Jurnal Health Sains: p–ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 3, No.7, Juli 2022
Tri Widiyastutik, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah, Kemala Rita Wihidi
Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta
Email: triwidiastuti1982@gmail.com, yannux101@gmail.com, kemalarita14@gmail.com
artikel info |
Abstract |
Diterima: 02 Juli 2022 Direvisi: 10 Juli 2022 Dipublish: 20 Juli 2022 |
Along with the rapid development of the industrial revolution era, the progress of health services certainly needs to be considered. It aims to be able to meet the patient's need for excellent service from the hospital. Hospitals are required to continue to develop appropriate strategies to retain their customers, namely by conducting nursing care coaching, paying attention to incoming complaints so that it will foster trust and the intention of repeat patient visits in the future. This study aims to analyze the effect of caring for nurses and handling complaints on intention to revisit at Anna Medika Hospital mediated by trust. This study uses a quantitative method of causality. The population in this study were all patients who had visited the outpatient unit of Anna Medika Hospital, with a purposive sampling method of 200 respondents. The data analysis method used is SEM-LISREL to test the effect of the relationship between research variables and test the research hypothesis. The results showed that: There is a positive and significant effect of nurse caring and complaint handling on trust and intention to revisit and trust partially mediates the effect of nurse caring and complaint handling on revisit intentions. These results have implications for nursing and marketing managers to actively participate in improving the nurse caring system, complaint management system and marketing system. |
Keywords: Caring for nurses; handling complaints; trust intention to revisit. |
Along with the development of the times and technology also demands progress in the field of health services, one of which is a hospital. Currently more and more hospitals are established in Indonesia so that the competition between hospitals is increasing. For this reason, hospitals must have a strategy in marketing their products to attract consumers. Marketing activities in today's business era are an important factor to maintain and develop a business. The higher the level of competition in the business requires the hospital management to innovate in an effort to retain its customers (Dwiyani & Sulistiadi, 2022).
Anna Medika Hospital is the second hospital from the hospital network under the auspices of PT. Anna Medika and currently has the status as a class C private general hospital. The current phenomenon is that regular outpatient visits at Anna Medika Hospital in 2021 have decreased significantly, this is due to a decrease in patient confidence so that patients feel dissatisfied and the results ultimately lead to low intention to revisit patients. In addition, there are many private hospitals around Anna Medika Hospital and offer more attractive services, so the competition between hospitals will be even tighter.
One strategy to retain existing patients is to improve nursing care services, such as caring for nurses because caring is the spirit of the nursing profession in providing nursing services.
Caring for nurses at the Anna Medika Hospital has not been applied optimally in nursing services, as evidenced by the presence of patient dissatisfaction with caring for nurses, such as: lack of nurse communication, nurses' attitudes that do not introduce themselves when providing nursing care, are less responsive to patient needs and lack of comprehensive information. complete about the care that will be carried out.
In addition, hospitals are required to provide quality services and improve service quality. Efforts to improve service quality also occur in managing the handling of complaints related to staff service problems (Shams et al., 2020). Complaint handling serves as a reassuring remedy for consumers as a result of unsatisfactory service (Ateke & Kalu, 2016). Handling complaints becomes an important flow when the product is not in accordance with the value expected by the patient because there is not a single product, both goods and services, without weaknesses. With complaints submitted by patients, of course, the hospital must think about how to manage these complaints by handling complaints properly and effectively, so that information from patient complaints can be used as opportunities and opportunities to be able to improve and develop the hospital. Good complaint handling will increase patient confidence so that it can increase the intention of repeat visits (Mosavi & Ghaedi, 2012).
In today's era, visit intentions and loyal attitudes are influenced by trust. Trust is a basis for a company or person to conduct business transactions with other companies or people. The trust that exists between patients can make the relationship closer, and make the company as a vendor more flexible to develop new products and services that will be offered to patients. This trust will later affect the intention of repeat visits and the continuation of the relationship with the patient (Mosavi & Ghaedi, 2012).
Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers at Anna Medika Hospital in 2021 using secondary data, information was obtained that there was a decrease in regular (non-Covid-19) outpatient visits with non-BPJS insurance in 2021, compared to outpatient visit data. before the 2019 Covid-19 pandemic in the same period, from May to September, it reached 73.54%. Meanwhile, the Anna Medika Hospital BOR data in 2021 has decreased by 51.15% compared to 2019. This is a problem that deserves attention from management, because when the number of Covid-19 patient visits decreases, regular patient outpatient visits also drop. Furthermore, from the complaint data, it was found that there was an increase in the number of complaints from June to August 2021 by 23.74% per month. The largest type of complaint is a complaint against caring nurses with a percentage of 7.83%. Other information was obtained that the complaint handling was not fast enough at the Anna Medika Hospital. Complaints that are not managed properly are one of the factors that affect the loss of patient trust in the hospital, so that it will lead to a decrease in the number of patient visits at the hospital.
Based on previous research, the caring behavior of nurses has an influence on the level of patient satisfaction and trust (Djohan, 2015) as well as patient loyalty to make repeat visits (Saragih & Utami, 2020). This study shows that good caring behavior will make patient satisfaction in a positive direction, because patients have high confidence in assessing health services so that it has an impact on patient repeat visits and trust in the hospital. But the phenomenon that exists is that there are still many health workers who lose the meaning of caring in their work so that their days are busy with medical equipment for patient treatment and nursing actions. The results of research by Agustin (2002) and Juliani (2009) found that the implementation of nurses' caring behavior was still low. This shows that caring behavior is still not fully implemented in nursing. In addition to caring, handling complaints also has an influence on trust (Indriyani & Mardiana, 2016; Razak et al., 2016) and intention to revisit (Kurnianingrum & Hidayat, 2020; Susanti, 2021). The above results are not in line with the research conducted by (Bakar et al., 2020), which suggests that the satisfaction of handling complaints has no effect on trust and according to Yuniarti & Hidayat (2021), trust has no effect on visit intentions.
Given the existing gaps and based on the data and facts disclosed, the researchers wanted to find out whether nurses' caring, handling complaints and trust influenced the intention of repeat visits. The researcher proposed a research entitled “The Influence of Nursing Care and Complaint Handling on Intentions of Repeat Visits with Mediation of Trust: A Case Study of Anna Medika Hospital.”
Research Methods
1. Research design
This research uses causality technique with cross sectional design and approach quantitative. female (67%) with the age category of 31-40 years (40.5%), married (78.5%), diploma education (46%) and working as an employee. private sector (60%). This indicates that the majority of respondents
Figure 1
Research Model
2. Sampling and Sampling Techniques
The population in this study were outpatients at Anna Medika Hospital in 2021. The sample used was 200 respondents who were taken by purposive sampling method with the criteria: outpatients at Anna Medika Hospital who had complained and used outpatient services > 1 visit and can fill out the questionnaire directly (not represented).
3. Sample Collection Technique
The data collection technique in this study was using a questionnaire addressed to outpatient respondents at the Anna Medika Hospital. Respondents were asked to fill in each question item and choose one of the available options. Each variable is measured by a Likert scale which has a range of 1-4 points with the following scale: score 1 for the answer Strongly Disagree (STS), score 2 for answer Disagree (TS), score 3 for answer Agree (S), score 4 for the answer Strongly Agree (SS).
4. Data analysis technique
Data analysis in this study was carried out using a multivariate Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model using the LISREL 8.8 software.
Results and Discussion
A. Characteristics of Respondents
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the characteristics of the
respondents in this study were mostly female (67%) with the age category of 31-40 years (40.5%), married (78.5%), diploma education (46%) and working as an employee. private sector (60%). This indicates that the majority of respondents at Anna Medika Hospital are women of productive age with a D3 education (diploma) and are classified as career women so that respondents have good literacy and are eligible to be sampled in this study.
Results and Discussion
B. Characteristics of Respondents
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the characteristics of the respondents in this study were mostly female (67%) with the age category of
C. Measurement Model Analysis
Based on the results of factor validity testing, it shows that all questionnaires for each variable can be said to be accepted or valid, because all of the loading factor values have a good match (above 0.50) and the t-value is greater than t-table (1.96) at the 5% significance level. Similarly, in constructing reliability testing, it was found that all variables had a construct reliability value of 0.70 and a variance extracted value of 0.50, so they were declared reliable.
D. Structural Model Analysis
Based on the results of the structural model analysis, the results of the first analysis, namely nurse caring and complaint handling affect trust with an R2 of 0.63, meaning that 63% of the trust variance is explained by the nurse caring variable and complaint handling, while the remaining 37% can be explained by other variables not included in the study. this. The second analysis is that nurse caring, complaint handling and trust affect revisit intentions with an R2 of 0.83, which means that 83% of the variance of revisit intentions can be explained by the nurse caring variable, complaint handling and trust, while the remaining 17% can be explained by other variables. not found in this study.
E. Goodness of Fit Analysis
Based on the analysis in groups 1 to 7, all tests showed a good fit including Chi-square, RMSEA, ECVI, AIC, CAIC, Fit Index, Critical N and Goodness of Fit. Therefore, it can be concluded that the entire model has met the requirements (goodness of fit).
F. Hypothesis Analysis
Based on the results of the calculations that have been carried out, the t-value between each exogenous variables with endogenous variables have a value ≥ 1.96.
Figure 3
Path Diagram t-Value
Table 2
Research Hypothesis Results
Hypothesis |
Hypothesis Statement |
t-Values |
Information |
Caring Nurse → Trust → Intention of Repeat Visit |
Mediation |
H1 Accepted |
Complaint Handling → Trust → Repeat Visit Intention |
Partial |
H2 |
Caring Perawat → Trust |
3.17 |
H2 Accepted |
H3 |
Complaint Handling → Trust |
2.77 |
H3 Accepted |
H4 |
Trust → Repeat Visit Intention |
2.95 |
H4 Accepted |
H5 |
Caring Nurse → Intention of Repeat Visit |
2.23 |
H5 Accepted |
H6 |
Complaint Handling → Intention of Repeat Visit |
2.02 |
H6 Accepted |
A. Trust Partially Mediates The Effect of Nurse Caring and Complaint Handling On Revisit Intentions
The results of this study indicate that the effect of nurse caring and complaint handling on revisit intentions is partially mediated by trust. This means that caring for nurses and handling complaints can increase the intention of repeat visits either directly or indirectly. If the nurse caring service and complaint handling are in line with expectations, the patient will have high confidence to make a repeat visit at the Anna Medika Hospital.
Defines nurse caring as a behavior of how nurses understand meaningful events in someone's life, are emotionally present, do things to others as well as do things for themselves. With the caring behavior shown by nurses, it will grow their intention to make repeat visits in the future.
In addition to caring for nurses, hospitals also need to pay attention to the existing complaint handling factors. (Kaihatu et al., 2015), defines complaint handling as complaint handling as a company's strategic step in repairing service failures that cause dissatisfaction. Satisfaction with handling complaints is the level where consumers feel satisfaction with handling complaints that they submit to the company. Satisfaction in handling complaints shows how satisfied consumers are with handling complaints as a whole and the extent to which consumers' ideal assessments regarding the complaint handling process from the company.
This research is in line with previous research conducted by Semuel (2012), which states that trust mediates complaint handling on consumer loyalty in making repeat visits and good caring behavior will make patient satisfaction in a positive direction because patients have high confidence in assessing health services so that impact on patient repeat visits (Ambarika & Wardani, 2021). These results at the same time confirm how important nurse caring and good complaint handling are to increase repeat visit intentions. The intention of repeat visits can occur if a nurse is able to show a sense of caring for her patients without being discriminatory. In addition, Anna Medika Hospital must also quickly deal with all forms of complaints shown by patients regarding the services provided at the hospital, so that they will feel satisfied and have an impact on the intention of repeat visits in the future.
B. Caring Nurse Increase Trust
The results of this study indicate that nurse caring has a positive and significant effect on patient confidence in Anna Medika Hospital. This means that if nurse caring increases, it will increase patient confidence in Anna Medika Hospital, and vice versa if nurse caring is low, it will decrease patient trust in Anna Medika Hospital.
Caring for nurses is a behavior in which nurses understand meaningful events in one's life, are emotionally present, do things to others as much as they do to themselves. Added that one of the nurse's caring measurements uses the maintening belief dimension, namely one's self-sensitivity to the expectations that other people want or building expectations/trust. Growing one's confidence through every life event and transitional period in his life and facing the future with confidence, trusting the abilities of others, creating an optimistic attitude, helping to find meaning or taking lessons from every event and always being there for others in any situation. With the caring nurses shown to patients at the Anna Medika Hospital, it will foster patient confidence in the hospital.
The results of this study further complement previous research conducted by (Wijaya, 2014) which found that nurses have succeeded in building a trusting relationship with patients, so that the presence of nurses can be accepted by patients and helps patients feel comfortable expressing their feelings to nurses, fostering a trusting relationship. and communicate. This means that if the patient's assessment of nursing care consisting of: knowledge and experience, skills and communication is higher, the patient's satisfaction and trust will also be higher. The nurse knows the hospital system well and is in a strategic position to identify and use it solve patient care problems, because they know more about patients, patient needs, potential problems and accidents, and provide satisfactory service.
This finding is in line with the research conducted by Greene et al. (2021), who revealed that one of the mechanisms used to build patient trust in hospitals is caring, a hospital culture that prioritizes the interests of patients, comfort, a friendly physical environment and caring nurses. Researchers argue that nurses who provide direct services to patients are able to generate positive assessments/positive perceptions in patients of their behavior while providing health services to outpatients or inpatients, it will increase the trust and loyalty of patients to return to using these services.
C. Complaint Handling Increases Trust
The results of this study indicate that the handling of the compliant has a positive and significant effect on patient confidence in Anna Medika Hospital. This means that if complaint handling is improved, it will increase patient confidence in Anna Medika Hospital, and vice versa if complaint handling is low, it will reduce patient trust in Anna Medika Hospital.
Complaint handling is the handling of complaints as a strategic step for the company in repairing service failures that cause dissatisfaction (Kaihatu et al., 2015). The existence of any simple complaints from patients regarding hospital services must still be considered, because the existence of complaints means that there are shortcomings from the hospital that hospital management must know in terms of services. Therefore, information about the mechanism for submitting complaints at the Anna Medika Hospital must have transparency and ease of access, in order to generate good trust from patients to the hospital. In line with the theory of (Kaihatu et al., 2015), which states that the measurement of complaint handling uses the visibility dimension, in which the complaint handling process should be published to consumers and to company staff/employees, including information on how and rights to submit complaints and simple, namely the facilities and conveniences provided. company to consumers/customers to submit complaints.
The results of this study further complement the previous research conducted by Semuel (2012) which stated that the handling of complaints has a positive and significant effect on trust. The company successfully resolves complaints that occur properly, it will build customer trust and vice versa if it fails to resolve complaints that occur, it will have a negative effect on customer trust. For this reason, the management of complaints that are managed properly will certainly increase patient confidence. The underlying reason is that complaint handling is a special case of patient interaction after consuming and utilizing services. Patients will believe in the hospital's ability to resolve complaints and openly discuss solutions in solving patient problems, so that it will foster trust in the hospital (Indriyani & Mardiana, 2016; Razak et al., 2016).
D. Trust Increases Repeat Visit Intentions
The results of this study indicate that the patient's trust has a positive and significant effect on the intention to revisit the patient at the Anna Medika Hospital. This means that if the patient's trust is high, it will increase the intention to revisit the patient at the Anna Medika Hospital, and vice versa if the patient's trust is low, it will decrease the intention of the patient's return visit at the Anna Medika Hospital. The existence of trust cannot be separated from the patient's belief in the hospital's ability to provide products or services according to patient expectations, with trust, it is expected that patients can make purchases or return services or products that have been felt. Trust shows that the hospital's good intentions can be well received by patients, besides that trust also provides a good image for the hospital because it is considered capable of keeping promises previously given to patients.
Trust is the desire of a party to surrender or accept the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other party will take a certain action that is important to the party that gives confidence to the ability to monitor or control the other. Trust plays a very important role, especially in maintaining consumer relationships (Ellyawati, 2015) suggest that trust is a person's willingness to depend on other parties with certain risks. Trust is generally seen as a basic element of a successful relationship and it is also emphasized that trust is a belief in the honesty and integrity of other parties such as medical personnel. The medical profession is trusted by patients because patients believe that paramedics are people who are experts in their fields and also believe that paramedics will provide the best service for patients. Therefore, Anna Medika Hospital needs to meet patients' expectations in order to increase their visits in the future.
The results of this study are in line with the research of (Rachmawati, 2016), who found that trust has a positive and significant effect on a customer's visit intention. With the existence of consumer confidence in a product, it will form a key factor that affects the intention of repeat visits (Mosavi & Ghaedi, 2012). Trust is part of the indicators used in measuring the intention to use or the intention to revisit the patient. With good trust in using the service or product, the patient is expected to reuse the service. High revisit intention reflects high satisfaction from patients when patients choose to consume the product or service again. The intention to make a repeat visit generally appears after the patient gets what is expected or even more than the patient's own expectations, so that the patient has the intention to consume again, with continued repurchase intentions it means that the patient has become a loyal customer of a product or service.
Based on the findings of this study and the similarity of the results with previous studies, it can be said that in building trust, customers must not only feel positive results but also believe that these positive results will continue in the future. Trust is an important factor in developing positive behavioral intentions towards others. Thus, when a patient trusts a product or service, the patient is willing to form a positive purchase intention towards the business. The relationship between patient trust and patient revisit intentions is supported by a reciprocal argument. When service providers act in a way that builds patient trust, the perceived risk with the service provider is reduced, thereby enabling patients to make confident predictions about future service provider transactions (Kurnianingrum & Hidayat, 2020) Chithanom, 2020).
E. Caring For Nurses Increases The Intention of Repeat Visits
The results of this study indicate that nurse caring has a positive and significant effect on the intention of repeat visits to patients at Anna Medika Hospital. This means that if the nurse's caring increases, it will increase the intention to revisit the patient at the Anna Medika Hospital, and vice versa if the nurse's caring is low, it will decrease the intention of the patient's return visit at the Anna Medika Hospital. Patients as service recipients will have a positive perception of services that can meet their expectations so that it will form patient satisfaction and positive values for services so that patients will continue to have the intention of revisiting services at the hospital.
Caring for nurses is the main foundation in nursing services (Wijaya, 2014). Caring creates an interpersonal relationship between service providers and service recipients, so that a good relationship will be created between nurses (service providers) and patients (service recipients). This makes the patient feel comfortable and satisfied, so that it will increase the patient's chances of returning and being loyal to the health services they receive. Therefore, nurses at the Anna Medika Hospital must pay attention to the first impression that will be conveyed to the patient in order to grow the intention of visiting in the future.
The results of this study also confirm the research conducted by (Rahman, 2013; Wijaya, 2014) who found that caring behavior was significantly related to the patient's intention to revisit in the future. With caring behavior that is applied optimally in providing every nursing care, it can improve interpersonal relationships between nurses and patients which make patients feel satisfied with services and allow patients to be loyal to the health institution they choose. Health workers who provide direct services to patients are able to generate positive assessments/positive perceptions in patients of their behavior while providing health services to inpatients, it will increase the trust and loyalty of patients to return to using these services.
F. Handling Complaints Increases The Intention of Repeat Visits
The results of this study indicate that the handling of complaints has a positive and significant effect on the intention of repeat visits to patients at Anna Medika Hospital. This means that if the handling of complaints is improved, it will increase the intention to revisit patients at the Anna Medika Hospital, and vice versa if the handling of complaints is low, it will reduce the intention to revisit patients at the Anna Medika Hospital.
Good complaint handling provides an opportunity to turn a dissatisfied customer or even a loyal customer, if consumer complaints are responded to positively and corrected, consumers will feel cared for by the company. In this case, satisfaction with handling complaints will be higher than satisfaction with goods or services that have been consumed (Kaihatu et al., 2015). Complaint handling serves as a reassuring remedy for consumers as a result of unsatisfactory service (Ateke & Kalu, 2016). Therefore, Anna Medika Hospital must clearly convey information on the mechanism for submitting complaints, so that in the future these complaints can be detected and easily handled, so that it will create the intention of repeat patient visits in the future.
These results also confirm research conducted by (Mosavi & Ghaedi, 2012) which found that complaint handling has a positive and significant effect on patient loyalty (revisit intentions). The handling of complaints presented by the hospital to patients is shown by a pattern of repurchasing, sharing goodness and progress with others, providing recommendations to patients and refusing offers from competing products. The results of this study are empowerment theory and several empirical studies which conclude that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty to products or companies.
The same thing was expressed by (Chiara & Bassareo, 2007), stating that satisfaction in handling complaints can shape attitudes and intentions of repeat visits. So it can be concluded that the better the way to handle complaints at the Anna Medika Hospital, the lower the level of consumers turning to other health service providers and will return to visit Anna Medika Hospital. This research is also relevant to the findings by Semuel (2012), proving that the factors in building trust are commitment, communication and handling complaints/complaints which then proves that trust produces long-term relationships. The complaint handling construct, although it had a smaller impact, remained an important factor in securing the patient's intention to revisit. Customers have positive perceptions about hospitals that resolve problems and complaints satisfactorily and in a fairly fast way and this perception translates into greater loyalty, namely by always using hospital products/services.
The conclusions obtained from this study are that trust partially mediates the effect of nurse caring and complaint handling on revisit intentions, nurse caring has a significant effect on trust, complaint handling has a significant effect on trust, trust has a significant effect on revisit intentions, nurse caring has an effect significantly on the intention to revisit and handling complaints significantly affect the intention to revisit.
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Copyright holder: Tri Widiyastutik, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah, Kemala Rita Wihidi (2022)
First publication right: Jurnal Health Sains
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