Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
1368 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No.5, Mei 2022
hospital. From the observations, the
authors also looked at the form of the JKN
patient service guidelines at Tarumajaya
Hospital.(Agiwahyuanto, 2020)
3) The achievement of quality control and
cost control at Tarumajaya Hospital, from
the author's observation, is quite good. It is
proven from the results of interviews with
the KMKB Team, related to quality, there
are indeed many aspects that are assessed,
one of which is the quality of services
from TKMKB which always coordinates
with the medical committee and the
PMKP committee for quality control that
has been running effectively. Regarding
costs, TKMKB always coordinates with
the finance department so that cost control
can be more efficient.
4) Factors that hinder the implementation of
the National Health Insurance (JKN)
policy on INA-CBG's claims at
Tarumajaya Hospital are still found, one of
which is special room facilities, and
incomplete service facilities, confirmed
from the results of interviews with the
director and manager of hospital medical
services. Tarumajaya, according to the
classification of the hospital according to
standards, but what is still an obstacle is
market demand for special room facilities
and incomplete services.
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