How to cite:
Jepisa, T., Hamdanesti, R., Mailita, W., Ririn, Husni, Radian Ilmaskal (2022). The Effect Of Al-
Quran Therapy To Sleep Quality In Elderly, In 2022. Jurnal Health Sains 3 (10)
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Jurnal Health Sains: pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022
Tomi Jepisa, Rischa Hamdanesti, Weni Mailita, Ririn, Husni, Radian Ilmaskal
Nursing Study Program of STIKes Alifah Padang, Khatib Sulaiman Street No.52B, Padang, Indonesia,,,,,
Tanggal diterima:
08 Oktober 2022
Tanggal revisi:
16 Oktober 2022
Tanggal diterima:
25 Oktober 2022
Poor sleep quality is associated with poor quality of life,
high morbidity, and mortality. Poor sleep quality is
common among elderly merit our attention as our
population ages. Traditional pharmacological methods
might result in dependence and impairment in psychomotor
and cognitive functioning. Listening to music, a non-
pharmacological method, might reduce depression and
promote sleep quality. The objective of this study to
investigate the effect of listening to the voice of the Al-
Quran on the sleep quality of elderly. This study used quasi
experimental with a One Group Pre and Posttest design.
Used purposive sampling technique to 20 elderlies in Social
Home Tresna Werdha Kasih Sayang Ibu Batusangkar on
July-Augustus 2022. Data analysis using Paired T-test. The
results of this study found that there was a significant
difference between sleep quality before and after giving the
Al-Qur'an therapy (p-value 0.000; =0.05). The conclusion
of this study is the Al-Qur'an therapy effective to improve
quality of sleep in the elderly. This therapy is recommended
for elderly because easy and cost effective.
Al-Qur'an, Therapy, Sleep
Quality, Elderly
The elderly are said to be part of the age
group that has been said to have entered the
final stage of a person's life phase, a category
categorized as the elderly group which will be
referred to as the aging process by another
name, the aging process. The country of
Indonesia has entered this period, namely the
aging population, as evidenced by an increase
in life expectancy followed by an increase in
the number of elderly people. The increase in
the number of elderly people itself, can be
seen from the data where the number of
elderly people in Indonesia always increases
from year to year, including in 2020 the
number of elderly people who come (27.08
million). .69) million), and even continues to
increase in 2035 to 48.2 million people
(15.77%). West Sumatra Province is one of the
provinces with the largest population of
provinces in Indonesia, which is 2,188,550
million people (Kemenkes RI, 2019).
The impact or consequence of the
population in a country or aging is the
increasing number of people in a country. The
increase in life expectancy along with the
increasing number of aging or elderly can also
cause various health problems and other life
problems which can ultimately reduce the
quality of life of the elderly.
This aging process occurs naturally in
humans, where there is a decrease or loss of
the ability of tissues in a person's body to
maintain and repair themselves, resulting in a
gradual decrease in body resistance and the
inability to function again. One of the
problems that are often complained of and
Tomi Jepisa, Rischa Hamdanesti, Weni Mailita, Ririn, Husni, Radian Ilmaskal
1568 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022
encountered in the elderly is the poor quality
of sleep experienced by the elderly (Mubarak
W. I, 2015).
Several research results and data
obtained from both the world and national data
where many elderly experience poor sleep
quality, including data from the National Sleep
Foundation (NSF) in the United States found
as many as 67% of elderly people aged 65
years and over were detected having sleep
disorders or difficulty maintaining sleep.
Likewise in Indonesia, the elderly experience
insomnia about 50% aged 65 years, it is even
estimated that every year around 20-50% of
the elderly report insomnia (Kemenkes RI,
2019). Based on the results of Jepisa et al's
research in West Sumatra PSTW, it was found
that 75% of the elderly complained of poor
sleep quality.
Sleep quality is a condition that is
expected or lived by an individual to get
fitness and freshness as soon as a person
wakes up from sleep. Sleep quality can be seen
from various aspects that include quantitative
aspects of sleep such as sleep latency, sleep
duration and subjective aspects of sleep. A
person's sleep quality is said to be good where
a person does not show signs of sleep
deprivation and does not experience problems
in his sleep (Hidayat, 2012).
The elderly need quality rest to maintain
their health and recover from illness. Poor
sleep quality can lead to things like thinking
disorders, confusion and lack of attention. If a
person does not get physiological sleep, he
will experience effects such as confusion,
forgetfulness, and can be disorientated. Health
problems can occur due to poor sleep quality
such as the elderly, often forgetting, the
elderly are susceptible to disease, experiencing
disorientation, decreased concentration,
reduced independence, of course this has a
negative impact on the personal satisfaction of
the elderly, therefore the quality of sleep is
problematic for people with the elderly need to
be resolved immediately (Stanley, 2015).
Several ways can be done to overcome
the problem of sleep quality disorders,
including pharmacological therapy and non-
pharmacological therapy. Using
pharmacological therapy will generally
provide a faster reaction but is not good
enough to have a negative impact on long-term
health. Some studies state that the use of
sleeping pills can lead to a decrease in kidney
function. This shows that there is a need for
safer non-pharmacological therapies, one of
which is murothal Al-Qur'an therapy.
In various references, murottal therapy
is therapy using a sound recording of the
Qur'an which is read or sung by a trained qori.
In another reference it is also said that murottal
is defined as a chanting of the holy verses of
the Qur'an which is read or sung by a qori,
nurottal is also said to be recording, recited
and listened to with a slow and harmonious
tempo. Murotal is one part of music that has a
positive influence on the listener.
In listening to the verses of the Qur'an
or those that are read correctly and tartil, it will
foster peace of mind by both listeners and
readers. The chanting of the holy verses of the
Qur'an can physically produce or contain
human elements, listening to this murottal can
be said to be a kind of instrument or healing
tool that is the easiest to get and reach. Sounds
in listening to murottal can also reduce stress,
stabilize heart rate, pulse, activate natural
endorphins hormones, increase feelings of
relaxation, improve the body's chemical
system so that it lowers blood pressure and
slows breathing.
This murottal therapy can work on the
brain immediately there is a kind of impulse
by the brain that produces or produces
chemicals which can be called neuropeoptide
substances (Hairuddin & Herlina, 2015). In
these molecules will be attached or attached to
various receptors so as to provide feedback in
the form of comfort and enjoyment and the
formation of alpha waves which are more
dominant when the murottal Al-Qur'an is
heard and provides a significant relaxing
effect. Murottal Al-Qur'an as sound therapy
can have the effect of increasing brain waves
by producing high alpha activity associated
The Effect Of Al-Quran Therapy To Sleep Quality In Elderly
Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022 1569
with a state of rest and calm. When listening to
the earlobe, it picks up sound waves through
the air to the cochlea, which vibrates the
tympanic membrane and is transmitted to the
middle ear through the ossicles. Stimulation of
the sense of hearing through sound waves
sourced from murottal Al-Qur'an can reduce
cortisol levels which cause relaxation and help
improve sleep quality (Silverthorn, 2013).
Various research studies that have been
done previously include research that shows
results, music therapy is a solution to sleep
problems and can improve sleep quality in the
elderly. Study (Sukmawati, 2020) found that
music that has been listened to and received by
the right brain can stimulate the release of
endorphins from the pituitary gland and can
increase the perception of pleasure and
happiness through decreasing levels of
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the
blood, thereby helping to reduce stress.
Likewise with research (Agustin, 2020)
concluded as many as 61.1% of respondents
experienced an increase in sleep quality after
being given murottal al-qur'an intervention.
The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of Al-Quran therapy on
the sleep quality of the elderly at PSTW Kasih
Sayang Ibu Batusangkar
Metode research
This type of research is quasi-
experimental with one group pretest-posttest
design. Held at the Tresna Werdha Social
Home (PSTW) Kasih Sayang Ibu Batusangkar
in July-August 2022. The quality of sleep for
the elderly was measured using a Pittsburgh
Sleep Quality Index (PSQI (Buysse et
al., 1989). Elderly with poor sleep quality are
given Al-Quran Surah Ar-Rahman therapy for
30 minutes every day before going to bed for
one month.
Results and Discussion
1. Characteristics of Respondents
Table 1
Characteristics of Respondents at PSTW Mother Batusangkar's Love
Percentage (%)
Age group (year)
< 70
> 70
Level of education
Marital status
From Table 1, it can be seen that as
many as 65% of the elderly are at the age of
<70 years. Based on gender, there are more
elderly men than women, namely 80%. The
level of education of the elderly is still high
with low education as much as 75% and 80%
of the elderly are married to widowers
Tomi Jepisa, Rischa Hamdanesti, Weni Mailita, Ririn, Husni, Radian Ilmaskal
Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022 1571
Table 2
Differences in the quality of sleep for the
elderly before and after being given
Murottal Al-Qur'an Therapy at the Tresna
Werdha Social Home for Ibu Batusangkar
in 2022
Based on the results of the study, it
showed that from 20 respondents, the quality
of sleep obtained after murottal Al-Qur'an
therapy was p value = 0.000 with a difference
of decrease before 10.93 and after 8.48. This
means that after listening to the Murottal Al-
Qur'an, there is a significant difference
between before and after being given murottal
Al-Qur'an therapy on the sleep quality of the
elderly with a difference of 2.43.
Where the findings are that there is a
difference between the sleep quality of the
elderly before and after being given murotal
therapy. Research is also in line with what
was done (Maulana, Kormatul. 2015) at the
UPT Social Services for the Elderly
Banyuwangi, where there is an effect of
murottal Al-Qur'an therapy on the sleep
quality of the elderly.
(Hashim et al., 2017) stated that
murottal Al-Quran therapy is part of sound
therapy. Al-Quran murottal therapy is part of
a complementary therapy that is used in the
form of sound which can heal and improve a
person's poor sleep quality.
Poor sleep quality can affect people of
all ages. The age group that most often
complains of sleep quality problems is the
elderly. Several research results from Iran,
India and the United States suggest that poor
sleep quality attacks the elderly.
Elderly who have poor sleep quality are
usually caused by various factors including
unhealthy living habits, depression, anxiety,
environmental factors and health conditions
according to research results (Jepisa et al.,
This study found that the elderly felt
better sleep after being given murotal Al-
Qur'an therapy. Sleep is of better quality with
less frequent awakenings experienced by the
elderly and wakes up feeling refreshed in the
morning. This research is in line with
research (Hariati & Idris, 2022) which shows
that the sleep quality of the elderly who are
given muraotal al-qur'an therapy has
increased as indicated by the response of
some respondents who sleep easier, more
soundly, not easily wake up at night.
Listening to murotal al-qur'an is able to
activate nerves to relax so that it can
minimize pain, stress, lower blood pressure
and be able to overcome insomnia problems
in the elderly. (Mahlufi, 2016).
Various studies have explained that
physically chanting the holy verses of the
Qur'an which contains elements of the human
voice, where the human voice can be used as
a kind of instrument in healing an amazing
disease and is also the fastest and most
accessible tool. The sound of the human voice
can also reduce hormones in the body
including natural endorphins, and can also
increase feelings of relaxation, fear, anxiety,
distract one's attention and can improve the
chemical system in the body so that there is a
decrease in blood pressure, stable pulse, heart
rate. controlled heart.
Sleep quality is a condition of a person
to maintain sleep so that the next day he feels
relaxed. Sleep quality was measured twice,
including before listening to the murottal Al-
Quran at the time of the initial screening to
see the elderly who had poor sleep quality
and after listening to the murottal Al-Quran.
Sleep quality was measured using the
Indonesian version of the PSQI (Pittsburgh
Sleep Quality Index) questionnaire. The PSQI
questionnaire was measured to assess 7
components including sleep quality, sleep
duration, sleep latency, sleep efficiency,
The Effect Of Al-Quran Therapy To Sleep Quality In Elderly
1572 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022
problems or disturbances during sleep,
sleeping medications used, and daytime
activity disturbances.
Most of the respondents in this study
were more than 70 years old. The average
sleep quality of the elderly before murotal
therapy of the Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman is
10.93. The average quality of sleep of
respondents after being given murotal therapy
of the Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman is 8.48. There
is a significant effect between the provision of
murotal therapy of the Qur'an Surah Ar-
Rahman on improving the quality of sleep in
the elderly with a p value of 0.000.
Tomi Jepisa, Rischa Hamdanesti, Weni Mailita, Ririn, Husni, Radian Ilmaskal
Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022 1573
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Copyright holder:
Tomi Jepisa, Rischa Hamdanesti, Weni Mailita, Ririn, Husni, Radian Ilmaskal (2022)
First publication right:
Jurnal Health Sains
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