Jurnal Health Sains: pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 3, No.6, Juni 2022
Rolianna Harianja, Kemala Rita Wahidi, Rina Mutiara
Magister Administrasi
Rumah Sakit, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta.
Email: roliannadarawani@gmail.com,
kemalarita410@gmail.com, rinamutiara2511@gmail.com.
info |
Diterima: 07 Juni 2022 Direvisi: 15 Juni 2022 Dipublish: 25 Juni 2022 |
cancer is the most common type of cancer compared to other types of cancer.
Breast cancer can have a psychological impact from the early diagnosis. In
addition, the side effects of cancer modality therapy can also affect the
psychology of patients and families. The purpose of this study was to analyze
the effect of providing education on the quality of life of breast cancer
patients with family assistance and medication adherence as mediating
variables at the "Dharmais" Cancer Hospital.
Quality of life is a subjective measure that describes happiness and freedom
for an individual and how good or bad a person is. Health education is an
important tool for fostering patient empowerment and encouraging their
contribution to disease control. Family companion is a form of interpersonal relationship
that protects a person from the effects of bad stress. Obedience comes from
the root word obedient which means to obey, like to obey orders. Types of
correlational research. The population is 1,174 and the sample is 291, using
purposive sampling technique and proportional random sampling. Validity test
using Pearson product moment. Reliability test using Cronbach alpha. Data
collection techniques using questionnaires and statistical analysis of simple
and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the average value of
providing education, family assistance, medication adherence and quality of
life was high. There was an effect of providing education (p=0.000), family assistance
(p=0.001) and medication adherence (p=0.000) on the quality of life. The
conclusion shows that there is the provision of education, family assistance
and medication adherence to the quality of life. So
it is suggested that the hospital can pay more attention to improving the
quality of life such as doing health promotion. ABSTRAK Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker yang paling umum dibandingkan dengan jenis kanker lainnya. Kanker payudara dapat memberikan dampak psikologis sejak diagnosis dini. Selain itu, efek
samping terapi modalitas kanker juga dapat mempengaruhi psikologi pasien dan keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemberian edukasi terhadap kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara dengan pendampingan keluarga dan kepatuhan minum obat sebagai
variabel mediasi di Rumah Sakit Kanker
Dharmais. Kualitas hidup adalah ukuran subjektif yang menggambarkan kebahagiaan dan kebebasan bagi seorang individu dan seberapa baik atau buruknya seseorang. Pendidikan kesehatan
adalah alat penting untuk mendorong pemberdayaan pasien dan mendorong kontribusi mereka untuk pengendalian penyakit. Pendamping keluarga adalah bentuk hubungan interpersonal
yang melindungi seseorang
dari efek stres yang buruk. Ketaatan berasal dari akar kata patuh yang berarti patuh, suka menuruti
perintah. Jenis penelitian korelasional. Populasi sebanyak 1.174 dan sampel sebanyak 291, menggunakan teknik purposive
sampling dan proportional random sampling. Uji validitas
menggunakan product moment Pearson. Uji reliabilitas menggunakan
Cronbach alpha. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan analisis statistik regresi linier sederhana dan berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pemberian pendidikan, pendampingan keluarga, kepatuhan minum obat dan kualitas hidup tergolong tinggi. Ada pengaruh pemberian pendidikan (p=0,000), pendampingan
keluarga (p=0,001) dan kepatuhan
minum obat (p=0,000) terhadap kualitas hidup. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa ada pemberian
pendidikan, pendampingan keluarga dan kepatuhan minum obat terhadap
kualitas hidup. Sehingga disarankan agar pihak rumah sakit
dapat lebih memperhatikan peningkatan kualitas hidup seperti melakukan promosi kesehatan. |
Keywords: providing education; family assistance;
medication adherence; quality of life. Kata Kunci: memberikan pendidikan;
bantuan keluarga; kepatuhan minum obat; kualitas hidup. |
The incidence of new
cancer cases in the world in 2020 is 19.3 million cases, with a death rate of
10.65 million, while new cases of breast cancer in the world are 2.27 million
(11.7%) (Mardhotilla et al., 2020).
New cases of cancer in Southeast Asia based on Globocan
South East Asia were 1.1 million with a death rate of 689 thousand cases. In
Indonesia, the prevalence of cancer based on doctor's diagnosis at all ages is
1.79 per mile (Indra & Saputra, 2021),
while according to Globocan Indonesia in 2018, new
cancer cases were 348,809.
Breast cancer is a
malignancy in breast tissue that can originate from the ductal epithelium or
its lobules. The incidence of new cases of breast cancer in 2020 in the world
based on Globocan was 2.26 million (24.5%) and in
Southeast Asia 158939 (27.7%). In Indonesia, based on Globocan
2018, breast cancer was 58,256 cases. Based on the data above, breast cancer is
the most common type of cancer compared to other types of cancer.
Based on Pathological Based
Registration in Indonesia, Breast Cancer ranks first with a relative frequency
of 18.6%. (Manila et al., 2021).
Shows an increase in the number of breast cancer cases by 14801777 (20%) in
2015-2019 data from the "Dharmais" Cancer
Family support has a
significant relationship to patient compliance. This is also in accordance with
the results of research conducted by (Reza et al., 2019)
There is a significant relationship between family support and compliance with
breast cancer patients. Family companion is the most important element in
helping individuals undergo treatment. If there is support, self-confidence
will increase and motivation to deal with problems that will occur will
increase (Tamher, 2009).
One of them faced a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Social support can be done
by family members, colleagues, community, professionals, social communities or
volunteers, who serve as companions for cancer patients so that these patients can
understand their emotions, fears, anxiety and exchange information about treatments
and treatments that will, are currently or have been done. lived it.
In addition, patients who
received high social support showed better adjustment. Therefore, it is necessary
to provide education to patients and their families in the problem of breast cancer.
One way to improve the patient's quality of life is by providing education or
it can also be called health education. Education is all planned efforts to
influence other people, whether individuals, groups or communities so that they
do what is expected by education actors (Nomiko et al., 2021).
Patient and family
education is a business or activity carried out in order to provide information
on patient health problems that are not known to the patient and his family.
While this needs to be known to help and support medical management or other
health workers (Suliha & Resnayati, 2019).
The education provided is an explanation regarding the patient's medical
condition. Types of education:
Formal education is a learning process carried out in a formal educational
institution such as a school.
Non-formal education is a learning process that aims to add, replace and
complement formal education.
is a learning or education that is near and around us, such as family and
Education for cancer
patients has an important role and aims to provide information related to the
illness, treatment program and patient's lifestyle after being diagnosed with
cancer. The importance of providing education to cancer patients before patients
receive therapy so that patients better understand the treatment plan and the effects
of any actions that can affect the patient's physical and psychological.
In the period from January
to September 2020 in the systemic therapy room at the Dharmais
Cancer Hospital, it was found that 43.19% of patients did not come for chemotherapy.
This is caused by the absence of families who accompany patients in undergoing
treatment and patients from outside the city who experience obstacles to seek
treatment at the hospital. Breast cancer patients have difficulty taking care
of themselves so that the presence of the family can ease the patient's burden.
Patients without family assistance tend to be unmotivated and depressed when
undergoing treatment. Patient compliance for treatment and family support can
be supported by providing education by medical personnel to increase awareness
of the importance of compliance and family support. Education is carried out
before and after patients take treatment, but there are still patients who are
less compliant in treatment and families who still do not care about patients.
This can affect the quality of life of breast cancer patients. Patients who
have knowledge about things that can improve their health tend to have a good
quality of life, therefore education is needed. Many breast cancer patients
still have poor quality of life due to lack of knowledge of the importance of
compliance and families who are less active in treating patients.
Based on the description
above, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title
"The Effect of Providing Education on Quality of Life for Breast Cancer
Patients with Family Assistance and Medical Compliance as Mediation Variables
at the Cancer Hospital "Dharmais".
Research Methods
study uses the type of correlational research, the type of correlational
research is research conducted by researchers to determine the level of
relationship between two or more variables, without making changes, additions
or manipulations to data that already exists (Gresik, 2016).
Based on the hypothesis that has been
prepared by the researcher, there are 4 research variables to be studied, namely
the provision of education, family assistance, medication adherence and quality
of life.
The constellation
model of this research is as follows:
Figure 1
Research Constellation Model
Sampling technique
research sample in this study was taken using purposive sampling and
proportional random sampling techniques. Purposive sampling technique is a sampling
technique of data sources with certain considerations (Rahmadhani, 2019). Calculation of sampling using proportional random sampling is
presented in the table below:
Table 1
Proportional Random Sampling
Calculation Data
No |
Room |
Calculation |
Results per
Room |
1 |
Anggrek 1 |
28/1174*291 |
7 |
2 |
Anggrek 2 |
279/1174*291 |
69 |
3 |
Mawar 1 |
238/1174*291 |
59 |
4 |
Mawar 2 |
122/1174*291 |
30 |
5 |
Cempaka |
259/1174*291 |
64 |
6 |
Melati |
248/1174*291 |
62 |
Total |
291 |
Data collection technique
The data collection method in this study used drop scoring in the form
of a questionnaire. According to (Usman et al., 2021)
a questionnaire means a series of questions related to a particular topic given
to a group of individuals with the intention of obtaining data. The purpose of
distributing the questionnaire is to collect data from the responses to the questionnaire,
so that the data obtained is accurate (valid and reliable). The measuring
instrument used in this study is a modification of the Perceived Social Support
Questionnaire Family (PSS-Fa) questionnaire to measure family assistance and to
measure medication adherence and modification of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire
to measure quality of life.
Results And
Research Result
Validity and Reliability Test Results
Validity and reliability tests were
carried out on the results of questionnaires filled out by 30 respondents and
carried out using SPSS for Windows version 26.0, where decision making on the
validity test was carried out based on the value of r arithmetic > r table of
0.361, for df = 30-2 = 28; = 0.05 and reliability
test using Cronbach alpha.
Based on the results of the validity test
that has been carried out, it is known that all items have a value of r
arithmetic > r table so that they are declared valid and can be included for
further data analysis.
Reliability Test
The complete reliability
test results can be seen as follows:
Table 1
Reliability Test Results
Variabel |
Value |
Reliability Index |
Education |
0,905 |
strong |
Assistance |
0,911 |
strong |
Compliance |
0,906 |
strong |
of Life |
0,955 |
strong |
Based on the results of the validity
tests that have been carried out, it is known that all variables are in the reliability
index between 0.90-1.00 or are in the very strong range.
The Effect
of Education on Quality of Life
The results showed that there was an
effect of providing education on the quality of life of breast cancer patients
at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. The results of
correlation and determination analysis also show that the effect of providing
education to breast cancer patients at Dharmais
Cancer Hospital is very strong and positive (unidirectional).
The provision of education becomes a stimulus
to provide information about the problems faced so as to increase the knowledge
possessed by individuals. The provision of education either through health
education, counseling, counseling or through media such as posters, leaflets or
videos will still have an influence on the level of individual knowledge.
Knowledge, attitude and practice are processes that individual usually go
through in shaping and changing behavior, including their behavior towards
health (Meidiana et al., 2018).
According to researchers, the provision of
education affects the quality of life of the individual. Providing education
will provide knowledge to individuals in managing their problems, including in
terms of health. In addition, the knowledge gained, especially regarding the problems
at hand, will give individuals confidence to take good actions and know what is
good for themselves. This will certainly improve the quality of life you have.
The Effect of Family Assistance on Quality of Life
results showed that there was an effect of family assistance on the quality of
life of breast cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer
Hospital. The results of correlation and determination analysis also show that
the effect of family assistance on breast cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital is very strong and positive
of the roles of the family is to be the main companion and supporter for
individuals in the process of treating their illness. In the research of (Nomiko et al., 2021) it was also mentioned that family
assistance in seeking treatment to health services was the most dominant
category of family support carried out. The support provided by the family is
believed to increase self-confidence and motivation in individuals in dealing
with problems, including health problems. In addition, a sense of love, a sense
of protection and a sense of comfort arising from the family support provided
also has an effect on reducing stress and depression levels that may arise in
individuals so that they determine their quality of life (Oktaviani & Purwaningsih, 2020).
to the researcher, family assistance has an effect on the quality of life of an
individual. the assistance provided by the family can provide strength,
enthusiasm and calm to sick individuals. This will affect the individual's coping
and adapt to existing stressors, so that it will also improve the quality of
life they have.
Effect of Medication Compliance on Quality of Life
results showed that there was an effect of medication adherence on the quality
of life of breast cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer
Hospital. The results of correlation and determination analysis also showed
that the effect of medication adherence on breast cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital was strong and positive (unidirectional).
treatment process carried out by cancer patients is not always a positive
effect. The occurrence of physical changes from the disease and the course of
the treatment process itself can affect the quality of life of the individual.
In this regard, the quality of life is an important thing that needs to be
considered and anticipated to maintain their welfare. Having a reciprocal
relationship, Bayram, Durna & Akin revealed that
when individuals have had a good quality of life during their treatment, it
will increase their adherence to the treatment that needs to be done (Nomiko, 2020).
to the researcher, medication adherence will affect the quality of life of the
individual. The individual's adherence to treatment, either from taking
medication or following the recommended therapy, will provide good benefits for
the individual. This is of course the quality of life that individuals have
will affect the quality of life that is getting better too.
The Effect of Education, Family Assistance and Compliance
with Treatment on Quality of Life
results showed that there was an effect of providing education, family
assistance and treatment compliance on the quality of life of breast cancer
patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. The results of
correlation and determination analysis also show that the effect of providing
education, family assistance and medication adherence on the quality of life of
breast cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital is
very strong and positive (unidirectional).
change is also one of the goals of providing education. Positive and negative
attitudes that individuals have can be influenced by internal factors that come
from themselves. In addition, as for external factors that can affect individual
attitudes, namely the influence of other people who can be received from
messages conveyed in the form of providing education. By providing the right education,
individuals can gain knowledge and influence their attitudes in making decisions
(Sherina et al., 2021).
In this case, the health education received by the individual can affect his attitude
in making decisions, one of which is in terms of care to maintain his quality
of life.
assistance in treatment will also make individuals have positive perceptions or
views about the treatment they are doing (Rosidin et al., 2020).
In this regard, the role of the family in care will also increase individual
compliance in their treatment (Aristawati et al., 2020). Family assistance as a motivator, giver of attention
and even a reminder of the individual on his treatment schedule will give
positive results on the health condition and well-being of the individual.
with individual treatment is also an important thing that needs to be considered.
Compliance will greatly affect the quality of life they have, including breast
cancer patients. Where when breast cancer sufferers do not take treatment
obediently, it will have an impact on cancer cells that can spread to other
organs that are still healthy in the body so that it affects their normal
function (Saputra & Suharsono, 2021).
on this, it can be concluded that the better the education received, the better
the assistance the family has and the more obedient in taking treatment, the
better the quality of life they have, and vice versa.
Most of the respondents
have received good education, good family assistance, good medication adherence
and good quality of life. There is an effect of providing education on the
quality of life of breast cancer patients at Dharmais
Cancer Hospital. There is an effect of family assistance on the quality of life
of breast cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer
There is an effect of
medication adherence on the quality of breast cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is an effect of providing
education, family assistance and treatment adherence significantly affect the
quality of life of breast cancer patients at Dharmais
Cancer Hospital.
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holder: Rolianna Harianja,
Kemala Rita Wahidi, Rina
Mutiara (2022) |
First publication
right: Jurnal Health Sains |