Jurnal Health Sains: p–ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 3, No.5, Mei 2022




Siti Patimah, Dita Eka Mardiani

Departement of Midwifery, Center of Excellence for Health and Disaster Emergency

Email: spatimah1220@gmail.com, ditaekamardiani90@gmail.com


artikel info



10 Mei 2022


11 Mei 2022


25 Mei 2022

The role of the family, especially the mother in raising children, is very important in determining the growth and development of children. In order for parents to be able to carry out their functions properly, parents need to understand the level of child development, assess the growth or development of children, and have a strong motivation to advance the growth and development of children. The results of the study on parenting education show that the skills of parents in carrying out the parenting function are still low Syakrani, 2010 the causes include the absence of parenting programs, low understanding and awareness of parents about the importance and influence of motherhood on children's growth and development, and lack of information about the importance of parenting. child care. Shochib, 2010 explains that the knowledge and attitudes of parents in providing parenting to their children are influenced by the lack of information about ways to achieve a healthy life which can lead to deviations in parenting patterns for children. This study aims to determine the effect of parenting education on mothers of infants under five on the knowledge and attitudes of mothers of infants under five about growth and development. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-post test design. The population of this research is mothers of infants under five in the Cikalang Village, Tasikmalaya City. The subjects of this study were mothers of infants under the age of five in the Cikalang sub-district who were selected using the purposive sampling method. The sample selected as the respondent is determined based on the criteria. Total 70 0 people. univariate analysis to determine the frequency distribution. The results of the data normality test showed that the data distribution was not normal, so the bivariate test used the Wilcoxon test. The results of the study obtained knowledge of mothers of infants under five about growth and development of infants under five before parenting education, the highest level of mother knowledge was in the less category (67.1%), while after attending parenting education the mother's level of knowledge was in the medium category (60%) and the good category (40%). Prior to parenting education, the mother's attitude was mostly in the bad category (64.3%), while after attending parenting education the mother's attitude was mostly in the good category (87.1%). The results of the different test were known as the Asymp.Sig value. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, which means that H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that there is an influence of parenting education on the knowledge and attitudes of mothers of infants under five about the growth and development of infants under five.











parenting education; toddlers; knowledge; attitude.


The role of the family,especially the mother in raising children, is very important in determining the growth and development of children. In the period of child development there is a critical period so that useful stimulation is needed so that potential can develop. In order for parents to be able to carry out their functions properly, parents need to understand the level of child development, assess the growth or development of children, and have a strong motivation to advance the growth and development of children.

The results of the study on parenting education show that the skills of parents in carrying out the parenting function are still low (Sunarsih, 2015). There are several factors that cause this, including the unpreparedness of prospective parents to foster a family and become parents, no parenting program, low understanding and awareness of parents about the importance and influence of motherhood on children's growth and development, low community commitment, especially the government towards empowerment. family (institution), and lack of information about the importance of child care. 

This is in line with research conducted by (Shochib, 2010) that the knowledge and attitudes of parents in providing parenting to their children are influenced by the lack of information about ways to achieve a healthy life which can lead to deviations in parenting of children. The results of the preliminary study that the author conducted obtained data that 7 out of 10 mothers did not know about good parenting, tended to apply authoritarian attitudes in parenting, and tended to follow the parenting pattern of their previous family.

Midwives as service providers to mothers and children, have a major role in providing education to mothers and families through the provision of health promotions to increase mother's knowledge about parenting, so that with sufficient knowledge mothers and families can ensure that the growth and development of children takes place optimally.

Based on this description, the research aims to determine how the influence of Parenting Education on Mothers of Infants Toddlers on Knowledge and Attitudes of Mothers of Infants Toddlers about Growth and Development.


Research Methods

The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-post test design. The population of this research is mothers of infants under five in the Cikalang Village, Tasikmalaya City. The subjects of this study were mothers of infants under the age of five in the Cikalang sub-district who were selected using the purposive sampling method. The sample selected as the respondent is determined based on the criteria. Total 70 0 people. Univariate analysis to determine the frequency distribution. The results of the data normality test showed that the data distribution was not normal, so the bivariate test used the Wilcoxon test.

















Results and Discusion

A.   Description Level of Knowledge About Parenting Before and After Parenting Education


The results of data processing are shown in the categorization table of the variable level of knowledge about the growth and development of infants under five as follows:


Table 1

Mother's level of knowledge about infant growth and development

before and after parenting education




































Based on table 1, it can be seen that before parenting education the mother's level of knowledge was in the less category (67.1%), while after attending parenting education the mother's level of knowledge was in the medium category (60%).


B.   Description Mother's Attitude About Growth and Development Before and After Parenting Education


Table 2

Mother's Attitude About The Growth and Development of Toddlers Before and After Parenting Education










Not good















Based on table 2, it can be seen that before parenting education the mother's attitude was mostly in the bad category (64.3%), while after attending parenting education the mother's attitude was mostly in the good category (87.1%).


C.   Results Bivariate Analysis

The Results Of Hypothesis Testing Using The Wilcoxon Test Can Be Seen In The Following Table:





Table 3

The Results of The Different Test of The Influence of Knowledge and Attitudes Before and After Parenting Education


Post-knowledge pre-knowledge

Post-attitude pre




Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed)




Based on table 3, it is known the value of Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, which means that H0 is rejected. This shows that the posttest average is significantly different from the posttest average. It can be concluded that there is an influence of parenting education on the knowledge and attitudes of mothers of infants under five about the growth and development of infants under five.


D.  Discussion

According to (Mubarak, 2011) knowledge is an impression in the human mind as a result of using the five senses. Brunner said that the knowledge process involves three aspects, namely the process of obtaining information, the process of transformation and the process of evaluation. The new information obtained is a substitute for previous knowledge.

The transformation process is a process with new tasks. The evaluation process is carried out by re-examining whether the method of processing information is adequate.

A person's knowledge is influenced by several factors, namely: Education, occupation, age, interests, experience, culture, external environment and information. The ease of obtaining information can accelerate a person to acquire new knowledge. In this study, mothers were given information so that mothers quickly gained new knowledge.

Parenting is an ongoing process of interaction between parents and their children which includes the following activities: nourishing, guiding, and protecting children as they grow (Brooks & Vokey, 1991). (Tudge et al., 2009) puts pressure on the family environment as the main ecology of early Childhood development with parents as the most important socialization agent, but many studies suggest a shift in parenting patterns.

Research conducted by (Sunarsih, 2015) says that the low development of children, especially their EQ and ESQ, in Banjar and Madura ethnic groups is a direct resultants of unhealthy parenting. Research findings, nutritional problems began to be associated with the important role of parenting in the family (Engle et al., 1999). The low growth and development of children is mostly caused by low parenting skills.

Several studies have shown that children who get good parenting will show good social competence in childhood. Meanwhile, Grosman and Grosman (Sutcliffe & Lenard, 2002) found that children with secure attachment qualities from their parents were better able to handle difficult tasks and did not give up quickly. Parenting patterns have a significant and positive direct influence on academic achievement, self-efficacy, and motivation (Abesha, 2012).

Parenting education is one of the most important factors influencing children's achievement and motivation (Ramachandran et al., 2013). Parenting education is a general term for various kinds of parental learning opportunities (Einzig, 1999), to develop self-awareness, self-confidence, and increase parental capacity (Brown & Barlow, 2005), through training, support, or education, and the main goal is to influence the well-being of children's parents (Powell et al., 2002) Parenting education programs have shown an increase in the quality of several interactions (Cowan, 2011), parenting competence and stress (Crews & Nixon, 2003) and maternal depression (Sanders & McFarland, 2000).

Research by Barlow and Stewart-Brown (Atkinson et al., 2002) identified several situations in which parents could benefit from participating in parenting training. What parents appreciate most by being involved in training is the support they get from being around other parents and the opportunity for them to be themselves in an environment that accepts them as they are. The fact that the difficulties they face are not only their own, it is also very empowering and empowering. Parents realize that their care can be shared with others, they will feel able to reach the resolution of their problems in a natural way. Many studies show that adults who participate in a number of programs, become more aware of the behavior and needs of children, and feel more competent as parents (Jen et al., 1994).

The tendency of parents to completely surrender the formation of good children's habits to the school, can be seen from several points of view, including the lack of parental knowledge about how to develop children's behavior, wrongly choosing the method in developing these behaviors, or parents feel that schools are more capable of developing these behaviors. shape children's behavior. Parents who become impatient or force children to achieve developmental tasks long before the child is ready, will damage the child's self-esteem and even the child's physical well-being, and vice versa (Steinberg, 2005).

According to (Budiardjo, 2010) Attitude is a person's feelings, thoughts, and tendencies which are more or less permanent regarding certain aspects in his environment. This means the attitude shows approval or disapproval, likes or dislikes someone towards something. Attitude is not an action or activity but a predisposition to action or behavior.

(Alport, 1954) explains that attitudes have 3 components, namely beliefs/beliefs, ideas and concepts towards objects, emotional life or emotional evaluation of objects and tendencies to act (tend to behave). These three components together form a complete attitude (total attitude). In determining this complete attitude, knowledge, thoughts, beliefs and emotions play an important role (Notoatmodjo, 2010).

Attitudes have levels based on their intensity, as follows:

Receiving (receiving); Receiving means that a person or subject is willing to accept a given stimulus (object).

1.    Respond (Responding). Responding means providing answers or responses to questions or objects at hand.

2.    Appreciate (Valuing). A person or subject will give a positive value to the object or stimulus. Subjects will discuss it with others and even invite or influence others to respond.

3.    Responsibility (Responsible). This is the highest level of attitude. A person will be responsible for what he has believed.

Parenting education is one of the most important factors influencing children's achievement and motivation (Ramachandran et al., 2013). Parenting education programs have shown an increase in the quality of several interactions (Cowan, 2011), parenting competence and stress (Rottenberg & Gross, 2003), (Slowdownik D, Lee A, 2008) and maternal depression (Sanders & McFarland, 2000). social intervention in the form of parenting education is intended to improve parenting skills. Without this intervention, bad parenting will still be considered the right way.



Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded: (1.) A description of the knowledge of mothers of infants under five about the growth and development of infants under five before parenting education the highest level of mother's knowledge was in the poor category (67.1%), while after attending parenting education the mother's level of knowledge was in the medium category (60%) and the good category (40%).





(2.) Before parenting education, the mother's attitude was mostly in the bad category (64.3%), while after attending parenting education the mother's attitude was mostly in the good category (87.1%). (3.) The results of the different test are known as the Asymp.Sig value. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, which means that H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that there is an influence of parenting education on the knowledge and attitudes of mothers of infants under five about the growth and development of infants under five.




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Siti Patimah, Dita Eka Mardiani (2022)


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Jurnal Health Sains


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