p ISSN 2723-6927-e ISSN 2723-4339
The Relationship of Waste Sorting and
Fly Density Levels in Temporary Shelter Places (TPS) In Madiun City
Voti Vera C1*, Karina Nur R2, Retno
Bhakti Husada Mulia, Madiun, Indonesia1*23
E-mail: voti.vera10@gmail.com1*
Fly density can
be a parameter for the success of waste management, both from containerization
activities to final waste disposal, which must be integrated by sorting, collecting
and transporting waste management. Waste that is not sorted can cause problems,
one of which is disease caused by vectors. In this research, researchers used
quantitative research as an approach. The research method used is an analytical
survey while the type of research is cross sectional. The total population is
36 polling stations with a sample size of 20 polling stations using the
Chi-Square test. Research shows that the independent variable value of sorting
is significant (p-value = 0.014), with the level of fly density in the Madiun
City Temporary Shelter (TPS). There is a relationship between waste sorting and
the level of fly density in the Madiun City Temporary Shelter (TPS).
Keywords: Waste Sorting,
Fly Density, TPS
The fly density figure is one way of assessing environmental
sanitation in an area. The higher the fly density figure, it indicates that the
area is in the poor sanitation category.(Kurnia et al., 2023)Diseases transmitted by flies include dysentery,
cholera, abdominal typhus, diarrhea and others related to poor environmental
sanitation conditions. Transmission of this disease occurs mechanically, where
the body's skin and legs are dirty, which is a place for disease microorganisms
to attach, which then flies land on food.(Husin, 2020).Because of the large spread of diseases
that can be transmitted through flies, it is necessary to control flies
Flies are one of the animals that can
act as disease vectors. Flies live side by side with humans, especially in poor
environmental sanitation, and often cause health problems for humans. Cases
caused by flies have received almost no attention from the health sector,
especially controlling fly-based diseases, seen from the lack of monitoring and
surveillance activities regarding the presence of these flies in residential
areas (Hastutiek & Fitri, 2019).
Flies really like rubbish bins because
they are dirty, smelly and damp, making them the main habitat for flies. Piles
of rubbish in rubbish bins can be used by flies as a breeding ground, because
organic waste such as vegetable waste, fruit, meat and food waste in temporary
shelters is a food source for flies.(Majdi et al., 2021)
Madiun City is one of the developing cities
which is the economic center of the western part of East Java Province which
produces 118.5 tons of waste/day. From a preliminary study related to the
density of flies in the Madiun City Temporary Shelter, it shows that the
results of fly measurements at the Kresno TPS were an average fly density of 5
high (unhealthy environment), at the Basuki Rachmat TPS the average fly density
was 3 high (unhealthy environment). ), at the Salak TPS the average fly density
is 3 high (unhealthy environment), at the Margobawero TPS the average fly
density is 5 high (unhealthy environment), at the Pudak TPS the average fly
density is 3 (unhealthy environment) . Where for flies the quality standard
value is <2 to create a healthy environment(Nuraeni et al., 2017)The increase in fly density is due to a waste sorting system that
is poorly managed, causing increased waste generation, thus increasing the fly
density value.
Waste Sorting can be interpreted as a
process of waste handling activities from the source by utilizing resources
effectively starting from containerization, collection, transportation,
processing, to disposal, through organizational management control that is
environmentally friendly, so that it can achieve the goals or targets that have
been set. established, namely, a waste-free environment.(Budiasih, 2017)
Research conducted by Prajaningtyasititi, and Paauthor (2022) shows that
waste sorting (p=0.007), which means there is a relationship between waste
sorting and the level of fly density at the TPS, where waste management tends
to pay less attention to waste sorting causing the waste to be mixed up and
putrefaction. where this will invite flies to look for food. Similar research
was also carried out by Lin Kristanti (2021) showing that waste selection
(p=0.006) had a relationship between waste sorting and fly density where TPS
did not sort waste because there were no special officers. Based on the
description above, this is the background to the aim of this research, which is
to analyze the relationship between waste management and the level of fly
density in Madiun City Temporary Shelters (TPS).
approach taken in this research is analytical research. The method used in this
research is a survey method which is carried out by distributing questionnaires
and observing respondents directly using a cross-sectional approach.
Univariate analysis here is presented
based on the dependent variable, namely fly density. The independent variables
are waste sorting and waste collection.
Table.1 Frequency distribution of waste sorting in Madiun City
Temporary Shelters
Waste Sorting |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Bad |
15 |
75 |
Good |
5 |
25 |
Total |
20 |
100% |
Based on
table 1, 15 Temporary Shelters (75%) were bad at sorting waste. Meanwhile, 5
Temporary Shelters (25%) are good at sorting waste.
Table 2. Frequency distribution of fly density in temporary
shelters in Madiun City
Fly Density |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Tall |
14 |
70 |
Low |
6 |
30 |
Total |
20 |
100% |
Based on table 2, as many as 14 Temporary
Shelters (70%) fall into the unhealthy environmental category. Meanwhile, 6
Temporary Shelters (30%) are low in the healthy environment category.
Bivariate Analysis
analysis aims to determine the relationship between the independent variable
and the dependent variable by using statistical tests. The statistical test
used in this research is the Chi-Square test with a significance level of 0.05
Table 3.
Relationship between Waste Sorting and Fly Density Levels in Madiun City
Temporary Shelters.
Sorting |
Fly Density |
Total |
ρ-value |
RP (95% CI) |
Tall |
Low |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Bad |
13 |
86.7 |
2 |
13.3 |
15 |
100.0 |
0.014 |
4,333 (0.742-25.294) |
Good |
1 |
20 |
4 |
80 |
5 |
100.0 |
Based on table 3, it can be seen that the
level of fly density is high in the unhealthy environment category in poor
waste sorting at 13 TPS (86.7%). The level of fly density is high in the
unhealthy environment category at good waste sorting at 1 TPS (20%). So, the
proportion of high fly density in the unhealthy environmental category is
greater in poor waste sorting than in good waste sorting.
results of data processing using the chi-square test can be seen from the
Fisher exact test which shows that the p value is 0.014 (p<0.05), which
means there is a relationship between waste sorting and the level of fly
to the Minister of Public Works Regulation number 03/PRT/M/2013 concerning the
implementation of waste infrastructure and facilities in handling household
waste and waste similar to household waste, decomposing waste originating from
plants, animals and their parts which can be decomposed by creatures. other
life such as food waste and litter. Reusable waste is waste that can be reused
without going through processing, including paper, cardboard, drink bottles,
cans. Recyclable waste is waste that can be reused after going through a
processing process, including cloth, plastic, paper and glass scraps.
is in line with research by Kristanti (2021) entitled the relationship between
waste management and the level of fly density in Temporary Shelters (TPS), high
levels of fly density can be caused by waste management which tends to pay less
attention to waste sorting, because the waste is not sorted. It will be mixed
with rubbish and decomposition will occur, which will invite flies to look for
on the results of research in the field for poor waste sorting and the level of
density of flies in the unhealthy environment category was 13 TPS (86.7%) in
this case there was also a time when the research measured the level of density
with a small amount of waste because it had been transported from the TPS to to
TPA, and for good waste sorting and fly density in the unhealthy environment
category is 1 TPS (20%). Based on field surveys, this can happen because Madiun
City has 3 TPSTs where organic waste is sorted which is then used as fertilizer
and waste of economic value such as plastic bottles, unpleasant odors and a
texture that tends to be wet which may attract flies. to find food.
Based on the research results and discussion in this study
regarding the relationship between waste management and fly density levels in
Madiun City Temporary Shelters (TPS), the following conclusions can be drawn:
There are still
many Temporary Shelters in Madiun City that are bad at sorting waste
There is a
relationship between waste sorting and the level of fly density in the Madiun
City Temporary Shelter
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Holder: Voti Vera C,
Karina Nur R, Retno Widiarini (2024) |
First Publication Right: Jurnal Health Sains |
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