of
guidelines that can be accessed anytime and anywhere to make parents do baby
massage regularly and purposefully, so that there is a significant increase
in the average baby weight and baby development, and there is an effect of
Baby Massage Educational Intervention through android application on baby
development. |
Keywords: Baby massage education; App; Growth; Development. |
is a very special period known as the Golden age, which is a golden period and
a crisis period of 0-12 months of human development. Babies are very sensitive
to their environment, therefore babies need adaptation to their surroundings by
providing good nutrition and stimulation (Adriana, 2013).
The achievement of optimal growth and development is the result of the
interaction of various interrelated factors, namely genetic, environmental and
behavioral factors, as well as beneficial stimuli or stimuli. One of the
suggested stimuli is baby massage (Harahap, 2019).
is happening in today's society is that there are still many children who are
stunted (Mildiana & Eka, 2019).
This phenomenon occurs because many parents do not understand the importance of
the process and stages of child development. This situation can be seen, for
example, the mother does not talk to the baby during treatment, or does not give
the baby hand and foot exercises. so they do not equip and stimulate their
babies from an early age (Damayanti et al., 2019).
massage that is done regularly can produce many benefits, per several research
results including, The results of the study stated that premature babies after
being massaged significantly increased their body weight and increased their
motor development (Hutasuhut, 2019).
In addition, massage will also make the baby hungry quickly, so the baby can
suck more milk so that milk production increases (Rokayah & Nurlatifah, 2018).
massage provides many benefits if the baby massage is done with the right
technique, but currently, traditional baby massage performed by traditional
birth attendants is still common in many areas. Parents or other family members
take their baby to a massage therapist, believing that baby massage is an
alternative treatment for ailments (Harahap, 2019).
This is due to low awareness of the benefits of baby massage, they only do it
empirically and there is no scientific explanation about how to do baby massage
properly (Suharto & Suriani, 2018).
reduce the bad effects of improper baby massage, it would be better if the baby
massage is done by the mother herself, who is always near the baby. But for the
most part, the mother is unable to care for the newborn. Postpartum mothers
still look very stiff, afraid of being hugged, bathing, and doing baby
massages. Baby massage requires sufficient knowledge and skills. Health
education is an attempt to assist postpartum mothers in increasing knowledge,
motivation, and skills for optimal health. It is very important to use the
right method in the educational process (Suliha, 2002).
education can be communicated in various ways and media depending on the
purpose. Several studies have shown that the use of mobile and internet
application-based technologies has proven effective in increasing people's
knowledge and behavior (Sitorus, 2020).
With the development of technology, Android can be used as a medium of health
education information. Especially during this pandemic, people are more
interested in making use of or buying something from inside the house only via
cell phones, according to Net Applications research, the level of use of
smartphones and tablets that use the Android platform has continued to grow
globally in the last three months, 37.75% in April 2014, 41.58% in May 2014,
and 43.75% in June 2014%. Then according to the latest data released by APJII
(Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers) at the end of 2013, the
number of internet users in Indonesia reached 63 million, while Bappenas data
is expected to increase to 130 million in 2014 (Auliasari & Orisa, 2015).
So that parents can carry
out optimal stimulation of baby massage regularly and direct from home, also
seeing the potential for using Android smartphones and internet access.
Researchers are interested in developing baby massage applications using the
Android platform which can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
This research is a quasi-experimental study and the design used is the design
before and after the test with the control group, named after the first observation
(pre-test), the researcher examines the changes that occur after the treatment
(post-test) during the intervention group and the control group (Notoatmodjo, 2010). In the intervention/case design, an
educational intervention for infant massage was carried out through an android
application, while the control group was given an intervention for infant
massage which is usually carried out by a midwife. The intervention group
provided intervention 3 times in 1 week.
The sampling technique used a purposive sampling
technique, namely selecting samples according to their wishes, and the samples
in this study were conducted by postpartum mothers visiting the Anny Rahardjo
Main Clinic from July to September 2022. Therefore, the range of samples taken
using the solving technique is between 10-20% of the study population. For a
dropout rate of 10%, the sample is rounded up to 30 respondents in each group
with interesting features: Postpartum mothers who make postpartum visits at the
Anny Rahardjo clinic, have never been exposed to information on infant loss, do
not work in the health sector, and have Android phone. Exclusion criteria:
mothers who have problems in childbirth, do not do pre and post-tests, and
mothers who stop during the study (dropped out). Ethical clearance was
submitted in the first week of July 2022. Ethical Clearance was obtained on 25
July 2022 with Number: 433/SK.KEPK/UNR/VII/2022.
This study was divided into 2 parts, namely (1) initial observation: Before being given an intervention through the android application of baby massage, measurements of the growth and development of the baby were carried out. exist in the application. the mother will continue the baby massage activities at home per the application that has been given by the researcher (carried out in the morning/afternoon for 10-15 minutes). the mother will also do a baby massage at home following the guidelines given by the researcher (carried out in the morning/evening for 10-15 minutes). (2) Final observation: After intervention for 3 months 45 times in the intervention group, a posttest was carried out to assess the growth and development of the baby. Likewise, the group that was not given training in baby control massage applications was given the same posttest as the intervention group when the group the intervention was given a posttest, growth assessment was carried out using scales and meters and development using KPSP. The analysis in this study consists of; (1) Univariate analysis aims to display the characteristics of the postpartum mother respondents which include: parity, age, and education. (2) Conduct a bivariate to find out whether there is a relationship or influence between the independent variables on the dependent variable. The test used is the average comparison of the two unpaired groups, the t-test if the data distribution is normal, or the Mann-Whitney test if the data is not normally distributed. The p<0.05 value is used to indicate significance. Meanwhile, the data normality test uses the Shapiro-Wilk test for n < 50, provided that the data is normally distributed if p > 0.05. (3) Multivariate analysis in this study uses a linear regression test which aims to estimate the relationship between one independent variable and the dependent variable by controlling the confounding variable. If the analysis results show a value of p> 0.05, the variable is not confounding and is still worthy of comparison
Result and Discussion
research was conducted by collecting data on postpartum mothers who visited in
June-September 2022 at the Anny Rahardjo Main Clinic. Intervention group and
control group that provides education about baby massage through applications
& manuals. In this design, there are two groups each chosen at random, with
one group as the control group and the other group as the intervention group.
The group that received the treatment was called the intervention group. The
intervention group was then treated for a predetermined time. After completion,
measurements were taken in both groups. A comparison of the results of the two
groups shows the effect of the treatment given. The number of respondents was
60 people consisting of 30 control groups and 30 intervention groups.
Table 1
Distribution of Respondent
Characteristics by Age,
Parity, Education, and Knowledge
Variable |
Control |
Intervention |
Total |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Age 20-35 Years >35 Years |
22 8 |
73,3 26,7 |
26 4 |
86,7 13,3 |
48 12 |
80 20 |
Paritas Primipara Multipara |
6 24 |
20 80 |
7 23 |
23,3 76,7 |
13 47 |
21,7 78,3 |
Education Low Tall |
10 20 |
33,3 66,7 |
12 18 |
40 60 |
22 38 |
36,7 63,3 |
Knowledge Not enough Good |
12 18 |
40 60 |
14 16 |
46,7 53,3 |
26 34 |
43,3 56,7 |
Table 1. It can be concluded that in both the control group and the
intervention group, the majority of respondents were in the age range of 20-35
years, namely 73.3% in the control group and 86.7% in the intervention group.
For parity, most were multiparas with a percentage of 80 % in the control group
and 76.7% in the intervention group. The majority of respondents had higher
education, namely 66.7% in the control group and 60% in the intervention group.
Knowledge of the majority of respondents was in the good category with a
percentage of 60% in the control group and 53.3% in the intervention group.
Table 2
of Baby's Weight Gain Before and After
in the Intervention and Control Group
Weight |
Group |
Control Group |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Before |
9,4 |
6,5 |
15,3 |
2,1 |
9,9 |
7 |
15 |
2,1 |
After |
10 |
7,5 |
15,7 |
2,1 |
10,4 |
7,5 |
15,2 |
2,0 |
Based on table 2. shows that the average weight gain in the intervention
group before being given the baby massage application to the mother was 9.4 and
after being given the baby massage application was 10. These results indicate
an increase in weight in the intervention group before and after being given
the baby massage application.
Table 3
of Increase in Baby's Body Length Before and After
in the Intervention and Control Group
Weight |
Intervention Group |
Control Group |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Before |
68,1 |
60 |
78 |
5,8 |
67,0 |
60 |
78 |
5,5 |
After |
69,1 |
61 |
78 |
5,4 |
68,9 |
62 |
79 |
5,4 |
Table 3 shows that the mean increase in body length in the intervention
group before being given the baby massage application to the mother was 68.1
and after being given the baby massage application it was 69.1. These results
indicate an increase in body length in the intervention group before and after
being given the baby massage application.
Table 4
of Improved Baby Development Before and After
in the Intervention and Control Group
Weight |
Intervention Group |
Control Group |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Before |
8,8 |
7 |
9 |
0,4 |
8,9 |
7 |
9 |
0,4 |
After |
9,2 |
9 |
10 |
0,4 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
0,0 |
Based on table 4. shows that the average increase in development in the
intervention group before being given the baby massage application to the
mother was 8.8 and after being given the baby massage application it was 9.2.
These results indicate an increase in development in the intervention group
before and after being given the application of baby massage.
Table 5
Differences in Weight, Length and
Infant Development Before and After Intervention in the Intervention and
Control Groups
Variable |
Group |
Mean |
SD |
Min-Maks |
Rank |
P value* |
Weight |
Group Intervention Before After Beda Mean |
9,4 10 0,6 |
2,19 2.10 |
6,5-15,3 7,5-15,7 |
15,5 |
0.000 |
Group Control Before After Beda Mean |
9,9 10,4 0,5 |
2,18 2.04 |
7-15 7,5-15,2 |
13 |
0.000 |
Body Length |
Group Intervention Before After Beda Mean |
68,1 69,1 1,0 |
5,84 5,42 |
60-78 61-78 |
10 |
0.000 |
Group Control Before After Beda Mean |
67 68,9 1,0 |
5,50 5,44 |
60-78 62-79 |
15,5 |
0.000 |
Development |
Group Intervention Before After Beda Mean |
8,8 9,2 0.4 |
0,43 0,43 |
7-9 9-10 |
5,5 |
0.002 |
Group Kontrol Before After Beda Mean |
8,9 0,1 0.88 |
0,40 0,00 |
7-9 9-9 |
1,5 |
0.180 |
Table 5
explains that there was a significant increase in the average body weight in
the intervention group, before and after being given the baby massage
application with an average difference of 0.6. In the control group, there was
also an increase of 0.5. The value of the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that
there was a significant difference in the average body weight before and after
being given the baby massage application intervention with a value of p =
In the body
length variable, the intervention group and the control group before and after
being given the baby massage application had the same mean difference of 0.1.
Even though the average difference was the same, the Wilcoxon statistical test
value showed that there was a significant difference in the average body length
before and after the baby, massage application intervention was given with a
value of p = 0.000.
The development variable showed a significant increase in the average
development in the intervention group before and after being given the
application of baby massage with an average difference of 0.4. In the control
group, there was also an increase of 0.8. The value of the Wilcoxon statistical
test showed that there was a significant difference in the average development
before and after being given the baby massage application intervention with a
p-value = 0.002.
Table 6
The Effect of Using Baby Massage Applications
on Body Weight, Length, and Baby Development in the Intervention and Control
Variable |
Mean |
SD |
P value* |
Weight |
10,6 |
2,06 |
0.367 |
Body Length |
69,0 |
5,48 |
0.882 |
Development |
9,1 |
0.32 |
0.004 |
6. Based on the results of data analysis with the Mann-Whitney test, a
significance value of 0.004 was obtained. Based on this value, because the
p-value <0.005, it can be concluded that the treatment of providing
education with the use of the android application infant massage affects the
growth and development of the baby. This proves that providing education
through an android application has more influence on the growth and development
of babies compared to providing education only through baby massage guides. For
body weight and length, providing education through this android application
has no effect, the significance value is not significant, because the
p-value> 0.005.
finding is similar to some of the results of previous studies in research
conducted by (Andini et al., 2014)
A 2014 study on the effect of infant massage on neonatal development showed a
significant increase in motor development after infant massage. It can be
concluded that massaging the baby can optimize neonatal development (Andini et al., 2014),
with this android application makes it easier for mothers to do baby massage
properly regularly 3 times a week, resulting in a significant effect of
providing baby massage education on baby development (Khuzaiyah, 2018).
stimulation given early on, one of which is baby massage, can accelerate the
development of the baby (Pemayun & Winangsih, 2021). The findings show that babies who
are massaged regularly and in a targeted way experience better development
because baby massage stimulates development because the touching and squeezing
movements in baby massage help strengthen baby's muscles (Prianti & Kamaruddin, 2021).
of the stimuli to optimize the development of newborns is tactile stimulation
in the form of massage or touch. Baby massage is an activity carried out by
parents or babysitters to stimulate babies and their muscles to develop more by
touching and gently massaging the baby's body. Massage also increases the
stimulation of the vagus nerve, which increases absorption of food, which
increases enzyme levels, and absorbs gastrin and insulin. This will make it
easier for cells and tissues to absorb food. If food is properly absorbed by the
cells and tissues of the body, then the body's nutrition will be fulfilled,
especially the brain which is the central nervous system. Good physical
nutrition will accelerate individual social growth and development, verbal fine
motor and gross motor (Yunianti & Asi, 2018).
is also supported by research (Askary & Aliabadi, 2011)
about the effect of tactile motor stimulation on the motor development of low
birth weight neonates, which showed that the results obtained by infants who
received tactile motor stimulation 3 times a day compared to the control group,
10 days continuously showed a significant increase in motor development. It can
be concluded that massaging the baby optimizes its development of the baby. This
is almost in line with research conducted by (Mariana & Sopiatun, 2020)
which shows that massaging babies can influence and stimulate gross motor
development processes of crawling, pulling, and rolling abilities, because the
experimental group has more developmental control groups. The results of this
study are in line with previous research which was also conducted (İnal & Yıldız, 2012)
which shows that babies who receive early infant massage develop faster than
babies who do not receive massage (İnal & Yıldız, 2012).
education on the android application for a baby massage does not have a significant
effect on infant growth, but the results of this study showed increased growth
in both the intervention group and the control group. Massage that is done
correctly and routinely can increase the baby's weight. This is due to
increased absorption of enzymes and insulin levels in babies who receive a
massage so that the absorption of nutrients becomes better. As a result, the
baby gets hungry faster, so the baby feeds more often, which increases milk
production and body weight (Darwati & Christiani, 2022).
is by other studies show that massage improves the absorption mechanism of food
in the vagus nerve, thereby also increasing the baby's appetite, which directly
increases the baby's weight (Yunianti & Asi, 2018).
This is also supported by the theory proposed (Dana Salsabila Et Al., 2022)
that infants who were massaged had greater variability in body weight, which
may also be due to the increased release of growth hormone during the massage.
Research on infant massage shows that increased catecholamine hormones
(epinephrine and norepinephrine) stimulate growth in infants. Stimulation of
the vagus nerve also stimulates the absorption of food or absorption hormones
such as insulin and gastrin, which increases food absorption and makes the baby
hungry quickly, causing significant weight gain. (Dana Salsabila Et Al., 2022).
to (Nia Julita Permata Sari, 2020)
research on the effect of infant massage on infant growth, seen from infant
indicators, infant massage has an impact on the growth and development of
infants aged 5-6 months. Weigh the baby. further research (Indrianingrum & Puspitasari, 2021)
in infants 0-6 months showed a significant difference after the baby was
massaged there was an increase in the baby's weight between the groups of
babies who were massaged and not massaged.
Baby massage can also relieve the baby's tension and fussiness because gentle massage will help relax his muscles so that he calms down and falls asleep. Supported by research conducted by experts on mothers who have healthy babies aged 15 days, massage for 4 months on sleep duration, baby growth and development, and mother's anxiety level. The results of the study showed that babies experienced longer sleep duration (Yılmaz & Conk, 2009).
The conclusion of the research using
the android application for baby massage shows positive results, with
guidelines that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, parents can do baby
massage regularly and purposefully, so there is a significant increase in the
average baby's weight and baby's development, and there is an influence Infant
Massage Education Intervention through an android application on infant
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Copyright holder : Rasumawati, Erlin Puspita, Vini Yuliani, Jusuf Kristianto (2022) |
First publication right : Jurnal Health Sains This article is licensed under: |