Jurnal Health Sains: p–ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN:
Vol. 3, No.9, September 2022
Liza Erviana, Ismarwati, Yuli Isnaeni
Universitas ‘Aisyiyah
Email: Lizaerviana59@gmail.com, ismarwati@unisayogya.ac.id,
info |
Abstract |
Date received: 02 August 2022 Revision date: 15 September 2022 Received date: 25 September 2022 |
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many restrictions on almost all
routine services, both in terms of access and quality, including restrictions
on maternal and neonatal health services, such as a reduction in the
frequency of antenatal care and postponement of classes for pregnant women
and the postpartum period, these conditions can cause problems globally. psychological problems for pregnant women postpartum,
which can cause anxiety, if the mother's own anxiety is left untreated it
will have an impact on mothers who will experience postpartum blues.
Objective: To review COVID-19 prevention education for postpartum mothers in
reducing anxiety levels. Methods: The method used is a scoping review using
keywords, namely Population Exposure Outcame (Peos), namely population: post partum,
education, and anxiety by (following the PRISMA Flow Chart guidelines,
Result: By providing education on COVID-19 prevention in reducing levels
postpartum mothers anxiety following anxiety skinning using the Hamilton
Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) and COVID-19 prevention education using video,
able to stimulate the senses of hearing as well as vision so that mothers can
understand them well with changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills of
mothers before and after after being given
education regarding prevention of COVID-19, Conclusion: factors that
influence anxiety in postpartum mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic are
stressors, maturity, age, education, environment, by conducting anxiety
screening and providing education to postpartum mothers, it is hoped that it
can reduce anxiety san as well as increasing knowledge related to postpartum
mothers regarding the prevention of COVID-19 during the pandemic so that it
does not cause anxiety. |
Keywords: Education for postpartum mothers;
Prevention of COVID-19; Anxiety |
postpartum period begins after childbirth and lasts for about six to eight
weeks (Anggraeni & Saudia,
2021). Prior to entering the pandemic, based on data from WHO, mothers who
experienced mild postpartum anxiety were between 10 per 1000 live births and
those who experienced moderate or severe postpartum anxiety were between 30 and
200 per 1000 births. The incidence of postpartum maternal anxiety is still high
in various countries such as Portugal (18.2%), Bangladesh (29%), Hong Kong
(54%), and Pakistan (70%) (Istiqomah
et al., 2021). Based on data from an American study, 16 pregnant women
and 15 postpartum women reported six times higher levels of prenatal anxiety during the
pandemic compared to a previous study conducted in the Colorado region, America
(Farewell et al., 2020).
psychosis is a serious mental illness that mothers often experience in the
postpartum period, in this case this understanding has an impact on how the
pandemic and various public health measures impact fear and mental health
status dur Veftisia, V., Annisa,
Rahmasanti, A., Puspanagar,
A., Mayola, D., & Sawiti, P. (2020). Prenatal Yoga dalam Mengurangi
Tingkat Kecemasan dan
Stress Dimasa Pandemi
Covid-19. ing
pregnancy and the puerperium, and the experience of giving birth to women.
Providing education during a pandemic, of course, must pay attention to the
health protocols that have been determined. Health workers can use technology
to convey information needed by postpartum and breastfeeding mothers regarding
the Covid-19 disease, (Suminar, Herliani,
and Mardiani 2021). From the results of the study, it
was found that as many as 40 respondents (74.1%) had a low level of knowledge
and as many as 13 people (25.9%) had good knowledge before being given
education about preventing Covid-19. Under normal circumstances, maternal and
neonatal mortality in Indonesia is still a big challenge, especially during a
disaster situation. Currently, Indonesia is facing a non-natural Covid-19
national disaster so that maternal and neonatal health services are one of the
services affected both in terms of access and quality. So that the situation
experienced by Indonesia can lead to an increase in maternal and newborn
morbidity and mortality.
education about preventing Covid-19 using video media via Whatsapp
resulted in an increase in the level of knowledge of respondents, namely the
level of good knowledge of 51 respondents (96.3%) and very good knowledge level
of 2 respondents (3.7%), . In addition
to providing education through videos for postpartum mothers, they can also
implement a healthy lifestyle with Prenatal Yoga, the results of a study conducted
by with the title Prenatal Yoga in
Reducing Anxiety and Stress Levels during the Covid-19 Pandemic showed that
there was a significant relationship between There was a significant difference
between pregnant women who participated in health promotion activities through
videos and posters about the importance of prenatal yoga for pregnant women in
the II and III trimesters in reducing anxiety and stress levels during the
Covid-19 pandemic,1610010014335
Research methods
This study uses the Scoping Review
technique. Scoping review is becoming an increasingly popular approach to
synthesizing research evidence. Scoping reviews to determine the value,
potential scope and costs of systematic reviews, summarize disseminating
research results, and identify research gaps in the literature. To identify the
relevant articles, the researcher conducted inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria are articles used
published since 2020, using English or Indonesian, primary research (primary
research, review articles (systematic review or literature review), articles
discussing the
impact of
anxiety on postpartum mothers during the Covid-19 pandemic, articles discussing
regarding the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on postpartum mothers on health workers.The exclusion criteria were articles based on
opinions, articles discussing anxiety in postpartum mothers during the Covid-19
In analyzing and developing the focus of
a topic and a literature search strategy to formulate scoping review questions,
the researchers used the PEos Framework “Population
Exposure Outcame” (PEos).
To form questions and facilitate literature searches. The following is a
framework that is used as the basis for preparing research questions in a
scoping review.
Table 1
Frame work PeOS
Population |
E (Eksposure) |
O (Outcames) |
(S) Study Design |
-Post partum |
- Education |
-Anxiety |
All study designs related to education
regarding Covid-19 prevention, anxienty levels, in post partum mothers |
After determining the keywords that match the
framework, then doing a search on the database to be used, by entering the
keywords that have been determined. In searching for evidence, using relevant data bases through 3 data
bases, namely pudmed, scientific direct and gray
literature. The search strategy involves searching for research evidence
through electronic data sources for the search for existing articles. The
articles used as references are original research papers to develop keywords to
get specific papers.
The research method used in problem
solving includes analytical methods. Picture captions are placed as part of the
picture title (figure caption) not part of the picture. The methods used in
completing the research are listed in this section.
Results and Discussion
After determining the keywords that match the framework, then doing a
search on the database that will be used, by entering the keywords that have
been determined. In the search for evidence using relevant
databases through 3 databases, namely pubmed, science
direct and gray literature. The strategy in literature search involves
searching for research evidence through various sources of electronic data to
search for existing articles. The article used as a reference is a paper which
is an original research to develop words.
From the twelve articles obtained, a critical appraisal process has been
carried out by scoring each question according to the assessment method from
JBI, the articles or journals that have been selected are of good quality. The
assessment of articles is carried out based on good quality and categorizes
based on the number and grade. This item characteristics
of sources of evidence displays the results of abstraction/charting of data
according to the characteristics of the article. Next, classify articles based
on characteristics, namely characteristics based on research design,
characteristics based on country characteristics based on year of
After entering the selected keywords, 200 publication and based on grade. journals were obtained. After duplication, the results were 170 journals. Further screening was carried out again with themes related to the anxiety of postpartum mothers during the Covid-19 pandemic and education for postpartum mothers in reducing anxiety levels during the Covid-19 pandemic, 154 journals were obtained, then a full text search found 24 articles which were irrelevant to 6 articles. is a literature study, with 14 articles according to the purpose of the review and with 10 articles not meeting the objectives. So a total of 12 articles that deserve to be assessed. conducting critical appraisal, 6 journals were selected using Quantitative design, 2 using Qualitative, 2 journals using the Mixed method, 2 Quasi Experimental then poured into the Charting Data table can be seen by the following tables and diagrams:
A. Characteristics Based on the research design
Figure 1
based on research method
Of the 12 journals that were found there
were 6 articles that used quantitative research designs, 2 qualitative
articles, 2 Mixed Method articles, 2 Quaisi
Experimental can be seen in the diagram below:
Of the 12 articles that have been
screened and
2. Characteristics by country
Figure 2
Characteristics by country
The following countries included in the study were Singapore, England, Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Rwanda, and Chile. After grouping, it was carried out in developed countries, namely 1 in Singapore, 2 in England, 1
in Germany, 1 in Japan, 1 in Canada, and 1 in Australia. For developing countries, namely I in Turkey, I in Rwanda, and 1 in Chile and 2 in Indonesia. The results illustrate the significant findings of this study.
Figure 3
Characteristics by year of publication
Characteristics of articles based on the
research design of 12 articles based on the year of publication there are
published in 1 in 2018, 7 articles in 2020, 2
articles published in 2021 and 2 in 2022.
by grade
Of the 12 on average, they produced garde A, each with good quality and with the Cross sectional method there were 5 articles, namely A2, A4, A5, A6, A9, grade A in the Randomixed Controlled Trial A7 methodology, grade A in the Qualitative methodology. there are 2 articles, namely A1 and A10 and Grade A on the Mixed method methodology, out of 10 articles there are 2 articles, namely A6 and A8 and there are 2 articles with grade B, namely A 3 and A5 with Cross sectional methodology and 2 articles with Quasi Experimental methodology. Based on the result of 12. Of the 12 on average, they produced garde A, each with good quality and with the Cross sectional method there were 5 articles, namely A2, A4, A5, A6, A9, grade A in the Randomixed Controlled Trial A7 methodology, grade A in the Qualitative methodology. there are 2 articles, namely A1 and A10 and Grade A on thzze Mixed method methodology, out of 10 articles there are 2 articles, namely A6 and A8 and there are 2 articles with grade B, namely A 3 and A5 with Cross sectional methodology and 2 articles with Quasi Experimental methodology. Based on the result of 12.
Table 2
Themes and Sub-themes Focus Review
No . |
Tema |
Sub Tema |
1 |
Anxiety of postpartum mothers |
Mother's anxiety level during
the pandemic [ A9],
[A6],[A9],[A3],[A4] |
2. |
The impact
of postpartum maternal anxiety |
partum blues, [A9],[A1],[A6],[A10], b. Mental health of postpartum pregnant women [A8],[A7],[A3],[A4] |
3. |
Handling postpartum mothers in
experiencing anxiety |
Provide support (husband and
social support) [A2], [A5], [A1], [A10],[A8],[A7],[4] |
Anxiety of
postpartum mothers
Anxiety or anxiety is tension,
insecurity, and worry that arises because it is felt that something unpleasant
will happen, but the source is mostly unknown (Maramis,
2009). Anxiety is a response experienced by postpartum mothers to
situations that are felt to be threatening, followed by physiological,
emotional or psychological and cognitive symptoms. Anxiety as an emotion
without a specific object, the cause is unknown and Anxiety is different from
fear. Fear has a clear source and its object can be defined. Fear is an
assessment of threatening stimulation and anxiety is an emotional response to
that assessment (Stuart, 2016). The impact of the Covid-19
pandemic on postpartum mothers
Anxiety experienced by mothers during
the puerperium has an impact on the lack of handling and care for newborns. One
of the causes of the lack of handling and care for newborns is the lack of
knowledge of mothers about newborn care, especially for primigravida mothers
who do not have direct experience in caring for newborns, causing maternal
anxiety in caring for newborns in the first week of life. (Amolo, Irimu, and Njai 2017).
These conditions can cause psychological problems for pregnant women postpartum,
which can cause anxiety. A study reported that symptoms of depression and
anxiety in pregnant women and postpartum women after the declaration of the
Covid-19 pandemic were higher than before the declaration of Covid-19 (Wu
et al., 2020).
According to (Sari et al., 2021),
providing education for health workers cannot meet directly with postpartum
mothers and many other people because they have to do physical
distancing/social distancing to avoid Covid-19 transmission, so health workers
use module media to provide education. and knowledge to postpartum mothers to
reduce their anxiety during the postpartum period, to stay safe and smooth, the
result is that there is an influence of counseling during the Covid-19 pandemic
on the anxiety level of postpartum mothers, this is an indicator of the
effectiveness of providing modules on care during the postpartum period that
have been carried out in community service activities.
In every postnatal visit during the
pandemic, both face to face or online, psychological
assessments of postpartum mothers can be carried out more optimally, so that if
they are detected as suffering from psychological problems such as anxiety,
further management can immediately be given. The application of health
protocols was able to reduce maternal anxiety so that they still wanted to
visit health services. Every time you visit, the mother can make an appointment
in advance with the midwife, so that the preparation is carried out more
optimally. 4. Handling to reduce anxiety levels in postpartum mothers
The husband's support in reducing
anxiety levels and the higher the husband's support for the mother will affect
the incidence of anxiety and stress levels during pregnancy and the postpartum
period and the positive influence of husband's support can protect the mother's
mental health. The mother's physical condition will be like an emotional state,
such as paying special attention to the mother in the postpartum period and
helping the mother in dealing with the anxiety of psychological and physical
changes, during the Covid-19 pandemic, (Chrzan-Dętkoś
et al., 2021)
Aromatherapy, which is given during labor reduces anxiety in the mother. With regard to the
specific biologic conditions of the postpartum period and the subsequent
decrease in hormone levels, this study investigated the effects of lavender on
the prevention of stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression in women (Kianpour et al., 2016). Yoga can reduce body and
mental tension so that they are stronger in dealing with stress, increase
self-confidence and the ability to think positively so it is suitable for
someone who wants to increase self-confidence and reduce stress. The purpose of
this study was to determine the effectiveness of yoga during pregnancy on the
level of anxiety in postpartum mothers (A Buchari,
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is a matter that causes health status to be something that is now being given
attention, especially pregnant women to postpartum mothers because they are a
vulnerable group of contracting Covid-19, causing mothers to experience
anxiety, with educational interventions regarding the prevention of Covid-19 19
and can not be separated from participating in
husband's support for postpartum mothers can provide knowledge and reduce
maternal anxiety levels during the postpartum period by health workers, especially
midwives and are expected to be able to apply also to the scope of health
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holder: Liza Erviana,
Ismarwati, Yuli Isnaeni (2022) |
publication right: Jurnal Health Sains |