Jurnal Health Sains: p–ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN:
Vol. 3, No.8, Agustus 2022
Rina Anindita, Mus Aida
Esa Unggul University, Jakarta
Email: budi_phua@yahoo.com;
rina.anindita@esaunggul.ac.id; dr.musaida@gmail.com
artikel info |
Diterima: 02 Agustus 2022 Direvisi: Agustus 2022 Dipublish: Agustus 2022 |
In the management of hospital
management, it appears that there are problems in terms of nurses' work
performance that is not optimal. This is thought to be influenced by various
factors, including competence, workload, and knowledge management. So this study aims to describe, analyze, and determine the
effect of competence, workload, and knowledge management on the performance
of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak. This study analyzed the problem, using
148 respondents. The data collection technique used a survey method with a
closed questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out by path analysis using
SPSS software version 18.00. From the results of the study, it was
found that the competence variable had an influence on work performance with
a beta value of 0.316, a significance of 0.000; Workload has no effect on
work performance with a beta value of 0.086, a significance of 0.86;
Knowledge management has a significant effect on work performance with a beta
value of 0.525, a significance of 0.000. Knowledge management is the variable
with the most dominant influence on work performance. |
Workload, Knowledge Management, and Nurse Performance |
The hospital is a health service institution that is the last hope of the
community to obtain health. This needs to be supported by quality services from
health service providers, both from medical personnel or doctors and also
paramedics or nurses (Zeevi et al., 2015) To increase
the potential of effective and efficient human resources, it is necessary to
plan well, its implementation must be consistent and controlled continuously.
Then it is necessary to organize and control human resource systems in an
organized manner and have a positive impact on the company or
in producing better work performance (Martoredjo,
2015). The company always hopes to survive in an era of increasingly fierce
competition like today to obtain the best results, especially in employee performance
to realize this success. Employee work performance will indirectly affect the company's
image (Mandasari, 2015).
Performance can be interpreted as an achievement or work implementation
as a success produced by a person in carrying out a job as well as his behavior
and actions. According to Edwards & Thomas (2005), the compilation of
information used to measure and assess performance is referred to as
Performance Indicators (PI) (Sobirin, 2014) The
excellence of hospital nurses will be achieved if the management can manage
hospital services by encouraging human resources because basically, it creates
quality competitiveness. The success of an organization in realizing its goals
is highly dependent on its human resources. This shows that human resources
have an important role in organizational growth and development, because of the
potential that exists in humans such as creativity, desire, and work
activities. The oretical benefits: Knowing the effect
of competence and workload of nurses on work performance with intervening
knowledge management in the nursing unit of Mitra Medika
Hospital, Pontianak.
Organizational performance can be improved through employee performance,
so the factors that need to be considered to achieve this include competence,
workload, knowledge management, and others. Therefore, the organization must be
able to create conditions that can encourage or enable employees to develop and
improve their abilities and skills optimally (Sani et al., 2018) Performance
is a person's overall level of success during a certain period in carrying out
tasks compared to various possibilities such as work standards, targets or
targets, or criteria that have been determined in advance and have been
mutually agreed upon. (Mangkuprawira, 2009) Nurse
performance is the result of work achieved by nurses following their
responsibilities and authorities as nurses who provide good patient care
services. Nurse performance is a very important factor in a hospital to develop
and compete with other hospitals, even becoming the best hospital from year to
In improving the performance of nurses, hospitals need to pay attention
to the process of human resource management, which includes, among others:
competence, workload, knowledge management, leadership, motivation,
compensation, education, training, and so on. If the process goes well, the
hospital will go hand in hand with its vision, mission, and goals.
Competence is a necessary ability when working productively with other
people and their environment. So that work productively shows an element of
work results. So, competence has indicators of work productivity, knowledge,
skills, and behavioral attitudes are an important part of competence that will
improve work performance. Knowledge management plays a very important role in
improving the quality of service for its workforce. The higher the level of
knowledge of the hospital employees, the easier it is to follow changes to a
better direction according to their duties. Employees can maximize their
responsibilities after being provided with management knowledge related to the
implementation of their work. Therefore, management knowledge has a very important
role in employee performance and company performance (Falah et al., 2017).
workload is one of the factors that influence the risk of performance decline.
An increase in workload can occur if the number of nurses does not match the
number of nurses providing care to patients (Marquis & Huston, 2010). The
workload is one of the factors that will affect the work performance of
employees in an organization. The workload is needed to be able to help each
individual in improving work performance, but we must be careful when the
workload level reaches the optimal point or moderate level, if the workload
increases it can interfere with work performance. (Howard et al., 2011) states
that workload pressure can be positive, and this leads to increased
performance. Not all employees have the same level of resilience to the
workload assigned to them, but it all depends on each individual. This makes
employees burdened and work not optimally so that achieving high employee
performance will be hampered so that it will affect work performance. (Abang et al., 2018)
Based on the motivation of researchers in conducting this research is as
an evaluation and input for improving work performance in the field of nursing.
So researchers are interested in researching the
analysis of the relationship between Nurse Competence and Workload on Nurse
Performance with Knowledge Management as an Intervening Variable in the Nursing
Unit of Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak. Data
research analysis was conducted in June 2021.
The oretical benefits: Knowing the effect of
competence and workload of nurses on work performance with intervening
knowledge management in the nursing unit of Mitra Medika
Hospital, Pontianak.(Sekaran & Bougie, 2016)
Benefits: can provide information for hospitals, especially for human resources
Kompetensi Perawat 1.
Pengetahuan 2.
Ketrampilan 3.
Perilaku Knowledge
Management 1.
Identifikasi Pengetahuan 2.
Refleksi Pengetahuan 3.
Berbagi Pengetahuan 4.
Penggunaan Pengetahuan Beban Kerja Perawat 1.
Waktu 2.
Usaha Mental 3.
Tekanan Psikologis Kinerja Perawat 1. Kualitas Kerja 2. Kuantitas Kerja 3. Tanggung Jawab 4. Kerjasama 5. Inisiatif H2 H3 H4 H5 H1
this study, the research hypothesis based on the conceptual framework can be
described as follows:
1. Nurse competence has a significant effect
on improving the work performance of nurses at Mitra Medika
Pontianak Hospital.
2. Knowledge management has a significant
effect on improving the work
of nurses at Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital.
3. The workload has a significant effect
on improving the work performance of nurses at Mitra Medika
Pontianak Hospital.
The competence of nurses has a positive effect on the Knowledge Management of
nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak.
5. Workload has a positive effect on the
Knowledge Management of nurses at Mitra Medika
Pontianak Hospital.
6. Nurse competence and workload affect
Knowledge Management and Nurse Performance at Mitra Medika
Hospital Pontianak.
Research Methodology
A. Place
and Time
This research was conducted on all nurses at Mitra
Medika Pontianak Hospital, especially the Intensive
Care Unit nurses. The time used in this study, starting from data collection,
pre-survey to data analysis was carried out in October - November 2020. The
questionnaire for nurses at Mitra Medika Pontianak
Hospital was carried out in May - June 2021.(Sekaran & Bougie, 2016)
B. Research Method
This study uses a quantitative research method
with a survey approach, namely research that collects data by observing
directly. This type of research is hypothesis testing with the type of research
is explanatory causality, which explains the causal effect of the relationship
between competence and workload on the performance of nurses with knowledge
management as an intervening variable. This research is a
survey research with research conducted by taking several samples from a
population and using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. This type of research
uses hypothesis testing with causality or cause and effect. The variables in
this study include three independent variables, namely Competence (X1), and
Workload (X2); Intervening variables are Knowledge Management (Z), and the
dependent variable is the performance of UPI nurses (Y).
Population and Sample
1. Population
According to Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie
(2017), a population is defined as a group of people, events, or interesting
things where the researcher wants to make an opinion (based on sample
statistics). (Uma Sekaran & Bougie, 2016) Meanwhile, Sugiyono
defines it as a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied,
and then conclusions are drawn. (Sugiyono, 2017)
Based on the above definition, the population
in this study were all 148 nurses at Mitra Medika
Hospital Pontianak. especially UPI nurses (100%).
2. Sample
According to Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie
(2017), the sample is defined as part of the population. The sample consists of
the number of members elected from the population. Meanwhile, according to Sugiyono (2017) the sample is part of the number and
characteristics possessed by the population. If the population is large and the
researcher is not able to study everything in the population, for example, due
to limited funds, manpower a(Sekaran & Bougie, 2016) nd time, the researcher can use samples taken from the
population. (Sugiyono, 2017) The sampling technique
in this study uses a saturated sampling technique, namely the technique of
determining the sample by taking all members of the population as respondents
or samples, as many as 148 people.
D. Data Collection Techniques
The process of collecting initial data obtained
from interviews with respondents both with structured and unstructured
interviews will give the interviewers a good idea of the dynamics that apply in
the system. The next step after the interview is to tabulate the various types
of information that have been obtained during the interview and determine if
there are any discernible patterns in the responses. From the tabulation that
shows certain variables for the researcher, the next step is to conduct a
literature survey which is a way to summarize secondary data and is an
important step in the research process to define the research problem. A
literature survey is the documentation of a thorough review of published and
non-published work from secondary sources in an area of special interest to the
researcher. The first step in the process involves identifying the various
relevant published and non-published materials. The second step is the
collection of relevant information either through a search in the library or
access to online sources. The third step is to write a literature review. (Uma
Sekaran & Bougie, 2016) to support this research, researchers data
and information using the following data collection methods:
The technique used is by distributing questionnaires. A questionnaire is
a data collection tool in the form of a list of questions to be answered by
respondents. Questionnaires can also be referred to as written interviews where
respondents are contacted through a list of. (Jamaludin & Abu, 2019) The
procedures in this data collection method are: distributing the questionnaire,
then respondents are asked to fill out the questionnaire on the answer sheet provided,
then the questionnaire sheet is collected, selected, processed, and analyzed.
2.Literature Research (Library Research)
Library research is a way of collecting data by studying and reading
literature that is related to the research topic. The ways to do this are as
follows: (Uma Sekaran & Bougie, 2016)
a. A research journal is a study of the results of research
that has been carried out scientifically
b. The internet is a way of collecting data by looking for
information related to research topics published on the internet, either in the
form of journals, papers, or writings.
c. Books are secondary data that can be obtained from books
that are related to the variables in the study.
In this study, the
following variables:
1. Independent Variable
Independent variables
(independent) are variables that affect or cause changes. The independent
variables (independent) in this study are competence (X1) and workload (X2).
2. Dependent Variable
Dependent or dependent
variables are factors that are observed and measured by researchers in a study,
to determine whether there is an influence of independent variables or
variables that are influenced by other variables. In this study, the dependent
or dependent variable is employee performance (Y).
3. Intervening Variables
The mediating variable
(intervening variable) or the intermediate variable links a main independent
variable to the dependent variable being analyzed. In this study, the mediating
or intervening variable is knowledge management. To test the effect of the
intervening variable, the path analysis method was used. Path analysis is an
extension of multiple linear regression analysis, path analysis alone cannot
determine cause-and-effect relationships and also cannot be used as a
substitute for researchers to see causality relationships between variables. (Sutanto
et al., 2018)
E. Data Analysis Techniques
According to Sugiyono, quantitative research methods can be interpreted
as "research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to
examine certain populations or samples, sampling techniques are generally
carried out randomly, data collection using research instruments, data analysis
is quantitative or statistical with the aim of to test the hypotheses that have
been set (Sugiyono, 2017). To achieve the goal,
namely to analyze whether there is a relationship (correlation) between
competence, knowledge management, and workload on the performance of nurses in
the intensive care unit at Mitra Medika Hospital
1. Data Quality Test
a. Validity test
Validity according to Arikunto is a measure that shows the level of validity of a
research instrument. A valid research instrument has high validity, otherwise,
a less valid instrument means it has low validity.(Reppi, 2015).
A validity test is used to
measure the validity or validity of a questionnaire. A questionnaire is said to
be valid if the questions on the questionnaire can reveal something that will
be measured by the questionnaire (Kurniasari
& Ghozali, 2013). The criteria for testing
the validity are as follows:
1) if r count > r table (at a significance level of a =
0.05) then it can be said that the questionnaire item is valid.
2) if r count < r table (at significance level a = 0.05)
then it can be said that the questionnaire item is invalid.
b. Reliability Test
Reliability test according
to Priyatno (2013) is a measuring tool that is said
to be reliable if the tool in measuring a symptom at different times always
shows the same results. (Kurniasari
& Ghozali, 2013) Meanwhile, according to Ghozali, the reliability test is a tool to measure a
questionnaire which is an indicator of a variable or constructs. A
questionnaire is said to be reliable if a person's answer to a question is
consistent or stable from time to time (Ghozali,
Measurement of reliability
in this study was done with On Shot or measurement only once. Here the
measurement is only once and then the results are compared with other questions
or measure the correlation between the answers to the questions. A construct or
variable is said to be reliable if it gives a Cronbach Alpha value > 0.60.
Table Relationship Level of Reliability
Alpha |
of Reliability |
0,00 s/d 0,20 |
Less Reliable |
0,20 s/d 0,40 |
Quite Reliable |
0,40 s/d 0,60 |
Quite Reliable |
0,60 s/d 0,80 |
Reliable |
0,80 s/d 1,00 |
Very Reliable |
2. Statistical Data Analysis
statistics are statistics used to analyze data by describing or describing the
data that has been collected as it is without intending to make generally
accepted conclusions or generalizations (Sugiyono,
2008). Data analysis can be carried out to present empirical findings in the
form of descriptive statistical data that explains the characteristics of
respondents, especially about the research variables used in hypothesis testing
(Augusty Ferdinand, 2006). The type of statistic
presented in this research is index number. This index number analysis was
conducted to find out the general perception of respondents regarding a
variable under study, so the calculation of the respondent's answer index was
carried out using the following formula:
Index value = ((%F1x1) + (%F2x2) + (%F3x3) + (%F4x4) + (%F5x5))/5
F1 is the frequency of
respondents who answered 1
F2 is the frequency of
respondents who answered 2
F3 is the frequency of
respondents who answered 3
F4 is the frequency of
respondents who answered 4
F5 is the frequency of
respondents who answered 5
To get the tendency of
respondents' answers to each variable, it will be based on the average score
from the calculation results of the Three Box Method (Augusty
Ferdinand, 2006), as follows:
Upper limit of score range :
(%Fx5)/5 = (40 )/5 = 200/5 = 40
Lower limit of score range : (%Fx1)/5 = (40 )/5 = 40/5 = 8
According to Augusty
Ferdinand (2006), the number of respondents' answers does not start from number
0 but starts from numbers 1 to 10. The resulting index number shows a score
between 40-8 with a range of 76. Using the three-box method, the range of 32 is
divided into 3 parts, resulting in a range for each part of 10.66 which will be
used as an interpretation of the index value as follows: 8 – 18.65: Low
18.66 – 29.33: Medium
29.34 – 40: High
3. Classical
Assumption Test
This test is carried out to test the quality of the
data so that the validity of the data is known and avoids estimation bias. This
classical assumption test uses four tests, namely normality test,
multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test.
a. Normality test
The normality test is a
test that aims to test the resulting regression model whether it is normally
distributed or not normally distributed.
In moves from
left to right relation,
this study, researchers
used the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test using a significance level of 0.05
with the basis for making decisions:
1) The significance value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Sig Test
> 0.05 means that the data is normally distributed.
2) The significance value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Sig Test
< 0.05, causality relationship between variables based on the theory. the. The arrows show the relationship between the
variables. The model with the implication of the priority of the causal
relationship of variables being close to the left. Each path value (p)
describes the path and the path coefficient. In this study, the independent
variables (independent) are Competence (X1) and Workload (X2). The intervening
variable is Knowledge management (Z) and the dependent variable (dependent) is
UPI Nurse Performance (Y). So the research flow is
explained as follows:
then the data is not
normally distributed.
b.Multicollinearity Test The
multicollinearity test is a test that aims to test whether there is a
correlation between the independent variables in the regression model. (Sutanto et al., 2018) The method for testing
multi-collinearity is by looking at the magnitude of the tolerance value and
the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value based on decision making:
1) If VIF > 10 or Tolerance < 0.10,
then multicollinearity occurs.
2) If VIF < 10 or Tolerance > 0.10,
then there is no multicollinearity.
c. Heteroscedasticity Test
heteroscedasticity test is a test that aims to determine whether the regression
model is feasible to use in predicting the dependent variable is influenced by
the independent variable (Ghozali, 2017).
Heteroscedasticity testing in this study can be done using the Glejser Test with the basis for making decisions:
1) If the significance value is < 0.05
then there is heteroscedasticity,
2) If the significance value is > 0.05
then there is no heteroscedasticity
4. Path Analysis Techniques
According to Ghozali (2017) path analysis is the use of regression
analysis to estimate causality relationships between predetermined variables.
Path diagrams provide explicitly The structural
equation is as follows:
Z = b1X1 +
b2X2 + e1
Y = b3X1 +
b4X2 + b5Z + e2
X1 = Nurse
X2 = Workload
Z = Knowledge
Y = Nurse
b1 = Path
coefficient X1 to Z
b2 =
Coefficient of path X2 to Z
b3 = Path
coefficient X1 to Y
b4 = Path
coefficient X2 to Y
b5 =
Coefficient of path Z to Y
e1 =
structural error 1
e2 =
structural error 2
interpretation of the path analysis above is as follows:
Effect of X1
(Nurse Competence) to Y (Nurse Performance)
Direct effect
= b3
The indirect
effect through Z
Total effect
(total effect) path coefficient = direct influence + indirect effect
Effect of X2
(Workload) to Y (Nurse Performance)
Direct effect
= b4
The indirect
effect through Z
Total effect
(total effect) path coefficient = direct influence + indirect effect
effect from Z (Knowledge Management) to Y (Nurse Performance)
Direct effect = b5
F. Statistical Hypothesis
testing is intended to determine whether there is a significant effect between
the independent variables on the dependent variable. In testing this
hypothesis, the researcher determined using a significant test, with the
determination of the null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha).
The null
hypothesis (Ho) is a hypothesis that states that there is no significant effect
between the independent variable and the dependent variable, while the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is a hypothesis that states that there is a
significant effect between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
1. Test Statistics F
The F
statistical test shows whether all independent or independent variables
included in the model have a joint effect on the dependent or dependent
variable. The criteria for making decisions in this F test are:
a. a count > a (0.05), then Ha is
rejected, meaning that there is no influence between the independent variables
on the dependent variable.
b. a count < a (0.05), then Ha is
accepted, meaning that there is an influence between the independent variables
on the dependent variable.
2. Test Statistics t
Ghozali (2017) states that the t statistical test shows
how far the influence of one independent variable (independent) individually in
explaining the variation of the dependent variable (dependent). The test was
carried out with a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05). As a basis for
making decisions, the following test criteria can be used:
a. If t count > t table and
significance level < (0.05), then the independent variable (independent)
individually affects the dependent variable, or Ho is rejected and Ha is
b. If t count t table and if the level of
significance (0.05), then the independent variable (independent)
individually does not affect the dependent variable (dependent) or Ho is
accepted and Ha is rejected. 3. Coefficient of Determination (R2)
coefficient of determination shows the extent of the relationship between the
dependent variable and the independent variable, or the extent to which the
contribution of the independent variable affects the dependent variable (Bawono, 2003). The characteristics of R2 are as follows:
a. The value of R2 lies between 0 to 1.
b. A value of 0 indicates that there is no
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
c. A value of 1 indicates a strong
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
Result and Discussion
majority of nurses in this study were in the group < 30 years 74 respondents
(49.99%); age 30–40 years 72 respondents (48.65%) and age 41-50 years 2
respondents (1.36%). The majority of nurses were female 106 respondents (71.6%)
and male respondents were 42 respondents (28.4%). The majority of working years
>5 years 79 respondents (53.38%), 3-4 years 24 respondents (16.21%), 1-3
years 31 respondents (20.95%), and the restless than <1 year 14 respondents ( 9.46%).
Path Analysis
Based on the
results of the path diagram, the structural equation is obtained as follows:
Z = b1X1 +
b2X2 + e1
Y = b3X1 +
b4X2 + b5Z + e2
X1 = Nurse
X2 = Workload
Z = Knowledge
Y = Nurse
b1 = Path
coefficient X1 to Z
b2 =
Coefficient of path X2 to Z
b3 = Path
coefficient X1 to Y
b4 = Path
coefficient X2 to Y
b5 =
Coefficient of path Z to Y
e1 =
structural error 1
e2 =
structural error 2
Table 1.1
Regression Analysis Test Results 1
Model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
(Constanta) |
8.280 |
2.776 |
2.983 |
.003 |
Competence |
.711 |
.046 |
.816 |
15.407 |
.000 |
Workload |
-.051 |
.058 |
-.047 |
-.886 |
3.77 |
Source: SPSS
18 results
From the table
above, it can be seen that the significant value of Nurse Competence (X1) is
0.000 < 0.05, meaning H1 is accepted, there is a positive influence
(constant value of 0.711) Nurse Competence on Knowledge Management (Z).
significant value of Workload (X2) of 0.377 > 0.05 means that H1 is
rejected, there is a negative effect (constant value –
0.051) Workload on
Knowledge Management (Z).
From the table
above, it can be seen that the influence of standardized coefficients is large,
the influence of Nurse Competency (X1) on Knowledge Management (Z) is 0.816 or
81.6%, for Workload (X2) on Knowledge Management (Z) is - 0.047 or - 4.7%. For
the value of e1 = (1 – 0.801) of 0.4461
Table 1.2
Pathway Regression
Analysis Test Results 2
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
(Constanta) |
10.566 |
2.762 |
3.826 |
.000 |
Competence |
.283 |
.072 |
.316 |
3.916 |
.000 |
Workload |
.097 |
.056 |
.086 |
1.731 |
.086 |
Management |
.541 |
.080 |
525 |
6.745 |
.000 |
Source: SPSS 18
From the table
above, it can be seen that the significant value of Nurse Competence (X1) is
0.000 <0.05, meaning H1 is accepted, there is a positive influence (constant
value 0.283) Nurse Competence (X1) on Nurse Work Performance (Y).
The significant
value of Workload (X2) of 0.086 > 0.05 means that H1 is rejected, there is a
negative effect (constant value of 0.097) Workload (X2) on Nurse Work
Performance (Y).
The significant
value of Knowledge Management (Z) of 0.000 <0.05 means that H1 is accepted,
there is a positive influence (constant value of 0.541) Knowledge Management
(Z) on Nurse Work Performance (Y).
1. Direct Influence
a. The effect of Nurse Competency (X1) on
Knowledge Management (Z) is 81.6%
b. Effect of Workload (X2) on Knowledge
Management (Z) of -4.7%
c. Effect of Competence (X1) on Nurse Work
Performance (Y) of 31.6%
d. The Effect of Workload (X2) on Nurse
Work Performance (Y) of 8.6%
e. The effect of Knowledge Management (Z)
on Nurse Work Performance (Y) is 52.5% 2. Indirect
a. X1 → Z → Y
The effect of Nurse
Competency (X1) through Knowledge Management (Z) on Nurse Work Performance (Y)
is the multiplication between the Beta value of Nurse Competence (X1) on
Knowledge Management (Z) with Knowledge Management beta value (Z) and Nurse
Work Performance (Y)
X1 → Z → Y
= (0.816 x 0.525) = 0.4284 or 42.84% Then the value of the indirect effect is
42.84%. So the total effect given by X1 to Y is direct
effect + indirect effect = X1 → Y = 32.1% + 42.84% = 64.94% The
conclusion is that the influence of knowledge management as an intervening
variable indirectly increases the competence of nurses from 31.6% to 42.84%. So it can be said that knowledge management functions as a
b. X2 → Z → Y
The effect of Workload
(X2) through Knowledge Management (Z) on Nurse Work Performance (Y) is the
multiplication between the beta value of Workload (X2) on Knowledge Management
(Z) with Knowledge Management beta value (Z) and Nurse Work Performance (Y)
X2 → Z → Y
= (- 0.047 x 0.525) = - 0.0247 or - 2.47%
Then the value of the
indirect effect is - 2.47%. So the total effect given
by X2 to Y is direct effect + indirect effect = X2 → Y = 8.9% + (- 2.47%)
= 6.43%
The conclusion is that
the influence of knowledge management as an intervening variable indirectly
reduces the workload from 8.9% to 6.43%. So it can be
said that knowledge management functions as a mediation.
Discussion result
1. Nurse competence
has a significant effect on improving the work performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak.
From the results of
the study, it was found that competence had a positive effect on the work
performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital
Pontianak (regression coefficient value of 0.321). The significant value
obtained is 0.000 which is smaller than the alpha value (0.05) that competence
has a significant effect on the work performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak. Then it is stated that
Hypothesis 1 is tested and accepted.
This study explains that nurses who have high competence will have
implications for the work performance of hospital nurses to be the result of
having better performance. These results are indicated by the work performance
of nurses that during the annual time nurses produce individual nurse
performance in the form of knowledge, skills, and professional attitudes of
nurses in carrying out nursing care.
From the results of
the three-box method which shows a statement with a moderate index value, I
can't wait to face patients who often complain about answers that do not match
the statement of 69.59% so that improvements to nurses through the nursing
committee with re-credentialing of the competence and authority of nurses in
providing health services towards the patient.
The results of the
study show support for the theory of competence as the ability to perform work
roles by established standards regarding the work environment. To demonstrate
competence according to his role, a professional accountant must have (a) the
necessary professional knowledge, (b) professional skills, and (c) professional
values, ethics, and attitudes. (IAESB, 2017) and the ability to perform tasks
seen from the perception of patients when they show their performance.
Competencies that can be assessed in nursing services are how nurses conduct
assessments, carry out nursing interventions and how nurses are competent in
terms of communication (Chang et
al., 2014)
These results are reinforced by research conducted by Ineu
Indriani (2018) which states that competence has a
significant influence on performance. Also in the
research of Albert Wibi Rahman (2015), competence has
a significant effect on the performance of nurses. Research Results I Nengah Budiawan; Ketut Suarjana and I Putu Ganda
Wijaya (2015) also stated that nurse performance was related to competence.
Then the research of Ibn Mikhail Abdul Muqiit (2014)
also states that competence has a significant effect on the performance of
2. Knowledge
management has a significant effect on improving the work performance of nurses
at Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital.
From the results of
the study that Hypothesis 2 was tested and accepted because the regression
coefficient value was 0.514 and a significant value of 0.000 was smaller than
the alpha value (0.05) which indicates that knowledge management has a positive
and significant effect on the performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak. The higher the knowledge
management possessed by nurses, the work performance
of nurses will increase.
The above will have
implications for the knowledge management of nurses to increase. That is, there
is support from nurses to increase knowledge management in themselves which
will encourage them to achieve what the nurse is concerned about. This is
supported by the nurse's answer that the experience gained can enrich knowledge
and share knowledge and can work according to Standard Operating Procedures and
use hospital facilities in improving work performance. From the results of the
three-box method, there are no statements with low and medium index values. The
knowledge management score index category is at a high value, so it seems that
the knowledge management of nurses at Mitra Medika
Pontianak Hospital has a good perception, so it is necessary to implement
knowledge management in the nursing department. The results of this study
support Boomer's knowledge management theory that a process of embracing
knowledge as a strategic asset to continuously drive business profits and
consider the business approach of an organization to identify, capture,
evaluate, enhance and share the intellectual capital of the organization And
Brooking's theory serves to maintain and grow the knowledge possessed by each
individual, which can be transferred to a form that can be processed or
accessed by many other employees in the company. (Luthy,
This result is reinforced by the results of research conducted by Miftahol Arifin (2016) which states that knowledge
management has a significant influence on employee performance. Also in the research of A. Artifasari
(2013) that Knowledge management has a positive and significant impact on
performance. Fauzan Adzima
& Herman Sjahruddin's research (2019), also
states that knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on
performance. And the research of Andrian Candra Irawan and Indi Djastuti on
Knowledge Management Implementation and Its Effect on Employee Performance
shows that personal knowledge, job procedures, and technology affect employee
performance. 3. Workload has no
significant effect on improving the work performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak. Based on the results of the
study, the regression coefficient value was 0.089 and a significant value was
0.079. So that the workload does not have a significant effect on the
performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital
Pontianak. This can be proven from the significant value greater than the alpha
value (0.05). The results of the path analysis showed that the workload had no
significant effect on the work performance of nurses. This means that the
higher the workload, the lower the performance of nurses. Then it is stated
that Hypothesis 3 cannot be accepted.
The above will imply
that a high nurse workload will reduce the work performance of nurses. This
means that nurses will only work without caring about the results of their
work. This is supported by the nurse's answer that the work given is not
appropriate and a lot in a short time with high targets and difficulties. The
process of the influence of a high workload will reduce the performance of
nurses. From the results of the three box method, which shows a statement with
a moderate index value is the work
given, it exceeds the portion so that it makes nurses confused in serving
patients by 20.95% answered that they did not match the statement; it means
that there is still an unequal distribution of tasks; The work given is not in
accordance with the abilities and skills of nurses, 39.86% answered that they
did not match the statement; it means that there is a nurse's job that does not
match the nurse's abilities and skills; I got and completed a job with a high
difficulty level of 9.46% answered that it did not match the statement; it
means that there is a small number of nurses who can complete the work with a
high level of difficulty; Tasks that are always given are sometimes sudden in
nature with a short period of time by 21.62% answering not according to the
statement, meaning that there is a small number of nurses who can complete work
in a short time; The target that I have to achieve in my work is too high,
46.62% answered not according to the statement, meaning that almost half of the
nurses were able to achieve the job target. So the Nursing Committee needs to
review the authority and division of tasks or job desks for each nurse in
providing health services.(Healy et
al., 2004)
The results of this study support the theory of Marquis and Huston that
all activities or activities in the nursing service unit are carried out by a
nurse (Marquis & Huston, 2010). Meanwhile, according to Giammona
et al., the workload is quantitative if it is calculated based on the number or
number of actions taken by nurses in meeting patient needs, and the workload
can be qualitative if the work carried out by nurses is the responsibility that
must be carried out by nurses. (Economou
et al., 2016)
This result is reinforced by the results of research conducted by Sultan
and Sevanus Thane (2018) which states that workload
does not partially affect the performance of nurses. Research by Anja Baethge, Andreas Muller, and Thomas Rigotti
(2018) states that workload has a weak negative effect on work performance.
4. The competence of nurses has a positive
effect on the Knowledge Management of nurses at Mitra Medika
Hospital Pontianak. Based on the results of the study, it was stated
that hypothesis 4 was accepted and tested because the regression coefficient
value was 0.816 and a significant value was 0.000. So that the competence of
nurses has a significant influence on the knowledge management of nurses
at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak. This can be proven from the value
significantly smaller than the alpha value (0.05).
results of the path analysis show that the beta coefficient is positive, which
means that the competence of nurses has a positive effect on knowledge
management. This means that the higher the competence of nurses, the knowledge
management of nurses also increases.
supports the theory of David Gurteen (2012) that human feelings carry out the
process of sharing knowledge, as well as learning and working together more
effectively, as a mentally enjoyable process. Knowledge management aims to
find, store, share and share widely the very important resources owned by an
organization. Such as a person's expertise, skills, a network of relationships, and policies that
exist within the organization.
Workload does not affect the Knowledge
Management of nurses at Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital.
on the research results, it is stated hat hypothesis 5 cannot be accepted
because the results of the regression coefficient value are -0.047 and the
significant value is 0.377. So that the workload does not have a significant
effect on the Knowledge management of Nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak.
This can be proven from the significant value greater than the alpha value
results of the path analysis show that the beta coefficient is negative, which
means that the workload has a negative effect on knowledge management. This
means that the more workload increases, the knowledge management decreases.
This implies that the high workload of nurses also
has an impact on decreasing the knowledge management of nurses. This means that
where nurses have a high workload, the time to improve knowledge management
will be reduced so that there is not enough time to increase the knowledge of
the nurse concerned. This supports the theory of Darroch and McNaughton
(2002), which states that knowledge management is a management function that
creates knowledge, manages the flow of knowledge, and ensures that knowledge is
effectively and efficiently used for the long-term benefit of the organization.
Many organizations use knowledge management as a way to create value, increase
effectiveness and productivity, as well the organization's competitive
advantage. Through knowledge management, organizations try to learn or create
useful, potential knowledge and make it available to anyone who can use it at
the right time and place to achieve effective use to positively change
organizational performance.
6. Nurse competence and workload affect
the nurse's performance at Mitra Medika Pontianak
Hospital with Intervening Knowledge Management. From the research, it is stated
that hypothesis 6 is tested and accepted because the results of the regression
coefficient values are 0.7404 and – 0.0664 and significant values are 0.000 and
0.079 So that competence has a significant positive effect on the work
performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital
Pontianak with Intervening Knowledge management. .
While the workload has a negative and insignificant `effect on the work
performance of nurses at Mitra Medika Hospital
Pontianak with knowledge management intervention. This can be proven from the
significant competency value smaller than alpha (0.05), while the workload is
greater than the alpha value (0.05).
The results of the competency path analysis show that the beta
coefficient is positive, which means that competence has a positive effect on
the work performance of nurses with intervening knowledge management. The
workload shows that the beta coefficient is negative, which means that the
workload has a negative effect on the work performance of nurses with
intervening Knowledge management.
This shows that
knowledge management functions as a mediation that indirectly increases the
effect of nurse competence and workload on nurses' work performance. The
variables of competence, workload, and knowledge management are factors that
affect work performance so these three variables have a close relationship and
influence each other.
This shows that
knowledge management functions as a mediation that indirectly increases the
effect of nurse competence and workload on nurses' work performance. The
variables of competence, workload, and knowledge management are factors that
affect work performance so these three variables have a close relationship and
influence each other.
This implies that
having high competence and knowledge management with a low workload will result
in better and optimal work performance. This means that a nurse who has high
competence and knowledge management will produce good and optimal work
From the results of
the Three Box Method, nothing shows a statement with a low and medium index
value. The work performance score index category is at a High
value. This condition gives the impression that the work performance variable
is perceived positively by the respondents. This supports the theory of
Boulter, Dalziel, and Hill (2003), competence is a basic characteristic of a
person that allows him to provide superior performance in a particular job,
role, or situation. And the theory of Davis and Newstroom
(1995) describes that Competence is the perspective of human abilities and
knowledge, especially the ability to meet various needs in business by
minimizing costs and optimizing customer service more, not less.
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holder: Budi, Rina Anindita, Mus Aida (2022) |
publication right: Jurnal Health Sains |