ISSN 2723-6927-e ISSN 2723-4339
Alfiyyah Cevy
Fadhila1, Catur Setiya
Sulistiyana2, Ouve Rahadiani
Faculty of
Medicine, Swadaya Gunung
Jati University
Email: alfiyyah.004@gmail.com
Soft skills are an important attribute in
medical practice. PBL is one of the learning methods used by the UGJ Faculty of
Medicine, where the assessment process and rubric have adapted soft skills. It
is important to know whether there is a relationship between soft skills and
the daily PBL performance scores of FK UGJ students. Knowing the relationship
between soft skills and the daily PBL performance value of FK UGJ students. This
study uses descriptive studies, including analytical observational research,
primary data in the form of questionnaires, and secondary data in the form of
an archive of PBL performance values. 95.4% (228) of the 239 respondents had
sufficient problem-solving soft skills, 97.9% (234) of the 239 respondents had
sufficient initiative soft skills, 94.6% (226) of the 239 respondents had
sufficient soft skills of integrity, 92.1% (220) of the 239 respondents had
sufficient communication soft skills, 88.3% (211) of the 239 respondents had
sufficient teamwork soft skills. PBL performance values show quite wide
variations. Most students score between 35.0 - 40.0. The results of the
research show that there is a significant relationship between the five aspects
of soft skills and the daily PBL performance scores of FK UGJ students. There
is a significant relationship between the five aspects of soft skills and the
daily PBL performance scores of FK UGJ students
Keywords: Soft skills, Problem Based Learning, medical students, academic grade
Problem Based Learning (PBL)
method is method of learning that uses complex, real-world problems to
trigger learning as step early in collecting and integrating new knowledge (Betakore & Boiliu, 2022).
PBL is marked with existing groups, small and collaborative. Participants
educate work in a team learn the small one, then communicate and integrate information , finding , evaluating and using sources proper
learning. Learning process with approach This done with present problem real
critical and challenging (Darwati & Purana,
Problem can taken from problem patient, problem health, problems
service, system references, and epidemiology disease. Problem This will bring
up skills think critical and science related medicine. Then student do
discussion, doing study in a way related independent with case, they can
look for from various source knowledge. Then, students serve the solution they
find and carry out the reasoning process analytics. In the next step, students
connect each solution with expected findings from the assessment
until evaluation (WK, 2020).
PBL has adopted in a way wide in various
field and context education and is said to be as one of the methodology Study
effective teaching (Suryanti & Supeni,
2019). The PBL approach is efforts to involve participant
educate in a way active in the learning process in order to have ability hard skills and soft skills (Betakore & Boiliu, 2022. With the PBL
learning model , participants educate given Lots space and time so that they
assisted to develop their soft skills .
5 Data on one of them research conducted by Desiderius Metan and Wiwik Ira Handayani shows 17 of the 20 skills needed in the job
market are aspect soft skills , and top
7 rankings occupied by aspects soft
skills too. Based on fact this is it why soft skills are so important given
in the educational process .
skills are
ability beyond ability technical and academic , which is more prioritize
on ability intrapersonal or capable
ability arrange himself yourself and your abilities interpersonal namely ability to socialize (Ulum & Fauzi, 2023). Element Soft skills
include : communicative
skills, critical thinking, problem solving skills, team work, life long learning, information management skills,
entrepreneurship skills, ethics, moral and professional, leadership skills.
Emotional awareness, influence, conflict management, cooperation, synergy (Ulum & Fauzi, 2023) (Prasetio & Utari,
Other research conducted by England,
America and Canada, found 23 attributes soft
skills that dominate employment. The 23 attributes the sorted based on
priority interest that is initiative, ethics/integrity, thinking critical, will learning, commitment, motivation, enthusiasm,
can reliable, communication oral, creative, ability analysis, can overcome
stress, resolve problem, can summarizing, competent, flexible, teamwork,
independent, listening, resilient, arguing logical, management time, and
management self. All of the above skills are very necessary for students to
have. through various training soft
skills (TYP, 2023).
A research conducted by Bagus Purbandaru Sakti explains the Influence of soft skills in PBL on academic students
Faculty UNISMUH Makassar Medical School obtained the conclusion that soft skills in PBL for students class of
2011 show an influence on academic value (BPS, 2015). Based on background back above, goal
study This is to know connection soft
skills with mark daily performance of
student PBL Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine
Mount Jati. In the research this , component soft skills studied covering initiative,
integrity, communication, and teamwork that
can represent to be assessed, because it is by criteria aspect involvement in
discussions and aspects behavior in the rubric PBL assessment
Research methods
This study uses a study descriptive
including study observational by using primary data using a questionnaire that
will given to students, and
secondary data in the form of archive mark PBL performance of students who will requested to part academic
medicine. The research was conducted to student pre- clinical stages semesters
2, 4, and 6 at the Faculty Swadaya University of
Medicine Mount Jati. Election sample using method Stratified Random Sampling. This research analyzed with univariate
and bivariate tests using the Spearman
test to compare every variable that is connection soft skills problem solving, initiative, integrity, communication
and teamwork with mark daily performance of PBL of FK UGJ students .
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of the type sex student
Faculty University Medicine Self-reliance Mount Jati
Table 1. Gender
Gender |
Number (n) |
Percentage (%) |
Man |
74 |
31 |
Woman |
165 |
69 |
Total |
239 |
100.0 |
Based on table 1 ,
description based on proportion percentage of each type sex is of the
total of 239 students who became respondents , there were 74 students men , who
make up 31% of the population sample . Percentage This show that amount student
males in the population This more low compared to with student women who number
as many as 165 students and constitutes 69% of population . Percentage This
show that amount student women in the population This more tall compared to
with student man .
Table 2. Semester
Semester |
Number (n) |
Percentage (%) |
2 |
75 |
31.6 |
4 6 |
87 77 |
68.4 0 |
Total |
239 |
100.0 |
From table 2 we can see known that
semester 4 is a semester with amount Respondent the most (37%) while semester 2
is the semester with amount the fewest respondents ( 31%).
Table 3. Overview
of Soft Skill Aspects Problem Solving
Problem Solving Aspects |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
Not enough |
11 |
4.6 |
Enough |
228 |
95.4 |
Total |
239 |
100.0 |
Based on table 3 distribution category soft skills in aspects problem solving , from a total of 239 respondents,
only 11 respondents or around 4.6% show ability problem solving is lacking. Meanwhile, the majority Respondent as
many as 228 people or around 95.4% are in the category enough. This indicates
that part of the the Respondent's own ability
sufficient problem-solving.
Table 4. Overview
of Soft Skill aspects initiative
Aspect Initiate |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
Not enough |
5 |
2.1 |
Enough |
234 |
97.9 |
Total |
239 |
100.0 |
Based on table 4 distribution category soft skills in aspects initiative, from
a total of 239 respondents, only 5 respondents or around 2.1% which shows
ability lack of initiative. On the contrary, the majority respondents, namely
234 people or around 97.9% are in the category enough. This is show that part
big Respondent own ability enough initiative.
Table 5. Overview of Soft Skill aspects
Aspect Initiate |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
Not enough |
13 |
5.4 |
Enough |
226 |
94.6 |
Total |
239 |
100.0 |
Based on table 5 distribution category soft skills in aspects integrity , from a total of 239 respondents , only 13
respondents or around 5.4% which shows ability lack of integrity , whereas
majority respondents , namely 226 people or around 94.6% are in the category
enough . This is show that part big Respondent own ability sufficient integrity
Table 6. Overview of Soft Skill aspects
Aspect Initiate |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
Not enough |
19 |
7.9 |
Enough |
220 |
92.1 |
Total |
239 |
100.0 |
Based on table 6 distribution category soft skills in aspects communication , from a total of 239 respondents , only 19
respondents or around 7.9% which shows ability lack of communication , whereas
majority respondents , namely 220 people or around 92.1% are in the category
enough . This is show that part big Respondent own ability sufficient
communication .
Table 7. Overview of Soft Skill aspects Teamwork
Aspect Initiate |
Frequency |
Percentage (%) |
Not enough |
28 |
11.7 |
Enough |
211 |
88.3 |
Total |
239 |
100.0 |
Based on Table 7, distribution category soft skills in aspects teamwork, from a total of 239
respondents, 28 respondents, or around 11.7%, showed ability teamwork is lacking; the majority of
respondents, namely 211 people or around 88.3%, are in the category enough.
This is show that part big Respondent own ability sufficient teamwork .
Table 8.
Daily Performance Values Problem Based Learning (PBL)
36.5 |
9 |
3.8 |
37.0 |
11 |
4.6 |
37.5 |
17 |
7.1 |
38.0 |
13 |
5.4 |
38.5 |
16 |
6.7 |
39.0 |
26 |
10.9 |
39.5 |
11 |
4.6 |
40.0 |
21 |
8.8 |
40.5 |
16 |
6.7 |
41.0 |
15 |
6.3 |
41.5 |
7 |
2.9 |
42.0 |
6 |
2.5 |
42.5 |
7 |
2.9 |
43.0 |
4 |
1.7 |
44.0 |
3 |
1.3 |
45.0 |
1 |
0.4 |
46.0 |
1 |
0.4 |
Based on table 8 distribution mark PBL (Problem Based Learning) performance of students, the highest
score obtained by students was 39.0 with 26 respondents (10.9%). Other values
are also sufficient dominant is 40 with 21 respondents (8.8%) and 37.5 with 17
respondents (7.1%). Some mark such as 35.5; 37.0 and 39.5 were each achieved by
11 respondents (4.6%). The lowest values in the distribution This is 19.0;
29.0; and 29.5, respectively only achieved by 1 respondent (0.4%). Instead ,
value highest recorded is 92 and only achieved by 1 respondent (0.4%).
By overall , distribution mark show enough variation wide , with part
big student to obtain mark between 35.0 to 40.0.
Table 9. Correlative test results spearman relationship between problem solving with mark PBL daily performance on students Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine Mount Jati
Based on Table 9 above, there is a p value
of 0.000, which indicates that the correlation between ability soft skill aspect problem solving with mark daily
performance PBL is meaningful. Correlation value Spearman's value of 0.288 indicates a strong, weak
correlation with correlation positive, meaning the second variable is one
way between variable X and variable Y, where the more One variable so well, the
higher the value variable. Calculation results with analysis computer
deliver results, value p-value (0.000)
< α = (0.05)).
Thus, it can be concluded that H 0
was rejected, and H was accepted. The conclusion is that there is a
connection between the ability to solve
problems using soft skills and the
daily performance of students.nt PBL Faculty Swadaya
University of Medicine Mount Jati.
Table 10. Correlative test results show a strong relationship between
initiative and mark PBL daily performance
on students Faculty Swadaya University of
Medicine Mount Jati.
Based on table 10 above is obtained p
value of 0.000 which indicates that correlation between the ability soft skill aspect initiative with mark
PBL daily performance is meaningful.
Correlation value Spearman's value of
0.228 indicates a strong weak correlation with correlation positive,
meaning the second variable is one way between variable X and variable Y, where
the more One variable so will, the more great
value variable. Calculation results with analysis computer deliver
results, value p-value (0.000) <
α = (0.05)).
Thus , it can be concluded that H 0
rejected and H a accepted . The conclusion is there is existence
connection between ability soft skill aspect
initiative with mark daily performance of
student PBL Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine
Mount Jati.
Table 11. Correlative test results spearman relationship between integrity
with mark PBL daily performance on
students Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine Mount
Based on table 11 above is obtained p
value 0.001 which indicates that correlation between ability soft skill aspect integrity with mark
PBL daily performance is meaningful . Correlation value Spearman's value of 0.220 indicates strength weak
correlation with correlation positive , meaning second variable one way
between variable X and variable Y, where the more big mark One variable so will
the more great value variable others . Calculation results with analysis
computer deliver results, value p-value (0.001)
< α = (0.05)). So , you can concluded that H 0 rejected and
H a accepted . The conclusion is there is existence connection
between ability soft skill aspect
integrity with mark daily performance of
student PBL Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine
Mount Jati.
Table 12. Correlative test results spearman relationship between
communication with mark PBL daily performance
on students Faculty Swadaya University of
Medicine Mount Jati.
Based on table 12 above is obtained p
value of 0.000 which indicates that correlation between ability soft skill aspect communication with
mark PBL daily performance is
meaningful. Correlation value Spearman's value
of 0.373 indicates strength weak correlation with correlation positive,
meaning second variable one way between variable X and variable Y, where the more big mark One variable so will the more great
value variable others. Calculation results with analysis computer
deliver results, value p-value (0.000)
< α = (0.05)). So, you can concluded that H 0
rejected and H a accepted. The conclusion is there is existence
connection between ability soft skill aspect
communication with mark daily performance
of student PBL Faculty Swadaya University of
Medicine Mount Jati.
Table 13. Correlative test results spearman relationship between teamwork with mark PBL daily performance on students Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine Mount Jati.
Based on table 13 above is obtained p
value of 0.000 which indicates that correlation between ability soft skill aspect teamwork with mark PBL daily performance
is meaningful. Correlation value Spearman's
value of 0.290 indicates strength weak correlation with correlation
positive, meaning second variable one way between variable X and variable Y,
where the more big mark One variable so will the more great value
variable others . Calculation results with analysis
computer deliver results, value p-value (0.000)
< α = (0.05)). So, you can concluded that H 0
rejected and H a accepted.
In conclusion is there is existence
connection between ability soft skill aspect
teamwork with mark daily performance of student PBL Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine Mount Jati.
This research conducted in 2024 at the
Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine Mount Jati,
Cirebon. Total samples as many as 239 students were taken from semesters 2, 4,
and 6. Election sample using method stratified
random sampling . This study aims to find out soft skill relationship with
mark daily performance of student PBL
Faculty Swadaya University of Medicine Mount Jati.
Types of data used in the study This are primary data and secondary data. For
primary data using a google form questionnaire. For the instrument soft skills initiative, integrity , communication and teamwork adapt from study previously. Meanwhile, for soft skills, problem solving is
component new soft skills added by
researchers now. Instruments Soft skill
problem solving has undergone validity and reliability testing , with the
results of the validity of r count > r table, which means that all
statements is valid. The results of the validity test on the instrument soft skills , based on mark significance
on 5 question items soft problem solving
skills are obtained mark significance < 0.05 which means the data is
valid and can be used in research . The results of the reliability test on the
instrument soft skill problem solving shows
mark Cronbach's alpha is 0.728 so that can concluded that question item the
reliable. Meanwhile, for secondary data, archives are used. mark daily performance of PBL students. Most of
them Respondent classified as as student with level
sufficient skills / soft skills.
a. Discussion
soft skill aspect problem solving
skills aspects problem solving for students in
semesters 2, 4, and 6 stages academic education doctors at FK UGJ partly big
majority respondents (95.4%) results show that Respondent own soft skill problem solving is
sufficient. Problem-solving skills are
one of the skills that are high ( higher order
thinking skills ) are complex. Other studies explain that problem solving skills are skills that
every person must have student. Student naturally often experience problem or
problem both related with problem personal and also problem his studies.
Someone who has problem will try look for solution to solve ongoing
problem faced him . In solving and facing it process is needed or skills
think differently every individual . Some research results prove that
mastery of problem-solving skills is
influential in thinking critically, thinking creatively, and motivating Study
students, as well as skills student social (Bariyyah, 2021).
The result of the analysis of these problem-solving skills is in line with the
Contents of the book Student Guide to
Historical Thinking, works by Ricard
Paul and Linda Elder, who
emphasize the importance think critically for the young generation who aims to
see various phenomena and reality . It is obligatory
for the young generation, especially students, to always respond to various
problems that exist within oneself themselves and society in accordance with
competence and field mastered knowledge to identifying problems , synthesizing, analyzing, and being able to
provide solutions.
Based on understanding from the Contents
book, Soft problem-solving skills are
important to have because with those skills,
students can identify problems and determine step What to do as a solution to
solve them.
b. Discussion
soft skill aspect initiative
skills aspects
initiative students in semesters 2, 4, and 6 academic education doctors at FK
UGJ partly big majority respondents (97.9%) results show that Respondent own soft skills sufficient initiative . In
the study others also obtained soft skills initiative results good for the
majority of 81.1% of respondents . Initiative learning is very important owned
Because can cause meaningfulness in learning . If students Study with his
initiative Alone so attention student the will focused on the process and
results of learning (Putra et al., 2023).
In addition, students will feel free to
learn , no depend on and have self - confidence myself . According to Savitri
& Hadi (2015, p.314), students who have the initiative Study Alone will try
to finish a problemsso problems cause No
protracted. On the contrary , lack initiative result in somebody tend to be
quiet, waiting command, lack of desire to complete problems faced, as well as
misunderstanding with new system (Putra et al., 2023).
A person who is developing his initiative
is someone who is active with intentionally to develop ,
relate with activity someone , understand opportunities to grow and with
intentionally and consciously change method thinking in life. This is in
accordance with opinion Gauthier,
Frasson, & Van Lehn (2000, p.219) who put forward that initiative
student can interpreted as answer students to ask questions which is not answer
from questions asked by the teacher . It can be concluded that students who
have initiative Study tend active in the learning process (Putra et al., 2023).
c. Discussion
soft skill aspect integrity
skills aspects
integrity students in semesters 2, 4, and 6 academic education doctors at FK
UGJ partly big majority respondents (94.6%) results show that Respondent own
sufficient integrity soft skills . In
the research others also obtained soft skill integrity results good in the
majority of 83.8% of respondents . Integrity academic is commitment to values
academics which are manifested in behaviors that include honesty, trust,
respect, fairness and sense of responsibility responsibility
in carrying out demands academic. Integrity Academics are very important and
need to be developed by everyone under educational institutions (Yusoff et al., 2020).
Based on guide behavior professional
doctors and students medicine formulated by the General Medical Council can seen that
values professionalism doctors and students medical No different far . Some
expected behavior can formed within oneself student medical including
honesty , caring , justice , responsibility answer , trust ; thing this
is in accordance with principles integrity academics as stated by The International Center for Academic
Integrity (Yusoff et al., 2020).
d. Discussion
soft skill aspect communication
skills aspects
communication students in semesters 2, 4, and 6 academic education doctors at
FK UGJ partly big majority respondents (92.1%) results show that Respondent own
sufficient soft communication skills .
In the study others also obtained soft
skills communication results good for the majority of 83.8% of respondents
. Other studies also explain presence communication is source strength main on
a team or organization . Communication make dynamic a cooperation system in a
team (Hamsal et al., 2023).
In the 21st century , students who are
able endure is the usual communicate with various way , good verbally or
non verbal . Students required to understand ,
process , and create effective communication in various form and content
in a way oral and written. Students given opportunity to use his abilities to
express his ideas , when discuss with friends or lecturers. 37
This research in line with research
conducted by Choudary A in Teaching
communications skills to medical students: Introducing the fine art of medical
practice, states that to plant habit skills good communication
during years - years learning will
help student medicine and
candidates practitioner . Training skills communication during year learning is
investment positive for health society in the future that is more good .
Lecture regular about effective communication should be included in the curriculum
faculty medicine . 41
Effective communication become
factor important in creating effective work team . A team that has effective
communication capable communicate with clear and structured . This is help member team to understand task they with more Good and
avoid possible errors happen Because lack of communication. Bad
communication can cause confusion and misunderstanding, which reduces
the productivity team (Soliman & Zaky,
e. Discussion
soft skill aspect teamwork
skills aspects teamwork of students in semesters 2, 4,
and 6 stages academic education doctors at FK UGJ partly big majority
respondents (88.3%) results show that Respondent own sufficient soft
communication skills. In the study
others also obtained soft skills communication
results good for the majority of 83.1% of respondents. Cooperation can walk
with Good when all members team participate active, have same goal, knowing the
duties and limitations of each member, have good communication, agree
rule base work, able look for solution together, willing share knowledge and
skills (Darmayani et al.,
A number of literature health confirm that
professional health must have ability to collaborate and work in a team.
Ability the is a key strategy to improve service health, improve performance in
various aspect service health, as well as increase security and satisfaction
patients. For practitioners health, working in a team
will reduce workload and increase job satisfaction. Therefore, teamwork skills
must be trained from previously, namely from stage academic. Zeitun to summarize a number of research that proves that
team work satisfaction correlated with performance team. But in his writing
There is also research that proves that that satisfaction No correlated with
performance team, but study This find that team work satisfaction correlated
positive towards the learning process . 44
In line with study previously conducted by
Huda Marlina Wati, the results obtained stated that that has obtained average
team work satisfaction score student is in the range of 3.85 to 3.93. In
general general score the approaching 4 which means
students satisfied with team work experience they during studying in the
Medical Study Program . Compared with having to finish task alone , student
more choose to work together team Because will lower workload , having friends
to discuss as well as can develop ability interpersonal (Wati et al., n.d.).
Internal factors that influence team work
satisfaction student part big started from character individual member team
others, especially attitude and knowledge member team. Individual will feel
satisfied with the team he owns when have colleagues who behave positive
towards teamwork, having adequate knowledge to do the job task as well
as capable cooperate and foster connection good in team. On the contrary when
have colleague the team that behaves negative so will cause team work process
become No fun. External factors that influence team work satisfaction student
related with policy institutions in designing the learning process based on
team, including objective learning, types assigned tasks, formation process
team, number members in the team, procedures implementation and assessment (Wati et al., n.d.).
Discussion mark daily performance Problem Based
Learning (PBL)
Daily performance
values of PBL students in semesters 2, 4, and 6 stages academic Medical
Education FK UGJ partly large (10.9%) results show mark performance is sufficient that is is at a
score of 26-39. Muhibbin Syah's theory states that
performance Study rates the success of students in studying material lessons
expressed in form scores obtained from the test results about a
number of material lessons. Achievement Study according to Zaiful
Rosyid (2019) who followed from Sutratinah
Tirtonagoro to mean performance Study is evaluation
from activity learning expressed in the form symbols, numbers,
letters, or sentences that describe learning outcomes students (Sriatun et al., 2024).
Based on understanding from theory the
show that performance Study or in research This in the form of mark PBL daily performance, used for business student
reach the success achieved from the results of activities Study
g. Discussion
connection soft skill aspect problem solving with mark PBL daily performance
skills aspects problem solving as one of the variables
in research This get significant results when seen
the relationship with mark daily PBL performance using the Spearman test (p-value
= 0.288). In the study This There is connection between soft skill aspect problem
solving with mark daily performance of
PBL of FK UGJ students .
solving as A ability/skill own a number of aspect main. The first
aspect that is build and maintain understanding together. Where in the process
of solving A problem, students required able to build, observe, and maintain
understanding together with each other share information, discussion, and
mutual complete information important things needed to solve problems faced.
Aspects second that is take appropriate action to complete
problem. Where in the aspect This explain about actions right on target to
complete root problems. Students required to do deliberation, discussion and
Aspects the main thing in this problem solving soft skill is in accordance with
component evaluation PBL daily performance
values are: aspect involvement in discussion in the form of sharing opinions and arguments.
This can explain why can there be
meaningful relationship between soft
skill problem solving with mark PBL daily performance.
This is also in line with research
conducted by Oskah Dakhi which also stated that problem solving can increase creativity
and achievement Study students. One of the factors that cause improvement
creativity student is a learning model used in the learning process. The
application of the Cooperative Problem Solving model makes student participate in a way
active moment discuss together member his group Because Students are required
to find the concept themselves. In the application of the Cooperative Problem Solving model,
students faced with various various problems to
solve through discussion group. Students are required to create ideas
individually. fast related with settlement existing problems. Through
discussion said, students together with his group friends will look for various
alternative breakdown problem. Through the settlement process problem said,
students can develop his creativity.
solving skills are based
on ability with the process of identifying problem, looking for solution
alternatives, and implement solution best in a relatively new situation. Problem solving skills are skills that
every person must have students. Some research results prove that mastery problem solving skills no only
influential to performance academic students , but also influential to ability
think critical (Wechsler et al., 2018; Changwong et
al., 2018; Ulger , 2018), the ability think creative
(Kashani-Vahid et al., 2017; Tambunan, 2019; Puccio, 2017), motivation Study
students (Araiza-Alba et al., 2021; Georgiou & Kyza, 2018, intelligence
emotions ( Drigas & Papoutsi, 2018) as well as
skills social students (Stoeffler et al., 2020).
In the research others that also support
the research results by current researchers are research by Weni
The results obtained from the Aedi octopus are improvement grades on the test
performance Study mathematics Informatics Engineering Study Program students, Pamulang University with approach problem solving.
In the current study, besides because
conformity aspect soft skill problem
solving with component evaluation PBL daily performance value, also said There is connection between soft skill problem solving with mark PBL
daily performance because majority
Respondent has own level similarity understanding from points statements in the
questionnaire about soft skills problem
solving and approving will importance soft
skill problem solving in achieving mark good daily PBL performance .
h. Discussion connection soft skill aspect initiative with mark PBL daily performance
skills aspects
initiative as one of the variables in research This get significant results
when seen the relationship with mark daily PBL performance using the Spearman test (p-value = 0.228). In the study
This There is connection between soft
skill aspect initiative with mark daily performance
of PBL of FK UGJ students.
Spencer mentioned that initiative is
important thing Because initiative move something without requested,
improve work results, avoid error, and found or create new opportunities.
People who take the initiative tall will act with fast at the moment they see
something that needs to be done , they will act more
proactive than reactive. Initiative learning is very important owned Because
can cause meaningfulness in learning. Students who have initiative Study tend
active in the learning process (Putra et al., 2023). A number of characteristics initiative
that is own dedication enthusiastic in a way active in implementing tasks and
capture questions asked as well as tend give more answers many.
This is in accordance with one of the rubric evaluation performance during PBL, namely aspect involvement
in discussion in the form of activity. This is can explain Why soft
skill initiative This relate
with mark PBL daily performance.
This is also in line with research
conducted by Bagus Purbandaru Sakti Aji who also
stated that there is influence between soft
skill initiative with performance academic student class of 2011 and 2012,
but not in the 2013 class. From the research previous to put forward that There
is relationships that influence between soft
skills towards mark academic . In research This there is difference soft skill initiative in the 2011, 2012,
and 2013 classes. Due to difference amount PBL activities that have been
followed Where class of 2013 has higher frequency A little due to just
following a number of just block.
In the current research
, it is also said There is connection between soft skill initiative with mark PBL daily performance because majority Respondent has own level similarity
understanding from points statements in the questionnaire about soft skills initiative and agree will
importance soft skills initiative in
achieving mark good daily PBL performance.
Discussion connection soft
skill aspect integrity with
mark PBL daily performance
skills aspects
integrity as one of the variables in research This get significant results when
seen the relationship with mark daily PBL performance
using the Spearman test (p-value = 0.220). In the study This There is
connection between soft skill aspect
integrity with mark daily performance of
PBL of FK UGJ students.
Integrity academic is commitment to values
academics which are manifested in behaviors, one of which is covering respect (
respect ). Integrity Academics are
very important and need to be developed by everyone under institution
education. Appreciate is a respect to self yourself and to others, meaning
value diversity opinion and utilize opportunity to get new knowledge in
discussion. The attitude shown is applicable polite, accepting other people's
opinions, respect rules, no interrupt when other people give ideas, and value
other people's work. Respect will create environment dynamic and productive
learning that is environment learning that drives students to be active
as well as want to to argue with still honor opinion
others (Yusoff et al., 2020). This is in accordance with
one of the rubric evaluation performance during
PBL , namely aspect behavior. This is can explain Why
there is meaningful relationship between soft skills integrity denfan mark PBL
daily performance.
This matter in line with study previously
carried out by Bagus Purbandaru Sakti Aji who also
stated that there is influence between soft
skills integrity with performance academic student class of 2011, but in
the classes of 2012 and 2013 it showed that No There is influence soft skills integrity to mark academic
students. Differences This show that in the 2011 batch ,
soft skills of integrity in PBL had
an influence to mark academic while in the 2012 and 2013 classes there were
none influential. Because the average value academic 2012 and 2013 sufficient
and lacking. Integrity show consistency between action with mark truth with all
power to identify problems in PBL. Factors that influence soft skills integrity in PBL including present appropriate time in
PBL sessions, organizing main ideas with details in a logical order,
seriousness follow PBL, work on PBL assignment, following Instructions chairman
At the stage preclinical student medicine
is also required understand one of the draft from professionalism that is
knowledge integrity academic . Knowledge integrity academic is one of the part
important from the academic process that must be owned every individual .
Knowledge integrity academic is A knowledge about mark honesty that is held
students in undergoing his education . Integrity academic is the main thing
from culture academic , where matter This felt as A
form compliance to mark honesty prevailing in the environment academic said ,
with existence compliance the No No Possible If there
is violations that occurred in it , violations mark honesty Alone relate
backwards with performance academic.
Knowledge integrity academic is one of the
factors that can influence performance academic students . Students who are
able apply the values contained in knowledge integrity academic with Good so
will apply it to the learning process that is being carried out so that reach
performance good academic . However If values knowledge integrity the No
applied with good and considered as pressure academic so will arise burden on self somebody the exceed the abilities possessed
, and if left alone will push action negative one of them is fraud
academic , so that matter This will affect performance academic.
This research is also in line with
research that has been done by Faizatul Happy
Birthday Alrosyad whose research results state show
there is connection significant between knowledge integrity academic with
performance academic . In research that connects between knowledge integrity
academic and performance academic state that students who uphold honesty
However performance academic low can due to from difficulty understand material
learning as well as style Study different students each individual.
In the current research
, it is also said There is connection between soft skills integrity with mark PBL daily performance because majority Respondent has own level similarity
understanding from points statements in the questionnaire about soft skills integrity and agree will
importance soft skills integrity in
achieving mark good daily PBL performance.
Discussion connection soft skill aspect communication with mark PBL daily performance
skills aspects
communication as one of the variables in research This get significant results
when seen the relationship with mark daily PBL performance using the Spearman test (p-value = 0.373). In the study
This There is connection between soft
skill aspect communication with
mark daily performance of PBL of FK
UGJ students . Communication is a activities carried
out in a way conscious, deliberate and in accordance with objective or desire
from the perpetrator. Activities communication will in progress Good if the
communicating parties have the same equal attention to Topic the message
communicated (Hamsal et al., 2023). This is in accordance with one of the
rubric evaluation performance during PBL, namely aspect behavior
skills communicate. This can explain Why soft
skills communication relate with mark PBL daily performance.
This is also in line with research
conducted by Bagus Purbandaru Sakti Aji who also
stated that there is influence between soft
skills communication with performance academic students. Respondents who
have soft skills communication Good
as many as 87.1% of respondents who have a temporary GPA Enough with ability soft skills communication Good as many
as 9.7% of people, respondents who have a temporary GPA not enough with soft skills communication not enough as
much as 4%. Communication show stages development and implementation breakdown
PBL problems, training listening skills
effective to receive information accurate so that potential add knowledge
academic, as well as produce notes with style that is acceptable to the
student's personality.
In the current research, it is also said that
There is a connection between soft skills communication and good daily PBL
performance because the majority of Respondents have a similar understanding of
the points statements in the questionnaire regarding soft skills communication
and agree with the importance of soft skills communication in achieving good
daily PBL performance.
k. Discussion
connection soft skill aspect teamwork with mark PBL daily performance
skills aspects teamwork as one of the variables in
research. This gets significant results when the relationship with mark
daily PBL performance using the Spearman
test (p-value = 0.290). In the study, There is a
connection between the soft skill aspect of teamwork and the daily performance of PBL of FK UGJ students.
Collaboration and cooperation can ensure each person's productivity increases.
With collaboration can make approach more education Good with make
student work together to achieve objective learning (Vebriana &
Rukmini, n.d.). This is by one of the rubric evaluation performance during PBL, namely aspect involvement
in discussion in the form of collaboration. This can explain Why related teamwork soft skills with
mark PBL daily performance.
This matter in line with research
conducted by Bagus Purbandaru Sakti Aji who also
stated that there is influence between soft
skill teamwork with performance academic student class of 2011, but in the
classes of 2012 and 2013 it showed that No There is influence soft skills teamwork towards mark
academic students. Differences This show that in the 2011 class, soft skills teamwork in PBL had an
influence to mark academic while in the 2012 and 2013 classes there were none
influential. Cooperation shows business student with member tutorial group to
achieve objectives in PBL. There are factors that can influence cooperation is
participate active in PBL, students support effective group, discussion,
learning about PBL study with member group, understand method thinking
in the PBL process, collaboration, and understanding roles and responsibilities answer
from part cooperation in PBL.
In the current research, it is also said
There is connection between soft skill
teamwork with mark PBL daily performance
because majority Respondent has own level similarity understanding from
points statements in the questionnaire regarding soft skills of communication
and agreeing will importance soft skills
teamwork in achieving mark good daily PBL performance.
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student Faculty Medical
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coefficient 0.220).
4. There is connection which means between soft skills communication with mark performance student Faculty Medical University Self-reliance Mountain Teak (Correlation
coefficient 0.373).
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