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Taufiq, Hutapea Freslay (2022) Does Knowledge Management Affect Competence And Workload
In Nurses' Work Performance At Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital. Jurnal Health Sains 3 (8).
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Jurnal Health Sains: pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 3, No.8, Agustus 2022
Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
Universitas Esa Unggul
02 Agustus 2022
Agustus 2022
Agustus 2022
The National Health Insurance whose implementation began in
January 2014 made changes to the payment system from the
Retrospective Paymant System to the Prospective Payment System with
INA-CBG's rates. The implementation of JKN INA-CBG's is a
fundamental problem so Tarumajaya Hospital Bekasi must make
efforts to achieve quality and cost control. The purpose of this study
was to determine the efforts taken by the hospital regarding the
difference in outpatient service hospital rates with INA-CBG's rates.
The research method was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively.
The results of the study indicate that the implementation of JKN at
Tarumajaya Hospital Bekasi has been carried out well, but there are
still some things that are expected and must be improved. Human
resources at Tarumajaya Hospital Bekasi in carrying out the JKN
program are still not optimal in terms of quantity and quality, due to
the lack of availability of human resources for specialist doctors,
clinical pathology specialists, radiology specialists, urology specialists
at Tarumajaya Hospital Bekasi is one of the problems faced and can
hinder program implementation. JKN, even though it is really needed
by the surrounding community because it is far from other health
services and will affect the health services at Tarumajaya Hospital
Bekasi. The facilities and infrastructure of the Tarumajaya Bekasi
Hospital are still lacking in providing health services, including the
availability of medical devices and facilities such as hemodialysis,
special room facilities and operating rooms, only one is available, as
well as the availability of rooms that are still limited so patients must
be referred. External factors such as cross-sectoral roles are still less
concerned with their role in JKN, seen from the role of the Regional
Government which is difficult to meet because they are busy with other
matters, as well as the Health Office because of the existence of JKN. if
other problems have to deal with BPJS.
Implementation of
Quality Control;
Cost Control;
Hospital Bekasi.
In Indonesia, health has not become a
top priority for state administration. Policy-
wise, the health budget in Indonesia for 40
years has never been more than 3% and this
amount is still below the budget for fuel and
electricity which reached six times (Arfiani &
Fahlevi, n.d.) . The health services needed by
most residents are high quality and low cost.
Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
1358 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 8, Agustus 2022
This is of course acceptable because the
financing applies an out of pocket system in a
cash system (fee for service). In Indonesia,
there are several problems regarding health
financing, namely funds from the public
which have great potential but have not been
used optimally, large public funds are mostly
used to finance out-of-pocket treatment, the
role of the business world that has not been
explored, the amount of the health budget
which is small (only 2.9% of the APBN,
compared to the WHO standard of 5%).
The National Health Insurance
Program (JKN) was launched on January 1,
2014. This JKN is a guarantee in the form of
health protection so that participants receive
health care benefits and protection in meeting
basic health needs which is given to everyone
who has paid dues or whose contributions are
paid by the government. This program is
organized by the Health Social Security
Administration (BPJS), which is a change
from PT ASKES. The hospital as an
advanced level referral health facility is one
of the important components for health
service providers and providers in the
implementation of the JKN program. The
JKN program is part of public policy as a
result of the good will of the Government.
The success of the Government's program in
JKN depends, among other things, on the
extent to which this policy is implemented in
In accordance with the Regulation of
the Minister of Health Number 69 of 2013
concerning Standard Tariffs for Health
Services at First Level Health Facilities and
Advanced Level Health Facilities in the
implementation of the Health Insurance
Program, the payment method to first level
health facilities is pre-employed based on a
capitation of the number of participants
registered at the health facility. For health
services provided to participants by advanced
level referral health facilities, BPJS
Kesehatan makes payments based on the
Indonesian Case Based Groups (INA CBGs)
method. The purpose of the INA CBGs tariff
is the amount of claim payments by BPJS
Health to advanced health facilities for
service packages based on disease diagnosis
groupings. INA-CBG's tariffs have 1,077
tariff groups consisting of 789 group
codes/inpatient groups and 288 outpatient
group codes. By using the INA-CBGs system,
the calculation of service rates is more
objective based on the actual costs. Through
INA-CBG's, it is expected to improve the
quality and efficiency of hospitals.
Tarumajaya Hospital is a private
hospital located in Bekasi Regency. As one of
the health care facilities, Tarumajaya Hospital
has a role to provide quality services but still
pay attention to the cost effective services
provided. One form of efficiency in economic
concepts related to health is allocative
efficiency, namely efficiency in terms of the
lowest possible use of resources with optimal
results. The number of visits to Tarumajaya
Hospital was dominated by outpatients
compared to inpatients. This is known from
secondary data from the Tarumajaya
Hospital. (Denzin, 2017)This shows that
customers are more interested in outpatient
units which are also one of the entrances to
inpatient care.(Arikunto, 2013)
Along with the collaboration between
Tarumajaya Hospital and BPJS, there has
been an increase in the number of outpatient
unit patients, especially in polyclinics, who
seek treatment by paying for JKN compared
to private/public payments. Only two months
after the collaboration between Tarumajaya
Hospital and BPJS, the number of insured
patients exceeds the number of general
patients. Even though the management sees
that there are still many local residents who
do not have guarantees and usually seek
treatment by means of public payments. The
hospital also sees that there are still many
potential potential customers for at least the
next two years.(I. Aulia et al., 2018)
Implementation Analysis Of Ina-Cbg's Claims Implementation Of Quality Control And Cost
Control At Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi In 2021
Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 8, Agustus 2022 1359
Of the total number of patient visits to the
outpatient unit of Tarumajaya Hospital, most
of them seek treatment by way of paying
guarantees, either with BPJS or with
insurance. (Hasri & Djasri, 2021)The number
of general patients who seek treatment at their
own expense is felt to be very small
compared to JKN. Based on BOR (Bed
Occupation Ratio) data from 2017 to 2019
showing a fluctuating trend, the highest BOR
occurred in 2017 which showed an
achievement rate of 50.01% and the lowest
was in 2019 which showed a figure of
44.35%. The average BOR for the last 5 years
has been around 46.34%, the BOR in 2015
was 44.35%, still below the national standard,
which ranged from 75% - 85%. While the
data on the Turn Over Interval (TOI), in 2017
was 3.17 days, the average for the last 5 years
the bed was not occupied was 3.09 days, and
for the last 5 years it showed that the empty
bed had fluctuated, the worst condition
occurred in 2018 which was 3.3 days and the
best condition in 2019 was 2.80 days. The
national standard ranges from 1±3 days.
The constellation of health services in
the JKN era basically consisted of the
interaction of three parties, namely: (1) BPJS,
(2) health service providers which included
health service facilities and their health
workers and (3) patients as part of the
community. The tripartite/three-party
constellation and the dynamics of the
interaction of the parties as a new building are
not free from the potential for evil that
accompanies it. The form and type of crime
that accompanies it is an application of new
service for specialists in forensic medicine
and medicolegal who so far have the ability to
analyze medico-etholegal and expert
opinions/opinions in forensic evidence of
crimes involving the human body. In the era
of National Health Insurance (JKN), hospitals
cooperate with the Social Security
Administering Agency (BPJS), so that in
providing health services, quality control and
cost control are needed. Based on the
explanation above, the researcher is interested
in conducting an analysis with the theme,
"Analysis of the Implementation of the
National Health Insurance (JKN) on INA-
CBG's Claims on Quality Control and Cost
Control at Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi
City."(Bustami, 2011)
Theoretical Foundation
According to Article 35 of
Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013 that
the implementation of the National Health
Insurance requires quality, affordable, and
safe health services which are carried out
through mandatory (mandatory) social health
insurance mechanisms as well as protection
guarantees for comprehensive
(comprehensive) health services which
include: promotive, preventive as well as
curative and rehabilitative services aimed at
helping the community reduce health costs
from their own pockets out of pocket, in
difficult amounts. For this reason, guarantees
are needed in the form of health insurance
because participants pay premiums at a fixed
amount. Thus, health financing is borne
jointly by all participants, so it is not
burdensome on an individual basis. The
National Health Insurance (JKN) developed
in Indonesia is part of the National Social
Security System (SJSN) with the aim that all
Indonesians are protected in the insurance
system, so that they can meet the basic needs
of proper public health (Kemenkes RI, 2013).
INA CBG's is a continuation of the Indonesia
Diagnosis Related Groups (INA DRGs)
application. The INA CBG's application
replaces the function of the INA DRG
application which was then used in 2008 to
manage financing. Implementation of JKN
with the INA CBG's system is one of the
important instruments in submitting and
paying claims for health care payments that
have been carried out by FKRTL in
collaboration with BPJS Health, so the
Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
1360 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 8, Agustus 2022
management and functional parties in each
FKRTL need to understand the concept of
implementing INA CBG's in the JKN
program (Auladi et al., 2019).
There are two hospital payment
methods used, namely the retrospective
payment method and the prospective payment
method. Retrospective payment method is a
method of payment made for health services
provided to
made for health services whose amount is
known before health services are provided.
Prospective payments are global budget
payment method is a method of payment
patients based on each service activity
provided, the more health services provided,
the greater the cost to be paid. Prospective
Perdiem, capitation and case based payments
(Permenkes No. 76, 2016), (D. Aulia et al.,
Gambar 1
Metode AB
Research Hypothesis
Gambar 2
Conceptual Framework
Implementation Analysis Of Ina-Cbg's Claims Implementation Of Quality Control And Cost
Control At Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi In 2021
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Thus, referring to the relationship
between the variables that have been
stated above, the hypothesis is built as
H1. There is an effective implementation
of JKN. INA-CBG claims have a
significant effect on quality control.
H2. There is efficiency in the
implementation of JKN. INA-CBG claims
have a significant effect on cost control.
Research Methods and Procedures
The mix method approach is used because
the use of only one approach (qualitative or
quantitative only) cannot answer the problems
and research objectives (Creswell, 2013). The
quantitative approach uses a survey method.
In this study in detail measure the effect of
one variable on another variable. The
variables studied consisted of three, namely:
(1) Implementation of JKN Claims INA-
CBGs (X1), (2) Quality Control (Y1), and (3)
Cost Control (Y2). Of the three variables, the
quality control and cost control variables are
used as independent variables, while one
other variable, namely: the implementation of
JKN Claims INA-CBGs is used as an
independent variable.
The analysis steps are as follows. First, an
analysis of the correlational and simple linear
regression aspects was carried out for each of
the two variables. Furthermore, to calculate
the path coefficient, the Pearson's Product
Moment correlation coefficient is used
between each of the two research variables.
There is also a condition that must be met
before conducting a path analysis is that the
relationship between each of the two
variables in the model is linear.
The regressional relationship of each of
the two variables was tested for linearity and
the significance of the regression coefficients.
While the simple correlational and regression
analysis includes two aspects. First, there is a
correlational and regressional relationship
between each of the two research variables,
namely: 1) between the variables of
implementing the JKN Claims INA-CBGs
and quality control, and 2) between the
variables implementing the JKN Claims INA-
CBGs and cost control. Second, there are
three instruments used to obtain research data,
namely: (1) Implementation of JKN Claims
INA-CBGs (X1), (2) Quality Control (Y1),
and (3) Cost Control (Y2). The three
variables in terms of terminology and
scientific understanding are difficult to stand
alone so that the answer to one variable in the
respondent's mind is usually related to other
Qualitative research methods are more
based on discursive things, such as document
transcripts, field notes, interviews, written
documents and non-discursive data (Hamzah,
2021). Qualitative methods are better
understood as data developers (data
enhancers). When the data is developed, it
will be possible to see the key aspects of a
case more clearly (Neuman, 2016).
Qualitative methods cause the scope of
research cannot be generalized in general.
Neuman explained that the nature of
qualitative research data is soft data in the
form of impressions, words, sentences,
photographs, symbols, and so on (Neuman,
2016). Individuals or organizations that are
used as research objects should not be
isolated into variables or hypotheses, but are
considered as part of a whole. The techniques
used are termed qualitative because in general
they are intended to better determine what
things are in the object of research than to
determine how many things are in it.
Qualitative researchers use a transcendent
perspective, apply logic in practice, and
follow a non-linear research flow. They
emphasize the conduct of detailed case
examinations that arise in the natural flow of
social life. Qualitative researchers usually try
to present sensitive authentic interpretations
Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
1362 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 8, Agustus 2022
in specific socio-historical contexts (Neuman,
2016). Research with qualitative techniques is
not concerned with measurement and so tends
to be less structured than quantitative research
and can therefore be made more responsive to
the needs of the respondent and the nature of
the subject being studied. Data were obtained
from a limited number of individuals, so that
data analysis was more interpretive, explicit,
creative, and personal. In other words, the
qualitative approach is more concerned with
the individual's understanding of the meaning
of a thing. In qualitative research, there are no
wrong or bad values. The interpretation
obtained from each individual will be used as
a theory to explain what actually happened.
So the purpose of qualitative research is to try
to find an understanding of something. Or in
other words, qualitative methods are used to
answer questions about definitions and
values. Qualitative research method is a
research method used to examine the
condition of natural objects where the
researcher is the key instrument, the data
collection technique is done by triangulation
(combined), the data analysis is inductive,
and the results of qualitative research
emphasize meaning rather than
The characteristics of qualitative research
(Sugiyono, 2013) are:
1.Conducted in natural conditions, directly to
the data source and the researcher is the key
2.Qualitative research is more descriptive.
The data collected is in the form of words or
pictures so that it does not emphasize
3.Qualitative research emphasizes more on
the process than on the product or outcome.
4.Qualitative research conducted inductive
data analysis.
5.Qualitative research emphasizes food
(observable reversed data).
This study uses a qualitative method
because the researcher did not perform
statistical analysis in this study but conducted
a discussion of the text on the records owned
by the researcher. This study is intended to
provide an overview of the implementation of
the INA-CBG's Claims National Health
Insurance (JKN) policy at Tarumajaya
Data and Data Sources
There are two main things that affect the
quality of research data, namely the quality of
research instruments and the quality of data
collection. The data to be collected in this
study consists of primary data and secondary
data, each of which requires different
techniques in the process of collection and
analysis. Primary data is data obtained and
the data collection process is carried out
directly on the object of research, such as the
results of interviews with the parties as
sources of data, the results of observations of
the conditions of the research location or the
internal dynamics that occur in the
implementation of the learning program.
Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained
from documents deemed relevant to answer
research questions.
Data Collection Techniques and
In this case the researchers used the following
data collection methods:
The data were collected using a survey
technique with a questionnaire as a tool. The
research instrument was made from several
references, which were then modified in the
form of statements, then to measure the
attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of
respondents regarding the strong influence of
the variables of the JKN Claims INA-CBGs
implementation, quality control, and cost
control. In this study, the Likert scale
Implementation Analysis Of Ina-Cbg's Claims Implementation Of Quality Control And Cost
Control At Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi In 2021
Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 8, Agustus 2022 1363
technique is used to measure attitudes,
opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena.
Table 1
Likert Scale Category
Likert Scale Answers
Very Agree
Very Disagree
Sumber: (Kriyantono, 2012)
2. Observation
Researchers conducted a direct
survey to the research location and observed
the objects that were the target of the
research, namely Tarumajaya Hospital,
Bekasi City. Through this technique,
researchers hope to understand the objective
conditions of various things that are the target
of observation, and through this technique,
primary and secondary data will be obtained.
Observation is carried out as a study that
directly and systematically observes the
phenomenon under study. In this case, the
researcher observed the implementation of the
INA-CBG's Claims National Health
Insurance (JKN) policy at Tarumajaya
Hospital. Then the researcher recorded,
recorded, and described things related to the
object of research. Researchers make
observations or direct observations at
Tarumajaya Hospital.
3. Interview
In this study in-depth interview method is
one of the techniques used to collect data and
information. The use of this method is based
on two reasons; First, with in-depth
interviews, researchers can explore not only
what is known and experienced by the object
under study, but also what is hidden deep
within the object of research. Second, what is
asked of the informant can include things that
are cross-time, relating to the past, present,
and future. In in-depth interviews, researchers
ask questions more freely and freely, without
being bound by a set of questions that have
been prepared in advance.
4. Documentation
Documentation study is an attempt to
collect data by reading, collecting literature
that has to do with research problems for
discourse. This documentation study is
carried out to underlie and support the
research and assessment process, in essence a
literature review is carried out by reading,
discussing, and absorbing the contents of a
number of books, documents, papers, dictates,
and references that are considered relevant to
the topic and focus of the research including
focusing on the object. The research is in the
form of a document regarding the
implementation of the INA-CBG's Claim
National Health Insurance (JKN) policy at
Tarumajaya Hospital.
Results and Discussion
Quantitative Research Results
The National Health Insurance Program
(JKN) is a health service assistance program
from the government that has been organized
by the Social Security Administering Agency
(BPJS) simultaneously as of January 1, 2014.
Based on Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning
the Social Security Administering Body
(BPJS), This institution is an institution in the
Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
1364 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No.5, Mei 2022
form of a legal entity based on the principles
of mutual cooperation, non-profit, openness,
prudence, accountability, portability,
mandatory participation, trust funds, and the
results of the management of social security
funds. Based on Law Number 40 of 2004
article 5 paragraph (1) concerning the
National Social Security System (SJSN), in
which there is a flagship program
implemented by the Government, namely the
National Health Insurance (JKN) program.
The JKN program is held nationally
based on the principles of social insurance
and equity principles and is an individual
service in the form of health services that
include promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative services. This assistance is held
in an effort to improve health services to
cover all people in Indonesia from the poor to
the well-off. However, in the implementation
of a program, there must be problems that
occur in the implementation of a program.
The Social Security Administering
Body Program is a state program that aims to
provide certainty of social protection and
welfare for the entire community. In order to
realize the objectives of the national social
security system, it is necessary to establish an
organizing body in the form of a legal entity
based on the principles of mutual cooperation,
nonprofit, openness,prudence, accountability,
portability, man datoryparticipation,mandated
funds, and the results of managing social
security funds entirely for program
development and for the greatest interests of
the participants. Some of the requirements to
be registered as participants in this program
are Recipients of Health Insurance
Contribution Assistance (PBI), namely the
poor and the underprivileged who are
registered by the Government and Non-
Recipients of Health Insurance Contribution
Assistance (Non PBI) consisting of Wage
Recipient Workers (PPU), Workers Not
Wage Recipients (PBPU) or individuals, and
Not Workers (BP). In this case the
implementation is seen from two indicators,
the first is regarding the Policy Content and
Implementation of the BPJS program.
Statistical Descriptive Analysis
Implementation is a dynamic process,
where policy implementers carry out an
activity or activity, so that in the end they will
get a result that is in accordance with the
goals or objectives of the policy itself
(Agustino 2006), Ripley and Franklin state
that implementation is what happens after the
law is enacted. laws are enacted that give
authority to programs, policies, benefits, or
some type of tangible output. Implementation
includes actions by actors, especially
bureaucrats who are intended to make the
program work (Winarno 2007). The National
Health Insurance Program was implemented
on January 1, 2014, is a national program in
order to improve health status as an effort to
provide health protection to the community.
In its implementation, the Government takes
steps including by establishing the National
Social Security Administering Agency
(BPJS) and establishing regulations and
regulations regarding the implementation of
the JKN program.
Qualitative Research Results
The National Health Insurance
Program (JKN) itself has a clear goal in its
implementation by requiring all people to be
registered as health insurance. So that in the
future it will bring changes in people's
behavior towards the importance of health.
This is in accordance with the theory put
forward by Grindle, according to Grindle
(1980) in Agustino (2016) a public policy
implementation is determined by the level of
implementation consisting of policy content
and policy context.
If Grindle's theory results with findings
in the field, the process of implementing the
National Health Insurance (JKN) program in
improving health, including the content of
Implementation Analysis Of Ina-Cbg's Claims Implementation Of Quality Control And Cost
Control At Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi In 2021
Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No.8, Agustus 2022 1365
policy in the first and fourth points is about
the interests affected and decision making. In
the process of implementing the National
Health Program (JKN) this is not possible
without involving the affected insurance
interests or the actors as supporters of the
program implementation during the program
implementation process. Interests affected by
the policy, meaning that in this
implementation there are various interests that
affect an implementation policy. This
indicator argues that a policy in
implementation must involve many interests
and the extent to which these interests have
an influence on its implementation.
The implementation or implementation
of a program is also determined by the
content of the policy itself. Whether the
policy is appropriate or not, and whether the
policy contains things that support the
implementation of this program or not and the
most important thing is whether the policy
has considered things that can happen during
and before this policy is made or not. This is
important because if the policy is not in
accordance with the objectives and reasons
for the policy, the implementation or
implementation in the field will also be
disrupted. As previously stated, the purpose
of the formation of the JKN Program is to
realize the provision of proper health
insurance for each participant and/or family
member. As for specifically to carry out
The research subjects whose data were
taken with in-depth interviews were structural
officials, DPJP, and members of the
implementation team who had the authority to
develop, manage, and implement the JKN
INA-CBGs claim on quality control and cost
control at Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi.
Structural officials of Tarumajaya Hospital,
Bekasi who were successfully interviewed
were 19 (nineteen) people, namely:
Tarumajaya Hospital structural officer (key
informant), doctor in charge of service
(DPJP) (inform(informant), , KMKB RS
Team Tarumajaya (informant), is the result of
research filling out questionnaires and in-
depth interviews presented according to the
research material.
Interview is a question and answer
process that is carried out by someone to
informants to be asked for information or
information needed for certain purposes. The
position of the interviewee is a source of
information, while the interviewer is an
information seeker. In practice there are
several types of interviews that can be
conducted. In this study, the authors used the
type of individual interview where the
interview was conducted using pre-prepared
and structured questions. The following is a
presentation of the data obtained through
interviews with various informants both from
Tarumajaya Hospital employees and the
community. The list of questions in this
interview is adjusted to the indicators in the
study which are also the key to answering the
phenomenon being studied ant), Tarumajaya
Hospital Casemix Team (informant),KMKB
RS Team Tarumajaya (informant), is the
result of research filling out questionnaires
and in-depth interviews presented according
to the research material.
Interview is a question and answer
process that is carried out by someone to
informants to be asked for information or
information needed for certain purposes. The
position of the interviewee is a source of
information, while the interviewer is an
information seeker. In practice there are
several types of interviews that can be
conducted. In this study, the authors used the
type of individual interview where the
interview was conducted using pre-prepared
and structured questions. The following is a
presentation of the data obtained through
interviews with various informants both from
Tarumajaya Hospital employees and the
community. The list of questions in this
interview is adjusted to the indicators in the
Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
1366 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No.5, Mei 2022
study which are also the key to answering the
phenomenon being studieDiscussion.Effect of
JKN INA-CBG's Implementation on Quality
Control at Tarumajaya Hospital
Based on the results of a simple linear
regression test, it was found that there was an
influence between the implementation of the
JKN policy on INA CBG's claims on quality
control at the Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi,
so it can be identified that the independent
variable can be included in the multivariate
analysis. Based on the results of linear
regression analysis, it can be seen that the test
of the hypothesis which states that there is an
effect of the implementation of the JKN
policy on INA CBG's claims on quality
control is carried out by the stepwise method
with a significance value of p < 0.05, the
value of R = 0.855 means that each addition
of one point to the variable implementation of
INA CBG's claim can improve quality control
by 73.1%. Based on the statistical tests that
have been carried out above, it can be said
that the effectiveness of the implementation
of JKN INA-CBG's is seen from the quality
control has been fulfilled or in other words
there is an effect of the implementation of
JKN INA-CBG's on quality control at
Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi.(Annisa et al.,
The results of this study are in line with
Yuniarti's research (2015), which shows the
results of the responsiveness dimension or
responsiveness to patients. The majority of
respondents who use BPJS said that the
services provided were good. The results of
the analysis can be concluded that there is a
relationshipd.(Annisa et al., 2020) between
the quality of hospital services on the
responsiveness dimension and the level of
satisfaction of BPJS patients during treatment
in the Treatment Room of Sultan Syarif
Mohamad Alkadrie Hospital, Pontianak City.
The results of other studies that support that
carried out by Sari (2015), Based on the
average value of the general patient
satisfaction level, an average of 106.14 was
obtained while BPJS patients obtained an
average of 66.62 with a difference between
the two of 39.51. In the regression results, the
results obtained that the independent variable
affects the dependent variable, so it can be
concluded that the implementation of JKN
makes the effectiveness and efficiency of the
hospital, because the quality of the hospital is
built as a health service on the quality of
medical and nursing services provided to
patients by using a strategy of guarantee
activities. quality (Kartini et al., 2016). Both
subjectively and objectively the quality
dimension is measured by six dimensions,
namely safety, effective, efficiency,
timeliness, patient centeredness, and equity.
Effect of JKN INA-CBG's Implementation on
Cost Control at Tarumajaya Hospital
Based on the results of a simple linear
regression test, it was found that there was an
influence between the implementation of the
JKN policy on INA CBG's claims on cost
control at Tarumajaya Hospital Bekasi, so it
can be identified that the independent variable
can be included in the multivariate analysis.
Based on the results of linear regression
analysis, it can be seen that the test of the
hypothesis which states that there is an effect
of the implementation of the JKN policy on
INA CBG's claims on cost control is carried
out by the stepwise method with a
significance value of p < 0.05, the value of R
= 0.761 means that each addition of one point
to the variable implementation of INA CBG's
claim can improve quality control by 57.9%.
Based on the statistical tests that have been
carried out above, it can be said that there is
efficiency in the implementation of JKN
INA-CBG's seen from the cost control has
been fulfilled or in other words there is an
effect of the implementation of JKN INA-
CBG's on cost control at Tarumajaya
Hospital. Bekasi. The results of this study are
in line with Dumaris (2016)'s research which
states that (Dumaris, 2018) efforts to cost
Implementation Analysis Of Ina-Cbg's Claims Implementation Of Quality Control And Cost
Control At Tarumajaya Hospital, Bekasi In 2021
Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No.8, Agustus 2022 1367
efficiency from the planning process to
evaluation, while still prioritizing quality,
accelerating the preparation and
implementation of clinical pathways so that
services are more standardized and can
improve service quality and remuneration
systems. which reflects the principles of
fairness and worth. However, the results of
this study are different from the research of
Irwandy and Sjaaf (2018) which showed that
the average BLUD Hospital in South
Sulawesi Province was only efficient in 2016
while in 2014, 2015 and 2017 the average
hospital was inefficient. Changes in the health
care system in the JKN era had a negative
impact on the efficiency of hospitals. This is
due to frequent delays in the disbursement of
BPJS Health claim payments and the low
rates of INA-CBGs. (Amalia, 2020)
The first is the amount of INA-CBGs tariff
which is still considered irrational by
hospitals, there is still a difference in the
amount of real costs incurred by hospitals in
several cases of action with INA-CBGs rates.
The second is that there are still frequent
delays in payment of BPJS Health claims to
hospitals. Both of these conditions have had a
systemic impact and affect the efficiency of
the hospital. The government needs to
immediately issue a policy for improving the
INA-CBGs tariff which is mandated to be
carried out every two years where the current
tariff was last updated in 2016 and has not yet
been repaired. Furthermore, the problem of
frequent delays in payment of BPJS Health
claims to hospitals must be resolved
immediately by the current government so as
not to disrupt the hospital's cash flow which
will have an impact on operational services,
quality and hospital efficiency.(Aisyah et al.,
The conclusions that can be drawn
from the results of this study are that the
implementation of the JKN program in the
working area of Tarumajaya Hospital Bekasi
has been implemented, but it is still far from
what was expected, as for the factors that
influence it, namely:
1) The implementation of JKN at Tarumajaya
Hospital Bekasi has been carried out well,
but there are still several things that need
to be improved. Observations of writing to
Tarumajaya Hospital, starting from
registration for making patient eligibility
letters (SEP), outpatient services and
pharmacy services are good.(Rusli, 2018)
There are banners for JKN patients free of
charge. Indeed, sometimes there is still a
lack of DPJP discipline that makes
patients wait a long time. The results of
interviews with the director of Tarumajaya
Hospital and the medical committee were
confirmed based on the results of the
internal evaluation of compliance with the
JKN guidelines at Tarumajaya Hospital
which reached above 80%.(Ananta, 2017)
2) Internal regulations for Tarumajaya
Hospital related to the implementation of
national health insurance have been
established, as evidenced by the results of
interviews with the director of Tarumajaya
Hospital, BPJS patient service guidelines
have been formed since the proposal for
cooperation with the BPJS in 2017, and
evaluated sometimes there are the revision
of the regulations of the Ministry of Health
almost every year issued a new policy.
from the results of interviews with the
medical committee of Tarumajaya
Hospital in carrying out the JKN program,
the medical committee team made a
clinical pathway, one of the considerations
for adjusting to the national formulary
(Fornas). Likewise, the results of the
questionnaires for all medical and non-
medical teams in serving JKN patients
were based on the guidelines set by the
Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara
1368 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No.5, Mei 2022
hospital. From the observations, the
authors also looked at the form of the JKN
patient service guidelines at Tarumajaya
Hospital.(Agiwahyuanto, 2020)
3) The achievement of quality control and
cost control at Tarumajaya Hospital, from
the author's observation, is quite good. It is
proven from the results of interviews with
the KMKB Team, related to quality, there
are indeed many aspects that are assessed,
one of which is the quality of services
from TKMKB which always coordinates
with the medical committee and the
PMKP committee for quality control that
has been running effectively. Regarding
costs, TKMKB always coordinates with
the finance department so that cost control
can be more efficient.
4) Factors that hinder the implementation of
the National Health Insurance (JKN)
policy on INA-CBG's claims at
Tarumajaya Hospital are still found, one of
which is special room facilities, and
incomplete service facilities, confirmed
from the results of interviews with the
director and manager of hospital medical
services. Tarumajaya, according to the
classification of the hospital according to
standards, but what is still an obstacle is
market demand for special room facilities
and incomplete services.
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Taufiq, R. Fresley Hutapea, Muhammad Fachruddin Arrozi Adhikara (2022)
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Jurnal Health Sains
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