Jurnal Health
Sains: p–ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398 |
Vol. 3, No. 12, Desember2022 |
Masita, Husnul Khatimah, Tutik Iswanti, Jusuf Kristianto
of Health Jakarta I Health Polytechnic, Midwifery Department, Jakarta,
Ministry of Health Health Polytechnic, Midwifery Department, Banten, Indonesia
Diterima 04 November 2022 Direvisi 12 Desember 2022 Disetujui 13 Desember 2022 |
Background: The process of
neonatal growth and development requires sensory-motor stimulation which is
fulfilled, one of which is the ability of the parents. In total, neonates
still depend on the environment, especially the family as the first
environment in their life. Touch is one of the stimulation sensations during
the neonatal period that can be carried out at birth by parents or family.
Baby Gym can stimulate and optimize the growth and development of babies from
an early age. The neonatal period has four aspects of development, namely
gross motor, fine motor, personal social, and language. Baby Gym can be done
by parents or people closest to the baby, but it is better if it is done by
the mother because the baby is used to the touch made by the mother. Purpose: This study aims to determine the motoric
development of infants through the baby gym application. Methods: This type of research is a
quasi-experimental design with a pretest and posttest with a control group
design. The population taken in this study were mothers who had babies aged
3-12 months at the Community Health Center in South Tangerang City. The
sample size for this study was 31 respondents in the intervention and control
groups respectively, so the total sample was 62 people. The sampling
technique in this study used the purposive sampling method. Data analysis
used the Wilcoxon and Man-Whitney tests and multivariate analysis used
multiple logistic regression multivariate. Results: The value of the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that there was a
significant difference in the average motor development before and after
being given the baby gym application intervention to mothers (p-value =
0.000). The results of the analysis using Mann Whitney found that there was a
significant effect of using the baby gym application on the motor development
of infants in the intervention group compared to the control group with a
value of p = 0.000 (p <0.005). Conclusion: there is an effect of
using the baby gym on the baby's motor development. To provide
recommendations for using the Baby gym application to help stimulate the
development of the baby and also to establish affection between mother and
baby. |
Keywords: Baby's motor development, Baby gym app. gym application |
The success of a child in achieving optimal growth and
development can determine the future of a nation (Tanu, 2017). The period from the time the fetus is in the womb to the age of
2 years is a very important period in growth and development or also known as
the golden period. Good nutrition, optimal health status, and proper
stimulation will help children to grow healthily and reach their optimal
abilities (Nur Fiana, 2021). Appropriate stimulation will
stimulate the brain so that the development of movement, speech, and language
abilities as well as socialization and independence can take place optimally
according to the child's age (Destiana et al., 2017).
African and sub-Saharan countries are countries with the
largest rates of child development delays or disorders in the world where more
than 60% of early childhood children are at risk of not achieving
age-appropriate developmental tasks (Mulyanti et al., 2021). According to UNICEF data (2019), it shows that developmental
disabilities in Indonesia are 11.7%.
In the United States, 15-18% of children have
developmental or behavioral disorders (Santoso, 2019). Baby gymnastics has been researched
by many research centers such as the Harvard Pre School Project (under the leadership
of Dr. Benyamin S. Bloom), the Maternal and Child Health Institute in
Tsjechoslowakle (by Dr. Jaroslav Koch), and Suzy Prudden Studios in New York
City. This research shows that babies who do gymnastics speak faster, have a
better appetite, sleep more deeply and develop their movements faster than
those who do not take part in gymnastics. (Wasiatiningrum & Zuhroh, 2019).
The baby gym provides benefits for all aspects needed for
the growth and development of babies, namely encouraging complex intelligence
for babies, including learning to coordinate, and strengthening muscles and
also joints in babies in preparation for babies to sit, stand and walk (Mahanani & Minarso, 2017). Other benefits of a baby gym are improving circulation or
circulation of blood, and heart, increasing balance and alertness, and
optimizing hearing, vision, and baby's growth and development (Aminati, 2013).
Baby Gym can be done by parents or people closest to the
baby, but it is better if it is done by the mother because the baby is used to
the touch made by the mother (Maimunah, 2015). It can also be done with the help
of an experienced physiotherapist, but usually, some obstacles are often
encountered. Babies are usually surprised because those who do gymnastics are
strangers to babies (Aminati, 2013). When practicing baby gymnastics,
parents can at the same time make observations or detect early indications of
deviations in the baby's development (Wasiatiningrum & Zuhroh, 2019).
The Baby gym service Polkes application is an application
developed to facilitate the implementation of Baby gym activities carried out
by parents for children at home and easily accessible anywhere so that the
application can assist in providing information on Baby gym in supporting children's
motor development and parents can also monitor the development of the child so
that they can immediately examine from the start if there is an abnormality.
The purpose of this research is to find out the motoric development of babies
through the baby gym application.
Research methods
This type of research is a quasi-experimental
design with a pretest and posttest design with a control group (Hastjarjo, 2019). In this study two groups were used, namely, the
intervention group was given the baby gym application while the control group
was only given the baby gym guide. Furthermore, the respondents will do the
baby gym according to the information they get. Before and after the
intervention, measurements of the baby's motor development will be carried out
in both the intervention group and the non-intervention group.
The population taken in this study were mothers who had babies
aged 3-12 months at the South Tangerang City Health Center
The sample size for this study was 31 respondents in the
intervention and control groups respectively, so the total sample was 62
people. The sampling technique in this study used the Purposive Sampling method
where to obtain data the researchers met research subjects, namely mothers who
had babies aged 3-12 months.
The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire that
assessed mothers' knowledge about baby gyms and infant motor development and
also a questionnaire to assess infant motoric development. The analysis in this
study used univariate analysis, the data were presented in the form of
frequency and proportion on categorical variables and in the form of the mean
(mean), standard deviation (SD), and 95% CI value on numerical variables.
Bivariate analysis was used to see the significance and magnitude of the
relationship that occurs between the dependent variable and the independent
variables and other variables using the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests.
Multivariate analysis was carried out to determine the quantitative
relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable after
controlling other variables using Multivariate Multiple Regression. logistics.
Results and Discussion
The results of this study are presented in the following
of Respondent Characteristics at Regional Health Centers
Tangerang City in 2022
Variable |
Intervention |
Control |
Total |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Mother's age <20 dan >35
Year 20-35 Year |
15 18 |
45.5 54.5 |
2 31 |
6.1 93.9 |
17 49 |
25.8 74.2 |
Paritas Primipara Multipara |
10 23 |
30.3 69.7 |
16 17 |
48.5 51.5 |
26 40 |
39.4 60.6 |
Ethnic group Sunda Jawa Betawi Lainnya |
9 8 8 8 |
27.4 24.2 24.2 24.2 |
5 17 5 6 |
15.2 51.5 15.2 18.1 |
14 25 13 14 |
21.2 37.9 19.7 21.2 |
Education Low Tall |
6 27 |
18.2 81,8 |
17 16 |
51.5 48.5 |
23 43 |
34.8 65.2 |
Work PNS/BUMN/POLRI Employee ART Other |
3 6 22 2 |
9.1 18.2 66.6 6.1 |
4 6 19 4 |
12.1 18.2 57.6 12.1 |
7 12 41 6 |
10.6 18.2 62.1 9.1 |
Gender of Baby Man Woman |
16 17 |
48.5 51.5 |
17 16 |
51.5 48.5 |
33 33 |
50.0 50.0 |
Baby Age 3-6 Month >6 Bulan-9 Month >9 Bulan-12 Month |
6 8 19 |
18.2 24.2 57.6 |
25 7 1 |
75.8 21.2 3.0 |
31 15 20 |
47.0 22.7 30.3 |
Based on Table
1 shows that in the intervention group most of the mothers were in the age
range of 20-35 years (54.5%), and most of the mothers had given birth more than
once (multipara) as much as 60.7%. Almost all mothers have tertiary education
(81.8%) with the majority of mothers working as housewives (66.6%). Based on
the characteristics of the baby, the proportion of male and female gender was
not much different, namely 48.5% and 51.5% respectively.
In the control
group, almost all mothers in the control group were aged 20-35 years (93.9%),
and the proportion of parity of mothers was almost the same between primiparas
and multiparas with a percentage of 48.5% and 51.5% respectively. Most of the
mothers are Javanese (51.5%) with almost the same proportion of education
between lower education (51.5%) and higher education (48.5%).
Most of the
mothers have a job as IRT (57.6%). Based on the characteristics of the baby,
there are more boys (51.5%) than girls (48.5%).
of Respondent Characteristics in Regional Health Centers
Tangerang City in 2022
Variable |
Intervention Group |
Control Group |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Mother's Age |
31.4 |
17 |
42 |
7.4 |
28.0 |
22 |
36 |
3.7 |
Baby Age |
9.4 |
4.0 |
12.0 |
2.6 |
5.3 |
3 |
12 |
2.5 |
Baby's Weight |
10.7 |
6.0 |
15.0 |
2.8 |
6.8 |
4 |
12 |
1.6 |
Baby Body Length |
66.8 |
54 |
77.0 |
5.0 |
65.3 |
55 |
90 |
7.3 |
Based on table 5.2 shows that the mean age of the mother in the
intervention group was 31.4 years and 28 years in the control group. The mean
age of infants in the intervention group was 9.4 months and in the control
group 6.8 months. Based on the characteristics of the baby's body length, the
mean body length of the babies in the intervention group and the control group
was almost the same, namely 66.8 cm and 65.3 cm. Meanwhile, based on the body
weight in the intervention group, was slightly heavier, namely 10.7 kg compared
to the control group, 6.8 kg.
of Infant Motor Development Before and After Intervention in the Intervention
and Control Groups at the South Tangerang City Health Center in 2022
Motor Development |
Intervention Group |
Control Group |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Mean |
Min |
Maks |
SD |
Before |
10.4 |
9.0 |
12.0 |
0.8 |
8.8 |
7 |
11 |
1.4 |
After |
11.3 |
10.0 |
12.0 |
0.7 |
9.0 |
8 |
11 |
1.2 |
3 shows that the average motor development of infants in the intervention group
before being given the baby gym application to mothers was 10.4 and after being
given the baby gym application it was 11.3. These results indicate an increase
in motor development in the intervention group before and after being given the
baby gym application to mothers. The results also show that the value of
variation before being given training is 0.8 and after being given training is
0.7. The results of the study also showed a slight increase in the
non-intervention group which was only given baby gym guidelines. The average
motor development before the study was 8.8 and increased to 9.00 after being
given the baby gym guidelines. The value of variation before being given
guidelines was 1.4 and became 1.2 after being given guidelines.
in Infant Motor Development Before and After Intervention in the Intervention
and Control Groups at the South Tangerang City Health Center in 2022
Variable |
Group |
Mean |
SD |
Min-Maks |
Rank |
P value* |
Motor Development |
Group Intervention Before After Beda Mean |
10.42 11.30 0.88 |
0.83 0.72 |
9-12 10-12 |
12.50 |
0.000 |
Group Kontrol Before After Beda Mean |
8.79 9.03 0.24 |
1.43 1.21 |
7-11 8-11 |
4.50 |
0.005 |
on table 4, it is known that there was a significant increase in the average
motor development in the intervention group, before and after being given the
baby gym application to mothers with a mean difference of 0.88. The value of
the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that there was a significant difference in
the average motor development before and after being given the baby gym
application intervention to mothers (p-value = 0.000).
4 also shows that in the control group there was an increase before and after
being given the baby gym guide with a mean difference of 0.24. This value also
indicates that there is an increase in the average motor development before and
after the study. However, the increase in motor skills was higher in the
intervention group which was given the baby gym application to mothers compared
to the control group which was given baby gym guidelines.
Effect of Using the Baby Gym Application on Infant Motoric Development in the
Intervention and Control Groups at Regional Health Centers
Tangerang City in 2022
Variable |
Group |
Mean |
SD |
Rank |
P value* |
Motor Development |
Intervention |
11.30 |
0.72 |
47.45 |
0.000 |
Control |
9.03 |
1.21 |
19.55 |
Based on table 5, shows that the average motor
ability of infants in the intervention
group after being given the baby
gym application to mothers was greater, namely 11.30 with a variation value of
0.72 than the average motor ability in the control group after being given baby
gym guidelines, namely 9.03 with a variation of 1.21.
results of the analysis using Mann Whitney found that there was a significant
effect of using the baby gym application on the motor development of infants in
the intervention group compared to the control group with a value of p = 0.000
(p <0.005).
Model Effect of Using the Baby Gym Application on Infant Motoric Development in
the Intervention and Control Groups at the Health Center
Tangerang City Region in 2022
B |
SE |
Wald |
p-value* |
Exp (B) |
95%CI |
Aplikasi Baby Gym |
2.704 |
0.623 |
18.815 |
0.000 |
14.933 |
4.402-50.664 |
Konstanta |
0.981 |
0.391 |
6.297` |
0.012 |
0.375 |
Based on the final
multivariate model, there is no effect of the characteristics of the mother and
baby on the baby's motor development. It can be concluded that there is an
increase in infant motor development purely due to the influence of the
Android-based baby gym application intervention.
The results of this study
explain that there is an effect of using the baby gym application on the baby's
motor development. These results are by research conducted (İnal & Yıldız, 2012) that healthy
babies born at term who received baby gymnastic actions had more significant
mental motor development compared to those who were not given action.
Research conducted (Mildiana & Eka, 2019) with the result
that there is an effect of baby exercise on increasing developmental delays for
babies aged 3-6 months, there is a significant difference in the increase in
babies who do exercise than those who do not.
The results of research on
the effect of baby gyms on the development of infants aged 6 months, especially
gross motor skills, are almost the same as research conducted by (Jing et al., 2007) which states that giving massage and
movement exercises can improve the physical development and intelligence of
babies starting from infancy. birth to a 6-month-old baby with p=0.010 for body
weight index. Development is an increase in skill ability in the structure and
function of the body in patterns as a result of the maturation process (Siti Aulia, 2018).
This study is by (Febriyanti et al., 2020) which states that
there are differences in the values of fine motor and gross motor
development after being trained in gymnastics in different groups with gross
motor skills having a p-value of 0.000, while fine motor skills having a
p-value of 0.000.
Baby gym is a form of
stimulation/stimulation that aims to optimize children's motoric growth and
development (Purwanti, 2016) Baby gym is a physical exercise that
has special characteristics and rules, namely movements are always made to
achieve certain goals, and the movements are always structured and systematic.
Gymnastics also helps improve blood circulation which causes the supply of
oxygen throughout the body to be regular and has an impact on muscle
development, increased cell growth, more optimal coordination, and balance and
alertness, so that gross motor development is more optimal or appropriate.
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Copyright holder : Nurhayati, Masita, Husnul Khatimah, Tutik Iswanti, Jusuf Kristianto (2022) |
First publication right : Jurnal Health Sains This article is licensed under: |