Volume 5, No. 9 September,
ISSN 2723-6927-e ISSN 2723-4339
Brain-Computer Interfaces for Methampetamine Use
Disorder through Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) and Transcranial
Doppler Analysis: Article Review
Maria Caroline1*, Syahrul2,
Dodik Tugasworo3, Retnaningsih4,Gerard
Engineering Study Group, Toraja, Indonesia1, University of Syiah
Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia2, University of Diponogoro,
Semarang, Indonesia3,4, Neuro Engineering Study Group, Biak,
Email: carolinemaria0889@gmail.com
A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a system that allows a person to
control external devices using only their brain activity. It works by
translating brain signals into commands that can be understood by a computer.
Several lines of evidence demonstrated the deleterious effect of
methamphetamine (MA) on neurological and psychological functions. The use of amphetamines, such as MA, is
associated with cerebrovascular complications such as cerebrovascular accidents
(CVA) ,hemorrhage, hypoxic
damage and vasculitis. Interestingly, while changes to cerebral blood flow
(CBF) in response to acute amphetamine exposure have been reported.
Transcranial Color Doppler (TCCD) is a non-invasive
medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound waves to measure blood flow
velocity in the major arteries of the brain, specifically within the circle of
Willis. The research paper you referenced explores the use of TCCD as a
potential measurement modality for BCIs. Quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) is a powerful tool for understanding brain function qEEG can reveal specific brain wave patterns associated
with drug addiction, potentially providing insights into the neurobiological
mechanisms underlying cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and relapse risk in
Methamphetamine User Disorder (MUD). There is growing research interest in
using Transcranial dopller as a measurement modality
for BCIs.Here are some of the key considerations for
using Transcranial doppler in BCIs: Mental Tasks, signal processing and
classification, accuracy and reliability. Transcranial doppler provides
information about blood flow in specific arteries but lacks detailed spatial
information about brain activity. These patterns could vary depending on the
type of drug, the severity of addiction, and individual differences.
Transcranial doppler in measuring middle cerebral artery (MCA) blood flow
velocity parameters (peak systolic velocity (PSV) and mean flow velocity
(MFV)). qEEG can help researchers investigate the
complex interplay between addiction and other brain disorders, like depression
or anxiety. Characteristic qEEG in drugs addiction
Increased Theta (4-8 Hz) and delta (1-4 Hz) brain waves are often associated
with sleep and relaxation. However, research has shown that individuals with
drug addiction may have increased theta and delta activity, particularly in the
frontal and temporal regions of the brain. Altered Beta (13-30 Hz) brain waves are
generally associated with wakefulness, alertness, and cognitive processing.
Studies have observed both increases and decreases in beta activity in
individuals with drug addiction, depending on the type of drug, the stage of
addiction, and the specific brain regions being examined. The results of this research have important practical implications for
building an diagnostic and functional assement with a better understanding of an using
Keywords: BCI, QEEG, Transcranial
doppler, MUD
Methamphetamine (MA) is an extremely psychological
stimulant and addictive enhancement. The increasing amount or frequency of drug
use brings many negative consequences to abusers, such as dementia and
psychosis disorder (Sommers et al., 2006). MA can induce neurological function and addiction
because it can cross the blood-brain barrier and affect neurons such as the
dopaminergic neuron, serotonergic neuron, GABAergic neuron, and glutamatergic
neuron (Nash & Yamamoto,
Taken together, recent evidence in vitro and in vivo studies clearly showed
that MA induces neurotoxicity via induction in neurodegeneration (Cadet & Krasnova,
and neuroinflammation (Gonçalves et al.,
In addition, several lines of evidence demonstrated the correlation between
brain activity and behavior, for example, the high
frequency of alpha wave during the closing of the eyes, decreased sensory
input, and the inhibitory function or sensory suppression of cognitive
processes such as perception, attention, working memory, and long-term memory (Klimesch, 2012). A quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical
activity in the form of brain wave patterns. Brain waves are the rhythmic
electrical impulses generated when the neurons communicate with each other.
Brain waves can monitor changes in brain activity as a response to the
administration of drug effect to 4 brain function. A qEEG
can reveal brain wave patterns that are associated with neurological symptoms
such as impulsivity, cognitive inflexibility and anxiety (Newton et al., 2003).
The use of amphetamines, such as MA, is associated
with cerebrovascular complications such as cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), hemorrhage, hypoxic damage and vasculitis. Interestingly,
while changes to cerebral blood flow (CBF) in response to acute amphetamine
exposure have been reported, there is evidence of long-term effects on CBF from
MA use even in abstinent users, suggesting that the effect of MAon CBFis at least partially irreversible. Reports on the
effect of MA on global or focal CBF are controversial and incomplete as seen by
the variation in published data. While some researchers have reported increases
in CBF after amphetamine exposure, others have shown that CBF remains unchanged
(Polesskaya et al.,
Transcranial Color Doppler
(TCCD) is a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound waves
to measure blood flow velocity in the major arteries of the brain, specifically
within the circle of Willis (Purkayastha &
Sorond, 2012).
The research paper you referenced explores the use of TCCD as a potential
measurement modality for BCIs. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine
neurological function in the brain using qEEG brain
wave measurement during cognitive assessment in MA abusers correlated
transcranial color doppler (TCCD).
Metode Penelitian
Those author had Inclusion criteria included those whose main
diagnosis was MUD. The subjects had only methamphetamine use for one year disorder as
their primary addiction diagnosis. Exclusion criteria were current or a history
of psychiatric and medical disorder, use of any medication.
Quantitative Electroencephalogram
a. EEG Acquisition
The electrodes were attached to the Electro-elastic
cap according to the international 10-20 system, and 4 additional electrode
placement for the electrooculography (EOG) recording were important to detect
eye movement (Jasper, 1958). Both mastoid regions were used as reference sites
(A1, A2). The EEG gel, QuikCell, a cellulose-based
transmission, was inserted into all 37 channels attached to the Electro-elastic
cap. The electrical impedance was kept below 10kΩ. This experiment
arranged an EEG setting as 0.1-60 Hz for online bandpass filler and 50 Hz for
notch filter. The absolute power spectrum was converted by Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) for analysis in four main frequency bands including delta wave
(0.50-4.00 Hz), theta wave (4.50-8.00 Hz), alpha wave (8.50-13.00 Hz), and beta
wave (13.50-30.00 Hz). Finally, the EEG data recording was interpreted in the
form of a qEEG (Kropotov, 2010).
b. Quantitative EEG (QEEG)
The EEG data during baseline were read and removed all
artifacts manually. Artifact rejection was set at -80 to 80 µV to reject the
epoch. After that baseline collection, a bandpass filter between 0.3 and 30 Hz,
and spline fit were processed according to the EEG analysis protocol of the
Brain Electrophysiology Laboratory & Cognitive Research Unit. The qEEG was analyzed into the power
spectrum of four main frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, and beta waves) and
electrode grouping method similar 9 to the previous studies. In addition, the
EEG data was presented in topographic mapping for the spatial distribution of
EEG power in each frequency band. The EEG power was analyzed
over including the prefrontal cortex (FP1, FP2), Lt. frontotemporal (F7, T3),
frontal lobe (F3, Fz, F4), Rt. frontotemporal (F8, T4), central (C3, CZ, C4),
and parietal (P3, Pz, P4) regions (Kraiwattanapirom et
al., 2022).
Transcranial Doppler
The bilateral MCAs of the subjects were insonated via the trans-temporal window (TTW) at two
standardised imaging depths (regions of interest, ROI): (Sommers et al., 2006) proximal MCA segment at the bifurcation, and (Liang & Rutledge,
distal portion of the MCA that could be visualised on the Transcranial doppler
with a detectable spectral waveform across the Transcranial doppler techniques.
The ROIs were identified by first scanning using the Transcranial doppler
technique at three TTW locations (anterior, middle, and posterior), with the
subject lying in a supine position as described in previous studies. The
Transcranial doppler protocol involved performing, firstly, an axial B-mode
scan of the head, which was followed by color and spectral
Doppler scans, respectively. The ultrasound machine settings for the current
study involved optimising the main parameters of B-mode ultrasound, such as
power output, frequency, overall gain, time gain compensation (TGC), focusing,
and depth (Gunda et al., 2024).
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Quantitative Electroencephalography in Methamphethamine Use Disorder (MUD)
The qEEG recording during
the resting state (eyes-closed and eyes-open) has been used for detecting the
state of consciousness and cerebral function. Biomarkers of neuroimaging
techniques are not only used to distinguish those suffering from drug addiction
from healthy controls, but they are also widely used to evaluate the efficacy
of abstinence, exercise, and medical interventions. The biomarkers of QEEG
signals that have been shown to characterize the brain activity of those
suffering from METH addiction are listed in Tables 1. The biomarkers were determined by comparing
the recorded EEG signals from patients with a METH addiction with those of
healthy controls. The brain signals were recorded when participants received various
METH-related cues, after conducting cognitive tasks, or during resting states.
The EEG biomarkers that can identify the patients with a METH addiction can be
categorized into three types based on the analysis approaches used. First, the
time-domain EEG signals can be converted to frequency-domain signals to reveal
the spectral information of QEEG sub-bands (Chen et al., 2023). The sub-bands of each frequency range represent
different conditions affected by METH (Table 1). The entropy of the EEG signals
at a specific frequency range can be derived from the spectrum of that
frequency range (Newton et al., 2003). The second type of biomarkers are based on
time-domain signals. As EEG records neural activity on a millisecond timescale,
the neural signals triggered by stimuli (visual, audio, etc.) show specific
wave forms, namely the event related potential (ERP) (19,20).
Tabel 1. QEEG signals in frequency and time domains on
patients with methamphetamine addiction.
Newton et al |
Eye-closed resting state during
abstinence |
METH vs HC |
35 electrodes distributed across the
scalp |
Increases: delta and theta bands across
the scalp |
Newton et al |
Eye closed and cognitive task |
METH vs HC |
35 electrodes distributed across the
scalp |
Increases: theta band increases with the
increasing of the reaction time of cognitive task |
Ding et al |
Drug-related and Neutral VR |
METH vs HC |
5channels (Fpz,AF7,AF8,TP9,TP10) |
(1)Increases:beta and gamma Decrease: delta and alpha (2)Decrease: delta,theta,and alpha |
Hwang et al |
Eye closed |
METH vs HC |
32 channels |
Absolut power: increase alpha, high beta Relative power: increase theta, alpha,
beta |
Kraiwattanapirom et al |
Eye open 10 min, eye closed 5 min. |
37 channels |
Resting state: increae
absolute power of an alpha wave in all brain area Eye open: increase in theta right
frontal and right temporoparietal , , increses delta et regio
righ frontal |
Di Zhao et al |
Resting state, eye closed |
METH craving vs HC |
128 channel |
Increased beta in relative power 1-3
month |
Fig 1. Topographic maps of power in the delta, theta,
alpha and beta bands. QEEG absolute power is mapped across the scalp.
Increasing power is indicated by increased color
intensity, as indicated by the color legend. (18)
Fig.2 A. The topographic distribution of
absolute power of 4 frequency bands of brainwave during eyes-open in normal
control (NC), methamphetamine without psychosis (MWOP), and methamphetamine
with psychosis (MWP) subjects, respectively. The red areas indicate a significant
increase in power (A). The data of significant increase in absolute power
(mV2/Hz) during eyes-open were shown as mean ± SD. B *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 compared with the control group and
#p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 compared with the MWOP (Kraiwattanapirom et
al., 2022).
Figure 3. Analyses on sensor level. A Spectral profiles of participants with MUD. The yellow
shadow indicates the frequencies at which the power of 1–3 Mo group was
significantly different from other four methamphetamine abstinence groups at
p<0.0025. Patients from Grou2 demonstrated reduced relative power in theta
and alpha and increased relative power in the beta band. B The relative power , theta of the largest cluster band. C The relative
power alpha of the largest cluster. D The relative power beta band. E Receiver
operating characterictic curves (ROCs) of ossilation for the classification of incubation from other
abstinence states. Beta frequency band : AUC =0.643,p= 0.019. F Topographical maps of
relative power among fiv abstinent methamphetamine
In the QEEG spectrum analyses summarized in Table 1,
one approach is that an individual electrode is inspected only when the numberof electrodes is small. Alternatively, the spectrum
of individual electrodes is calculated, then representative channels are
selected for further investigation (Shahmohammadi et al.,
In studies with larger numbers of electrodes, the average EEG spectrum of all
electrodes is often investigated. Lu et al. and Minnerly et al. studied changes
in the EEG spectrum of different brain regions. The former separated the brain
into four areas, whereas the latter separated the cortices using five different
approaches. A lower number of EEG channels reduces the preparation time when
the region of interest is well known. However, increasing the number of
electrodes allows for studying FCacross various brain
Cerebral perfusion in Methamphethamine
Use Disorder (MUD)
Methamphetamine’s name derives from the additional
methyl group on its chemical structure, as compared to amphetamine. This added
methyl group enhances lipid solubility, allowing for more rapid transit across
the blood brain barrier, increased potency, and longer lasting central nervous
system stimulant effects. The terminal half-life of meth is approximately 10 h
with significant variability among individuals due to its hepatic metabolism
via cytochrome p450 2D6 (Cruickshank &
Dyer, 2009).
Compared to cocaine, which has a half-life of only 0.5–1.5 h, meth has a
relatively long effect (Roque Bravo et al.,
This model is supported by the hypertensive pattern of intracerebral hemorrhage commonly observed in patients with meth-related
ICH, even among those without a history of essential hypertension. While not as
common as hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke has
been reported as a sequela of both recent and chronic meth use in multiple case
series (Ho et al., 2009). The incidence of meth-associated ischemic stroke is
unknown and represents a current knowledge gap. Two population-based studies
report a lack of statistical association between meth use and ischemic stroke (Westover et al., 2007). It must be noted that both studies identified
their cohorts using ICD codes for hospitalized patients, which introduces bias
in patient selection. Huang et al. (Huang et al., 2016), who conducted a 10-year follow up study in Taiwan
with a meth cohort, posited that an even longer duration of monitoring may
be needed to see the association between meth use and ischemic stroke. In
terms of stroke subtypes, (Zhu et al., 2023). Compared meth and non-meth users with ischemic
stroke admissions at a single center in California
and found no significant difference in the percent of strokes from small vessel
disease (31% vs. 28%), large vessel disease (25% vs. 24%), or cardioembolism (34% vs. 46%). They did, however, find
increased burden of microvascular ischemic disease on MRI in meth users
compared to a propensity matched control group (Zhu et al., 2023). Route of administration is rarely reported in the
literature, so it is unclear if this has any impact on the risk of
neurovascular disease. In a small case review of 17 ischemic strokes, patients
with inhalational use represented 4 times the number of cases compared to oral
use or injection use (Lappin et al., 2017). Further investigation is warranted as the small case
numbers in these studies increase the risk of bias.
Figure 4. The mean flow velocity (MFV) of the RMCA M1
segment (2a) was 271 cm/s, and the MFV of the RICA extracranial segment (2c)
was 31 cm/ s, with a Lindegaard ratio of 8.7; The MFV of the LMCA M1 segment
(2b) was 87 cm/s, and the MFV of the LICA extracranial segment (2d) was 30
cm/s, with a Lindegaard ratio of 2.9 (45).
Quantitative electroencephalograms (qEEG) have been studied for various disease groups, but it
is true that research on methamphetamine is still insufficient. The slow wave
in the group of methamphetamine-dependent patients increased and was associated
with impaired neurocognitive functions such as low executive function test
scores, and that these changes improved with biofeedback training In a study on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
etc., it was found that the ratio between each EEG in quantitative EEG was also
significant as an indicator of attention concentration. In previous studies, it
has been argued that alpha activity reflects arousal, and theta and beta
activity reflect task- or situation-specific activation changes due to stimulus
processing. It has also been known that task-induced increases in theta output
and the phase relationship between theta and gamma oscillations are important
for memory processes, especially episodic long-term memory and working memory.
Low levels of theta activity and high alpha activity during resting state have
been shown to predict increased theta ability during task performance and
improve cognitive ability. It has also been reported that alpha-theta ratio
reflects cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease and dementia. These
indicators are being used in biofeedback research and treatment. Previous
methamphetamine studies have had the limitation of a small sample size, which
is because methamphetamine dependent patients are subject to judicial
processing, which limits the recruitment of research subjects, and this appears
to be a limitation of related studies.
Some studies had explored QEEG biomarkers when
subjects had their eyes closed but were not asleep; this is done to reduce the
disturbance due to non-task related visual stimuli (Minnerly et al., 2021). Other studies report the identification of
biomarkers specifically when the subjects had received cues (Ding et al., 2020). Some studies included cognitive tasks in the
experiment protocols. However, most of these studies only analyzed
the correlation of the level of cognitive impairment (e.g., the reaction time
and the response accuracy) and the QEEG spectrum (Kalechstein et al.,
Few studies have monitored the variation in the EEG spectrum during cognitive
tasks (Ding et al., 2020). For future applications in closed loop
neuromodulation systems, the biomarkers found when the participants were
simultaneously receiving cues may be more helpful than, e.g., at a resting
state, as the use of cues can more accurately simulate the conditions of having
a desire for a drug. In addition to the QEEG signal, FC is often studied in the
resting state as well. In the task state, the connectivity needs to be analyzed in every pair of channels at every point of
interest, resulting in a heavy computational load. This is because the brain is
engaged in various tasks at different stages along with the task. Only the data
of a selected resting time period is calculated in the resting state.
The mechanism of ischaemic stroke in methamphetamine
addicts may involve cerebral vasospasm and Transcranial Doppler before
treatment indicated that the RMCA blood flow rate increased significantly
supports cerebral vasospasm, Transcranial doppler imaging to assess cerebral
blood flow during and after each headache following methamphetamine
administration is currently lacking. Once inside the brain, meth increases
release and blocks reuptake and degradation of the monoamine neurotransmitters:
dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Meth induces a dose-dependent
hypertensive surge, which may lead to direct damage and rupture of small
penetrating arteries (Ho et al., 2009). Meth is also known to act upon aminergic receptors
like trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1), which might also play a role in
meth-induced cerebral vasoconstriction (Kevil et al., 2019). Despite the well described physiology of meth
inducing vasoconstriction, there are few cases in the literature of hemorrhage due to meth-induced reversible cerebral
vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS), and those that are reported have occurred in
the setting of other illicit substances and serotonergic drugs (548. In
addition to acute hypertension and vasospasm, meth induces blood brain barrier
(BBB) breakdown (Turowski & Kenny,
Meth cardiomyopathy also disrupts electrical
conduction, leading to arrhythmias. QTc prolongation was the most frequent
electrocardiogram abnormality at 27% in a cohort study of 158 meth users.
Atrial fibrillation is a major source of cardioembolic strokes, and a 2022
database analysis of California residents showed meth users had an 86%
increased risk of atrial fibrillation diagnosis, as compared to their non-user
counterparts. Importantly, the cardiotoxic effects of meth have been documented
with acute, chronic, and binge-pattern meth use, but the severity of use is an
independent predictor of outcomes. Infective endocarditis (IE) is another
possible etiology for ischemic stroke in people using
intravenous meth. Reports of resultant stroke are difficult to find in the
literature, but Johnstone et al. used a Canadian cohort to compare IE
patterns for people who inject opioids and stimulants. They found that, while
66% of opioid users with first time IE developed a right heart infection, there
was an even distribution of left and right-sided heart disease among stimulant
users (75% meth but also included cocaine, buproprion,
and methylphenidate), creating increased potential for embolic stroke. Chapman
et al. described a young man with 6 months of sustained meth use and a
resultant severe cardiomyopathy who presented with a cardioembolic right MCA
occlusion. Loewenhardt et al. described a
chronic meth user who presented with an MCA occlusion that was treated with
balloon angioplasty without complication (Loewenhardt et al.,
Outside of the case presented in this paper, there is no mention of vasospasm
as a complication of angiographic interventions in the literature.
Reseaarch on QEEG and Transcranial Doppler is still very
limited, the structure of the brain greatly influences the function of brain
cells. Previous studies provide an overview of brain wave function and brain
perfusion in methamphetamine addiction. It is hoped that further research can
collaborate QEEG and Transcranial Doppler
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